==Phrack Magazine== Volume Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 1 of 27 Issue 43 Index ___________________ P H R A C K 4 3 July 1, 1993 ___________________ ~ finger whitehouse.gov and make a secret service agent come ~ Well, here it is: Phrack 43. This issue should really piss every security professional off. Well, actually, none of them should ever see it because only two people have registered their subscriptions. But, then again I think we all know that the whole world is FULL of lying, thieving people who just don't care about other people's property. No, smarty, not hackers...computer professionals! CASE 1: The Computer Emergency Response Team. Bastions of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. CERT had been on the Phrack mailing list previously, and was sent a copy of 42 (as was everyone) to give them the opportunity to subscribe. Rather than do the right thing and let us at Phrack know that they were not interested in paying, and to take their name off the list, Ed DiHart instead forwarded off several copies to his cronies. Luckily for us, Ed is not the best typist, and the mail bounced all the way back to Phrack. I called Ed and asked him why he would do such a thing, which was clearly a direct violation of US Copyright Law. Ed claimed he didn't know of any new rules for Phrack, and that he had always forwarded off a few copies to his pals. I told Ed that this practice was unacceptable and that if he wanted to continue to get Phrack he and his pals would all have to register their subscriptions. Ed said that he did not want to pay and to take CERT off the list. A month prior to this Ed had said to me at the Computers, Freedom & Privacy conference in San Francisco, "Why are YOU here anyway? It sure is IRONIC that someone whose goal in life was to invade other people's privacy would be attending a conference on protecting privacy." I walked away from him in disgust. While talking to Ed about Phrack I said, "You know Ed, it sure is IRONIC that an organization such as CERT, whose main goal is to help protect the property of others would so flagrantly violate US Copyright law and completely disregard someone's property rights." Man, did that feel great! CASE 2: BT Tymnet. Dale Drew, security guru, made the statement on IRC about Phrack, "I have absolutely no desire to pay for anything having to do with hackers." Later, someone from Dale's machine at BT Tymnet (opus.tymnet.com) logged into Len Rose's machine and ftp'd Phrack 42. With prior knowledge Phrack was not free, he willingly used company property to commit a crime. At most companies, that is grounds for termination. Luckily for Dale Tymnet doesn't give a shit. In fact, Dale several times since has gone back on IRC stating, "People here are Tymnet are kind of upset about Phrack 42." This just shows that people at Tymnet are just as criminal as they say hackers are. Since they could care less about MY property, then why should I care about theirs? Maybe I should print a list of all Tymnet internal NUIs! Well, two wrongs won't make a right, so I better not. I did, however, send email to Dale stating that we were aware of Tymnet's transgressions and that we may be forced to take legal action. I have decided to offer BT a sweet deal on a company-wide site license. We shall see if they take me up on this offer, or continue to steal Phrack. CASE 3: Gail Thackeray. A woman sworn by the court to uphold the laws of the land. This woman had the audacity to tell me that unless I enforced my copyright, it was worthless. Unless I enforce it. What the hell does that mean? Am I supposed to raid companies myself and go dig for evidence that they have stolen my information? Geez...it's not like I'm Bellcore. Gail's disgusting interpretation of the law, that unless you are big enough to stand up for yourself then you have no recourse, is a festering sore on the face of the American Legal system and I personally am appalled that this woman is allowed to act as a law enforcement professional. Oh well, as you can tell I've had a little fun with all this. And I have effectively proven my point. Security people, corporate professionals, and law enforcement types are just as unscrupulous and unethical as they have always claimed that we are. Only TWO PEOPLE within the computer/legal/security profession have the right to receive and keep copies of Phrack. Winn Schwartau, and a man at Mitre. It's amazing that they are the only ones with any scruples, isn't it? Well, let's get on with the issue. This one is pure, unadulterated evil. Only the strong will survive this time. We've got Cellular, we've got Novell, we've got 5e, we've got PHRACK TRIVIA! Get comfortable, grab your favorite intoxicant, and enjoy. *NOTES* Some of you will recognize the 5ESS file from the Summer issue of 2600 magazine. This file was sent to both myself and E. Goldstein. I was told by the author that 2600 was not printing it. Wrong. Well, we got permission from 2600 to print it here too since its such a good file, and since I spent like 8 hours dealing with the author correcting and editing it. In the future gang, if you send something to Phrack AND to 2600, TELL US BEFOREHAND! The last thing I want to hear is, "Phrack is plagiarizing 2600...gawd they are