TUCoPS :: Phrack Inc. Issue #2 :: p02-08.txt

Hacking RSTS

				==Phrack Inc.==
		     Volume One, Issue Two, Phile #8 of 9

		     The Hackers Guide to RSTS-E 8.0

		       Data Line.  TWX 650-240-6356

  Rsts is one of the most versatile operating systems available for the PDP-11
 series of computers.  It can emulate both RSX and RT-11 (though not fully),
 and is often a choice where multiple concurrent operating systems must be
 online.  I was a system manager on an 11-23 for about a year and learned a
 fair amount about the OS (perhaps forgetting a good deal in the interim).
 This phile applies to release 8.0 and the entire 7 series.  By the way,
 version 9.0 is it - DEC is discontinuing RSTS with that release and using 9.0
 as a bridge to VMS for the PDP-11 series.  The logon will tell which version
 you are hacking.

  If the SYSTAT-before-logon has been disabled (It probably has), no big
 worry.  Account 1,2 must be present on the system and contains most of the
 system utilities.  On booting, the account is called at least 8 times to put
 batch processors and spoolers online.	Changing [1,2]'s passwords in the
 command file is a tedious process - most system managers are too lazy, so it
 won't change often.  Oh yes, the default PW for 1,2 is SYSLIB.  This
 knowledge should cut hacking time considerably for many systems.  When you
 get in, RUN $MONEY.  This gives all accounts, KCT's (Billing units),
 accesses, time on system, and PASSWORDS, if you ask.  Don't reset the system
 when it asks, it merely zeroes the program and not the hardware, but could
 tip someone off that he system had been hacked.

  Personally, I like running out of a new account, so RUN $REACT.  Pick a new
 account #, making sure the first number (before the comma) is a "1" to get
 full privilege.  Accept defaults for disk placement.  As for Cluster size, I
 prefer 4.  It's large enough to get fast disk access, but small enough so
 that little space is wasted for small files.  Cluster size is shown (CLU or
 CLS) on MONEY and on DIR/FULL.  Follow conventions and you'll stand less
 chance of being noticed.

  RSTS has some of the most complete HELP files short of a CDC mainframe.
 HELP HELP will give the forst screen of the nested menus.  Be sure to do this
 from a privileged account or you'll miss about half of the best commands.
 HELP SYSTAT will give a thorough overview of the system setup & status

  RUN $SYSTAT (or just SYS if the Concise Command Language is set up
 normally).  On the left is a report of te system users including all
 background jobs (print spoolers, batch processors and the like), their
 keyboard, and what state they are in (RN=run, ^C=waiting for input,
 DCL=logged on, no program running, DR=Disk Read, DW=Disk Write).  To the
 right is a list of busy I/O devices.  At the end is a full report of Disk
 names (DR:=Hard, DU:= floppy), and space allocated/free.  To cause some havoc
 pick a target KB, preferrably one running a financial type program.  Note the
 Job # in the leftmost column.	Simply type UT KILL # and he's totally gone,
 without so much as a logoff message.  If done during a Disk Write - get out
 the backups!!

  If just tying up resources is more your game, RUN $VT50PY.  It gives the
 utilization readout on a 20 second basis, or whenever a key is struck.  The
 program itself uses a lot of CPU time, so when the Interval <20>?  comes up,
 enter a 1 and watch the EXEC percent go through the roof.

  If wasting paper is more your style, find the KB:  number of the printer
 (KB0:	is the console) from SYSTAT when it's in use, or try LP1:.  Find a
 long text file (DIR [*,*]*.txt) and COPY LP1:=filename.  Don't forget the
 colon when referring to keyboards or printers.

  Try DTR.  If DATATRIEVE is online, you can set up a database of huge
 proportions.  Again, full help is available.  SET GUIDE (configure your
 terminal for VT-100) and it takes you through every step.

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