==Phrack Magazine== Volume Four, Issue Forty-Three, File 26 of 27 International Scenes There was once a time when hackers were basically isolated. It was almost unheard of to run into hackers from countries other than the United States. Then in the mid 1980's thanks largely to the existence of chat systems accessible through X.25 networks like Altger, tchh and QSD, hackers world-wide began to run into each other. They began to talk, trade information, and learn from each other. Separate and diverse subcultures began to merge into one collective scene and has brought us the hacking subculture we know today. A subculture that knows no borders, one whose denizens share the common goal of liberating information from its corporate shackles. With the incredible proliferation of the Internet around the globe, this group is growing by leaps and bounds. With this in mind, we want to help further unite the communities in various countries by shedding light onto the hacking scenes that exist there. We have been requesting files from people to describe the hacking scene in their country, but unfortunately, more people volunteered than followed through (you know who you are.) By next issue we will have more, I'm sure, but for now, we want to introduce you all to the scenes in Ireland and Canada. ***************************************************************************** COUNTRIES ON THE INTERNET AD Andorra AE United Arab Emirates AF Afghanistan AG Antigua and Barbuda AI Anguilla AL Albania AM Armenia AN Netherland Antilles AO Angola AQ Antarctica AR Argentina AS American Samoa AT Austria AU Australia AW Aruba AZ Azerbaidjan BA Bosnia-Herzegovina BB Barbados BD Bangladesh BE Belgium BF Burkina Faso BG Bulgaria BH Bahrain BI Burundi BJ Benin BM Bermuda BN Brunei Darussalam BO Bolivia BR Brazil BS Bahamas BT Buthan BV Bouvet Island BW Botswana BY Bielorussia BZ Belize CA Canada CC Cocos Island CF Central African Republic CG Congo CH Switzerland CI Ivory Coast CK Cook Islands CL Chile CM Cameroon CN China CO Colombia CR Costa Rica CS Czechoslovakia CU Cuba CV Cape Verde CX Christmas Island CY Cyprus DE Germany DJ Djibouti DK Denmark DM Dominica DO Dominican Republic DZ Algeria EC Ecuador EE Estonia EG Egypt EH Western Sahara ES Spain ET Ethiopia FI Finland FJ Fiji FK Falkland Islands FM Micronesia FO Faroe Islands FR France FX France GA Gabon GB Great Britain (UK) GD Grenada GE Georgia GH Ghana GI Gibraltar GL Greenland GP Guadeloupe GQ Equatorial Guinea GF French Guyana GM Gambia GN Guinea GR Greece GT Guatemala GU Guam GW Guinea Bissau GY Guyana HK Hong Kong HM Heard & McDonald Island HN Honduras HR Croatia HT Haiti HU Hungary ID Indonesia IE Ireland IL Israel IN India IO British Indian Ocean Territories IQ Iraq IR Iran IS Iceland IT Italy JM Jamaica JO Jordan JP Japan KE Kenya KG Kirgistan KH Cambodia KI Kiribati KM Comoros KN St.Kitts Nevis Anguilla KP North Korea KR South Korea KW Kuwait KY Cayman Islands KZ Kazachstan LA Laos LB Lebanon LC Saint Lucia LI Liechtenstein LK Sri Lanka LR Liberia LS Lesotho LT Lithuania LU Luxembourg LV Latvia LY Libya MA Morocco MC Monaco MD Moldavia MG Madagascar MH Marshall Islands ML Mali MM Myanmar MN Mongolia MO Macau MP Northern Mariana Island MQ Martinique MR Mauritania MS Montserrat MT Malta MU Mauritius MV Maldives MW Malawi MX Mexico MY Malaysia MZ Mozambique NA Namibia NC New Caledonia NE Niger NF Norfolk Island NG Nigeria NI Nicaragua NL Netherlands NO Norway NP Nepal NR Nauru NT Neutral Zone NU Niue NZ New Zealand OM Oman PA Panama PE Peru PF Polynesia PG Papua New Guinea PH Philippines PK Pakistan PL Poland PM St. Pierre & Miquelon PN Pitcairn PT Portugal PR Puerto Rico PW Palau PY Paraguay QA Qatar RE Reunion RO Romania RU Russian Federation RW Rwanda SA Saudi Arabia SB Solomon Islands SC Seychelles SD Sudan SE Sweden SG Singapore SH St. Helena SI Slovenia SJ Svalbard & Jan Mayen Islands SL Sierra Leone SM San Marino SN Senegal SO Somalia SR Suriname ST St. Tome and Principe SU Soviet Union SV El Salvador SY Syria SZ Swaziland TC Turks & Caicos Islands TD Chad TF French Southern Territories TG Togo TH Thailand TJ Tadjikistan TK Tokelau TM Turkmenistan TN Tunisia TO Tonga TP East Timor TR Turkey TT Trinidad & Tobago TV Tuvalu TW Taiwan TZ Tanzania UA Ukraine UG Uganda UK United Kingdom UM US Minor Outlying Islands US United States UY Uruguay UZ Uzbekistan VA Vatican City State VC St.Vincent & Grenadines VE Venezuela VG British Virgin Islands VI U.S. Virgin Islands VN Vietnam VU Vanuatu WF Wallis & Futuna Islands WS Samoa YE Yemen YU Yugoslavia ZA South Africa ZM Zambia ZR Zaire ZW Zimbabwe **************************************************************************** HACKING IN IRELAND BY HAWKWIND Greetings from the Emerald Isle! My name is Hawkwind, and I'm an Irish hacker *evil cackle*. So, what's the hacking scene like in this small green island called Ireland, perched on the edge of the Atlantic Ocean? -an island which claims to have one of the most sophisticated digital phone networks in Europe, home of Eirpac (the Irish equivalent to Sprintnet/Telenet) and lots of other weird and wonderful things like that. Well, the hacking scene, like the country itself, is small -there are no elite in Ireland. -or if there are they are so elite that nobody has heard of them. So if you're only into elite stuff, then don't bother reading on, skip onto the