TUCoPS :: Phrack Inc. Issue #19 :: p19-07.txt

Phrack World News XVIV (Part 1)

                               ==Phrack Inc.==

                     Volume Two, Issue 19, Phile #7 of 8

             PWN                                             PWN
             PWN      >>>>>=-* Phrack World News *-=<<<<<    PWN
             PWN                 Issue XVIV/1                PWN
             PWN                                             PWN
             PWN          Created by Knight Lightning        PWN
             PWN   Written and compiled by Knight Lightning  PWN
             PWN                                             PWN

>From The Creators Of Phrack Incorporated...

                             The Phoenix Project
Just what is "The Phoenix Project?"

Definition:  Phoenix (fe/niks), n.  A unique mythical bird of great beauty
                     fabled to live 500 or 600 years, to burn itself to death,
                     and to rise from its ashes in the freshness of youth, and
                     live through another life cycle.

             Project (proj/ekt), n.  Something that is contemplated, devised,
                     or planned.  A large or major undertaking.  A long term
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Why is "The Phoenix Project?"

On June 1, 1987 Metal Shop Private went down seemingly forever with no
possible return in sight, but the ideals and the community that formed the
famous center of learning lived on.  On June 19-21, 1987 the phreak/hack world
experienced SummerCon'87, an event that brought much of the community together
whether physically appearing at the convention or in spirit.  On July 22, 1987
the phreak/hack community was devastated by a nationwide attack from all forms
of security and law enforcement agencies...thus setting in motion the end of
the community as we knew it.  Despite the events of July 22, 1987, PartyCon'87
was held on schedule on July 26-28, 1987 as the apparent final gathering of
the continent's last remaining free hackers, unknown to them the world they
sought to protect was already obliterated.  As of August 1, 1987 all of the
original members and staff of the Metal Shop Triad and Phrack Inc. had decided
to bail out in the hopes that they could return one day when all would be as

                             THAT DAY HAS COME...

A new millennium is beginning and it all starts on July 22, 1988.  How fitting
that the One year anniversary of the destruction of the phreak/hack community
should coincidentally serve as the day of its rebirth.

Announcing SummerCon '88 in (where else would you expect) St. Louis, Missouri!

Knowledge is the key to the future and it is FREE.  The telecommunications and
security industries can no longer withhold the right to learn, the right to
explore, or the right to have knowledge.  The new age is here and with the use
of every *LEGAL* means available, the youth of today will be able to teach the
youth of tomorrow.
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SummerCon'88 is a celebration of a new beginning.  Preparations are currently
underway to make this year's convention twice as fun as last year's and the
greater the turnout the greater the convention shall be.  No one is directly
excluded from the festivities and the practice of passing illegal information
is not a part of this convention (contrary to the opinions of the San
Francisco Examiner, and they weren't even at the last one).  Anyone interested
in appearing at this year's convention should leave mail to Crimson Death
immediately so we can better plan the convention for the correct amount of

The hotel rooms purchased for SummerCon'88 are for the specified use of
invited guests and no one else.  Any security consultants or members of law
enforcement agencies that wish to attend should contact the organizing
committee as soon as possible to obtain an invitation to the actual convention

Sorry for the short notice this year...

:Knight Lightning                                      "The Future Is Forever"


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