so lame." The acronym file, you will note, is DIFFERENT. Heh. In addition to the above, you may notice that we were a bit late in distributing this issue. As many of you saw through the "resubscribe" blurb sent over the mailing list, Phrack is not going through Stormking.COM any longer. The struggle to relocate put us into further delays but I've managed to take care of securing a new distribution site. We want to thank everyone at Stormking for shipping Phrack out for so long, and wish them the best in their future endeavors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- READ THE FOLLOWING IMPORTANT REGISTRATION INFORMATION Corporate/Institutional/Government: If you are a business, institution or government agency, or otherwise employed by, contracted to or providing any consultation relating to computers, telecommunications or security of any kind to such an entity, this information pertains to you. You are instructed to read this agreement and comply with its terms and immediately destroy any copies of this publication existing in your possession (electronic or otherwise) until such a time as you have fulfilled your registration requirements. A form to request registration agreements is provided at the end of this file. 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Editor-In-Chief : Erik Bloodaxe (aka Chris Goggans) 3L33t : OMAR News : Datastream Cowboy Photography : dFx Pornography : Stagliano Prison Consultant : Co / Dec The Baddest : Dolomite Rad Book : Snow Crash Reasons Why I Am The Way I Am : Hoffman, Hammett, The Power Computer Typist : Minor Threat Future Movie Star : Weevil SCon Acid Casualty : Weevil Thanks To : Robert Clark, Co/Dec, Spy Ace, Lex Luthor Phreak Accident, Madjus, Frosty, Synapse, Hawkwind Firm G.R.A.S.P., Aleph One, Len Rose, Seven-Up Computer Crime Laboratories "If you can take the bag off of your own head, then you haven't had enough nitrous." -- KevinTX Phrack Magazine V. 4, #43, July 1, 1993. ISSN 1068-1035 Contents Copyright (C) 1993 Phrack Magazine, all rights reserved. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of the Editor-In-Chief. Phrack Magazine is made available quarterly to the amateur computer hobbyist free of charge. Any corporate, government, legal, or otherwise commercial usage or possession (electronic or otherwise) is strictly prohibited without prior registration, and is in violation of applicable US Copyright laws. To subscribe, send email to phrack@well.sf.ca.us and ask to be added to the list. Phrack Magazine 603 W. 13th #1A-278 (Phrack Mailing Address) Austin, TX 78701 ftp.netsys.com (Phrack FTP Site) /pub/phrack phrack@well.sf.ca.us (Phrack E-mail Address) Submissions to the above email address may be encrypted with the following key : (Not that we use PGP or encourage its use or anything. Heavens no. That would be politically-incorrect. Maybe someone else is decrypting our mail for us on another machine that isn't used for Phrack publication. Yeah, that's it. :) ) -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.1 mQCNAiuIr00AAAEEAMPGAJ+tzwSTQBjIz/IXs155El9QW8EPyIcd7NjQ98CRgJNy ltY43xMKv7HveHKqJC9KqpUYWwvEBLqlZ30H3gjbChXn+suU18K6V1xRvxgy21qi a4/qpCMxM9acukKOWYMWA0zg+xf3WShwauFWF7btqk7GojnlY1bCD+Ag5Uf1AAUR tCZQaHJhY2sgTWFnYXppbmUgPHBocmFja0B3ZWxsLnNmLmNhLnVzPg== =q2KB -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- -= Phrack 43 =- Table Of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Introduction by The Editor 24K 2. Phrack Loopback Part I 38K 3. Phrack Loopback Part II / Editorial 44K 4. Line Noise Part I 39K 5. Line Noise Part II 43K 6. Phrack Pro-Phile on Doctor Who 15K 7. Conference News Part I by Various Sources 53K 8. Conference News Part II by Various Sources 58K 9. How To Hack Blackjack (Part I) by Lex Luthor 52K 10. How To Hack Blackjack (Part II) by Lex Luthor 50K 11. Help for Verifying Novell Security by Phrack Staff 48K 12. My Bust (Part I) by Robert Clark 56K 13. My Bust (Part II) by Robert Clark 55K 14. Playing Hide and Seek, Unix Style by Phrack Accident 31K 15. Physical Access and Theft of PBX Systems by Co/Dec 28K 16. Guide to the 5ESS by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 63K 17. Cellular Info by Madjus (N.O.D.) 47K 18. LODCOM BBS Archive Information 24K 19. LODCOM Sample Messages 52K 20. Step By Step Guide To Stealing a Camaro by Spy Ace 21K 21. Acronyms Part I by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 50K 22. Acronyms Part II by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 51K 23. Acronyms Part III by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 45K 24. Acronyms Part IV by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 52K 25. Acronyms Part V by Firm G.R.A.S.P. 46K 26. International Scene by Various Sources 51K 27. Phrack World News by Datastream Cowboy 24K Total: 1152K Another reason why the future is wireless. "The CTIA recommended that the FCC require the microprocessor chip be difficult to detach from the circuit board in order to prevent its removal and replacement or reprogramming." (Cellular Marketing, p. 18, May 1993) "Damn, and I was hoping to replace this 8051 with a P5! HAHAHAHAHA!" (Anonymous hacker-type, Tumbled Cellphone Call, 1993) _______________________________________________________________________________