next country. Also, sadly at the moment, there seems to be little interest in hacking in Ireland -I can count the number of Irish hackers I know on the fingers of one hand. Maybe I'm just hanging out in the wrong places, or perhaps its the Iron Hand of Ireland's own Little Brother, friend and follower of the U.S's Big Brother, enforcing his evil ways of censorship and the like upon us all, denying us the right to free information. Nationwide censorship of Usenet hurts like dry ice, but restricting ftp and telnet out of the country to the privileged few, is the fatal crunch. Now, I ask you, with grief like this, is it any wonder so few Irish have made it into the Computer Underground -to those that have beaten the odds, I wish them well. OK, so what do Irish hackers like to hack? Like many hackers we just have the curiosity and desire to explore any system or network we come across -the everlasting search for that spine-tingling adrenaline rush when you've beaten the system and got somewhere where perhaps no commoner has gone before -don't ever ask us to choose between getting well drunk, having sex, or hacking --it would be a rough choice. Let me start by telling you of what I find an interesting moment in Irish hacking history. -to you it may just seem like no big deal, but we kinda like it. There is a type manufacturing company in Dublin, Ireland and they like to make tyres--in order not to ruin any reputations we won't mention any names--just another tyre company. Now this company likes nice modern systems--big colorful display panels with lots of flashing lights, to keep their managers happy and amused for hours. A happy company is lots of happy striving workers and so, a big flashy sign which displayed the number of tyres being produced, and dutifully counted upwards every time one come off the assembly line, was constructed. So they had a big sign inside the plant so the workers could see how hard they were working, and big bonuses and lots of presents were promised if they got past a certain number in a day. There was also a large juicy sign outside the plant showing this number so that the general public could be suitably impressed with the busy-bee workers and the number of tyres being produced. And all these signs and computers controlling them were connected to such mysteries as a network with a couple of black boxes which management proudly called modems -enter stage left, Irish hackers, *deep bow and evil wave* So you can imagine, one warm sunny summer's evening, when there was really nothing better to do in Dublin, strange things started to happen at the tyre factory. Yes, strange things indeed. Suddenly the workers got very lazy and started slowing down their production, becoming slower and slower and slower. The numbers stopped counting up on the glowing sign. Then the digits oddly started counting backwards. Down they went, getting faster and faster -people began to picture enraged workers destroying tyres in a crazed frenzy. Soon our sign showed that there were no tyres left and it began to dive into negative numbers of tyres. The passers-by scratched their heads in astonishment. Ah, but enough fun -this really was a very good tyre company with very hard-working workers. They deserve lots of bonuses -heck, didn't someone say this was the most productive factory in Europe? Well it was that day anyway! *evil cackle* So the signs stopped counting backwards, and suddenly began to race forwards like there was no tomorrow. The workers were scurrying back and forth at lightening speed -one hundred, two hundred..a thousand...ten thousand...what, a hundred thousand! Soon our good workers had produced more tyres in the space of 20 minutes, than visitors Disneyland had in 25 years... Ah yes, these are the things that Irish hackers like to do -we still wonder if the management gave all those good workers their bonuses?? So really, we like to investigate or hack anything that we might stumble across -anything from the local University library computer to tyre companies to networks in lands far away. One of the things we really like doing is just exploring, hopping from one network to the next, using computers in such awed places as the U.S., Canada or Mexico, this is probably because for us, even to reach such computers and networks is an achievement, that our Little Brother would deny us had he his evil ways. We think that the Internet is one of the greatest creations in a long time, and we would never want to do any malicious damage on such a free association -if only our Little Brother would let us associate freely with it, instead of making life just that little bit more difficult. We find Sprintnet and other connected goodies interesting prowling grounds, although we are the first to admit that we still have very much to learn here. To explore these systems is very interesting for us, because they are so far away and in such interesting lands that we may never see ourselves -what to you might be the old U.S., to explore the nets there gives us a sense of excitement and a variety of systems that cannot be found on such a small island as our own Ireland. And of course, there is the never-ending quest for U.S. outdials in the hope that one day we might actually reach some of the fabled U.S. h/p boards and actually meet a real Fed or two. *snicker* Turning from the strictly