==Phrack Inc.== Volume Three, Issue Thirty-five, File 1 of 13 Issue XXXV Index __________________ P H R A C K 3 5 November 17,1991 __________________ ~Don't Tread on Me!~ Phrack Inc. is going great! In fact so great that we already have enough material for the next two issues including the long-awaited sequel to Phrack 13 (the infamous joke issue released on April 1, 1987), Diet Phrack! That issue which will be number 36 is scheduled for release next month and will mark the end of Volume 3. If you have anything that is somewhat humorous, send it over to us at Phrack as soon as possible so we can include it. Phrack Inc. celebrates its sixth birthday with the release of this issue. Exactly six years ago, sitting in front of an IBM PC known as Metal Shop Private, were Taran King and Knight Lightning releasing a soon to be famous publication called Phrack Inc. That first issue wasn't much, a small collection of eight files sent across the country to bulletin boards at 1200 baud. Six years is quite a long time in the hacker underground. Today we send Phrack to thousands of people at hundreds of Internet sites spanning the entire world. Phrack has become more than a magazine, it truly is an institution. Long Live Phrack! Pay close attention to Phrack World News this issue for details on HoHo/ XMAScon and many other stories with serious ramifications to our way of life. Special thanks to Twisted Pair (for the help in a jam), Amadeus, The Butler, and Black Kat for the great files. Thanks to the Great Gatsby, just because he is cool. It's people like you that keeps this magazine comming out so frequently. This month we have had a ton of letters for Phrack Loopback. If your letter or question did not appear, we are sorry that it has to wait one more issue! The last issue really got some administrators (or wanna-be admins) steamed at us. Check out Phrack Loopback and PWN Quicknotes for details. Your Editors, Crimson Death and Dispater phrack@stormking.com Submissions: phrack@stormking.com FTP Distribution: cs.widener.edu or eff.org ______________________________________________________________________________ Phrack XXXV Table of Contents =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Introduction to Phrack 34 by Crimson Death and Dispater 2. Phrack Loopback by Phrack Staff 3. Phrack Profile of Chris Goggans by S. Leonard Spitz 4. Telenet/Sprintnet's PC Pursuit Outdial Directory by Amadeus 5. Sting Operations by Sovereign Immunity 6. Social Security Numbers & Privacy by Chris Hibbert of CPSR 7. Users Guide to VAX/VMS Part 1 of 3 by Black Kat 8. A Beginners Guide to Novell Netware 386 by The Butler 9. Auto-Answer It by Twisted Pair 10. PWN/Part 1 by Dispater 11. PWN/Part 2 by Dispater 12. PWN/Part 3 by Dispater 13. PWN/Part 4 by Dispater