==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Four, Phile #1 of 11 ==Phrack Pro-Phile I== Written and Created by Taran King 3/13/86 Welcome to Phrack Pro-Phile I. I started thinking about it and personally had always been interested in people's backgrounds, especially those who are around a lot, have been around for a long time, or are sysops. This new feature of Phrack Inc. will present info about various members of the phreak/hack community ranging from personal to public. This month's interviewee.... Crimson Death ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ Crimson Death is the sysop of Hell Phrozen Over, a private phreak/hack bulletin board in Philadelphia, PA. (215). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal ~~~~~~~~ Handle: Crimson Death Call him: Robb Past handles: The Sorcerer (before he was a phreak, a pirate handle) Handle origin: AD&D Monster Manual II Date of Birth: February 17, Age at current date: 16 years old Height: 5'3" Weight: 110 lbs Eye color: Brown outlined with green Hair Color: Dark brown Computer: Apple //e with 10 meg hard drive Sysop/Co-Sysop of: Hell Phrozen Over, Missing Link, Skull Kingdom ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crimson Death started out in the BBS world in 1984 with a public board, Spirit World, which was run on an Apple //e, 2 floppies, GBBS, and 300 baud. He had originally gotten his Apple computer in January of 1984. Then, on one memorable day, The Videosmith logged onto his board and they became friends. In February of 1985, he started phreaking. When his 10 meg Sider came, he started Hell Phrozen Over as a private bulletin board system. Death called a few memorable boards, including the Army BBS, Shadowland, The Missing Link, The Labyrinth, as well as his own. His phreak teacher was The Videosmith. Robb goes to a public school and has skipped a grade, so he is currently one grade ahead of his time. His phreaking is unknown at school except to a few. He considers himself pretty well versed in programming, and from the way his board runs, I would agree. CD's girlfriend is The Silver Fox, (note the word "Fox") that he met on Datanet, and popular opinion says she is REALLY decent looking. Crimson Death does no hacking right now, but in the future when he gets a bit of free time, he plans on learning about it. Mentioned earlier was his involvement in Phreak Klass 2600. Red Devil has taken it down, and they are looking for a replacement board, Phreak Klass II. Death has met various phreaks, old and new, and those of who really stuck out in his mind were: The Videosmith, Mark Tabas, TUC, Telenet Bob, The Sprinter, and Dr. Who. He listed others too, but he felt that these were the "mentionables". Just thought I'd let a few out there know. Hell Phrozen Over is co-sysoped by Silicon Swindler, and the Phreak Adviser is The Videosmith, a 300/1200 baud, 10 meg system. He was, in the past, in PhD, which stands for Phreak/Hack Destroyers. This eventually evolved into Camorra. PhD was run by The Executioner (301), members included Red Devil, Silver Sabre, and Scorpion among others. He is quite a comedian also, he wishes for all of you to have his last name, address, and credit card number (heh heh). The following are excerpts from his Death Plan File, Inc. project. I hope you find this phile interesting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interests: Krista, Computers (programming my BBS), telecommunications (modeming, phreaking), reading books (Sci-Fi/Fantasy) and magazines (movie mags, Psychology Today, Omni), movies (circa 1930's to present), writing (short stories, raps, poems for my girlfriend), music (listening (rap, rock, jazz, some pop, classical, an occasional love song), playing guitar and keyboard), origins/beliefs of religions (although I am not religious at all), mysteries of the Universe, RPG's (rare these days), the arts (painting/drawing/sketching, music (as mentioned), art museums), trivia, parapsychology, comedy. Crimson Death's Favorite Things ------------------------------- Women: Krista Denise (I won't say last names) Cars: Black Lamborghini's and 1935 Dusenbergs. Foods: Italian food, Chinese, Chocolates, peaches (when perfectly ripe). Music: Doug E. Fresh, Run-D.M.C., The Fat Boys, Kurtis Blow, UTFO, LL Cool J, RUSH, The Who, Led Zeppelin, Billy Ocean, Newcleus, The Rolling Stones, John Williams (w/ The London Symphony), Authors: Piers Anthony, Stephen King, David Eddings, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Aspirin, Kahlil Gibrahn, L. Frank Baum. Books: The Tarot Trilogy, The Xanth Series, The Belgariad, Elfquest, The Myth Conceptions Series, 2001, 2010. Performers: Bob Hope, Jerry Lewis, Abott & Costello, John Garfield, Stacey Keech, Sean Penn, Eddie Murphy, Sir Lawrence Olivier, Marlon Brando, Gina Davis, David Letterman, Jayne Mansfield, Marilyn Monroe, Scatman Crothers, Pee Wee Herman. Most Memorable Experiences -------------------------- My father dying Falling in love Meeting Krista for the first time Getting Leukemia Vomiting in a Hawaiian Punch bottle Tabas with one leg over the balcony at The Palace Being chased by a 6' 8" homo at P-Con IV Some People to Mention ---------------------- Schoolgirl (the nicest person on Datanet [Hugs!]) The Heretic (Bizarre, but cool..) The Warlock Lord (although we occasionally have our differences) Dire Wraith (Hm. Not much to say) Tuc (One of the coolest) Capt. Zap (a pretty nice guy) Bit Man (just learn to not talk so much!) Blue Buccaneer (for all he has done (u/l, posts, etc), and being a cool guy) Maxwell Smart & The Baron (just cool people..) People Crimson Death would like to say a few things to ------------------------------------------------------ Krista (the person I hold dearest to my heart, who I love and cherish even more-so than I do myself; and for being herself) Silicon Swindler (For being my best friend for the past few years. I would like to thank him for sticking with me through A LOT of bad times) The Videosmith (for introducing me the mystic world of phreaking, being my mentor in this "mystic world", but most of all being a friend) The Executioner (who can be an egotistical asshole at times, but showed me he really does care at Phreak Con, when a 6' 8" ogre wanted my ass) Red Devil (who has put up with all of my cut-ups and not kicked the shit out of me, even though he could. Sorry about that) The People at Data-Tek (who put up Datanet in which without it, I would have never met Krista) Everyone Else who I didn't mention (for the one's who I know care; and the people who put up with my faults) *TOTAL LOSERS*: The Sting (Otto) (414), Black Majik, Bloody Sabath. The above three people have busted on me for having had an illness. In May, of 1983 I was struck with Leukemia, cancer of the blood. Luckily, I was cured of this disease, and now lead a normal life. Yes, I was bald at one period of time, but I am not now. Even so, that is nothing to bust on. I don't care who it is, and what they have done to you, because busting on an illness is is pure idiocy. No one understands...until they or someone they love is struck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoyed this phile, look forward to more Phrack Pro-Philes coming in the near future. Oh, and one last thing, I'm taking a poll from all interviewees. Of the general population of phreaks you have met, would you consider most phreaks, if any, to be computer geeks? Crimson Death says "No". Thanks for your time Robb. TARAN KING SYSOP OF METAL SHOP PRIVATE ===============================================================================