hacking scene for the moment there are some Irish people interested in the phones and other phun things -a while back two college guys were busted for cracking an eleven digit code on some new phone system chip or something, which had given them unlimited dialling access and other phun privileges. -then there was the magic toll free number which for a month or two gave the Irish population unlimited access to the outside world (a big thank-you goes to whoever worked that one out. *grin*) I'm told from reliable sources that we have a pretty sophisticated phone system, a matter we soon hope to be investigating, but this does not seem to have stopped phreakers from trying, and if we manage to work anything out, we'll, as our 'Telecom Eireann' so aptly put it 'Keep in touch across the world'. Sadly, we are plagued by outrageous phone charges, even for local calls and hence many Irish boards have failed to blossom -of those that do, the sysops seem to be little interested in h/p talk and I know of no dedicated h/p Irish board. There also used to be a type of Underground meeting that occurred every dark rainy Sunday afternoon, down in the Ormond, a hotel in Dublin city centre. It passed unheeded under the guise of a computer club, but the bloke who ran it was a renowned con-man, and dealer of everything and anything from car radios to Rolex watches -in any event the club must have been one of the biggest WareZ swapping centres, including all the latest videos from the U.S. which would not be released in the cinemas(movies) here until six months later. Generally people interested in the same computer type things just got together to chat and swap the latest news, disks and videos -an interesting place with interesting folks, which sadly no longer seems to happen. Perhaps someone will revive something similar in the near future. Well, I'll end the tale there for the moment. Hopefully you've gotten a little flavor of our little Underground, watched over by our Little Brother, in our little country called Ireland. I'm not sure how I ended up writing this article, but since nobody else stepped forward, I thought Ireland should at least get some kind of mention, if nothing else -so you can /dev/null any flames. Before I sign off, I'd just like to thank Phrack not only for giving me the chance to tell my tale, but for supplying us with a great publication and guide to the Underground. Finally, if you are an Irish hacker/phreaker, then get in touch now!!! -I really want to be able to say that I can count the number of Irish hackers I know on two hands, and not just one, before the end of the decade! Also, I am always interested in talking to anyone interested in the hack/phreak world so get in touch if you want to chat -just remember, we are no elite! (I don't suppose anyone out there, knows anything about the Irish phone system? *shrugs*) Ok, I can be reached at the following, for the next little while: (Yes, I do have Irish a/c's but not for thine eyes...) al575@yfn.ysu.edu hawkwind@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us hawkwin@santafe.edu (note: no 'd' at end userid) I'm also sometimes on IRC, and may hopefully be on phantom soon. Well, as we say in Ireland, good luck and may the road rise up before you. Slan Leat, Hawkwind. ***************************************************************************** Canada All is Quiet on the Northern Front Written and compiled by Synapse Welcome to the barren wastes or rather the undeveloped wastes if you will. Welcome to Canada. A realm seldom traveled and less often explored. Canada, or .ca if you will, is virgin country in the net. There are places that have been sitting idle for years on our nets that still have default accounts in use. There is an unmeasurable amount of data out there waiting to be tapped. The possibilities in this are endless, Canada is untouched for the most part, and as developed networks go, I feel that Canada is as close to The 'Undiscovered country' as you can get. Most likely if you are reading this article you will be of a nationality other than Canadian. If so, perhaps this will be an educational experience for you. To explain our nets and our scene here in the far far north, I must first explain our nation and its greatest difficulty, it has NO identity, therefore it tends to mirror those it is enamored with. Hence our scene resembles an amalgamation of whatever seems popular in the nets at a given time. Most often it attempts somewhat miserably to emulate the scene south of our border, the great U S of A. And in short it fails miserably. This is not to say that Canada does not have a scene of its own nor is it attempting to take away from those scenes that have developed fully on their own within .ca. It is simply bringing to light a problem that plagues our scene and dilutes it for those who are serious about the computer underground, and whatever ideals it may contain. If you travel the nets in Canada you will find that dissent and "ElYtEeGoStRoKInG" are staple with both the Hacking and Warez scenes all throughout the nine provinces and 2 territories. As I am sure you know this is not a problem unique to .ca. However in a scene as minute and spread painfully thin as ours, arrogance and mis-communication can be fatal in the way of cooperation gaps. This has proved the case many times in the recent past, and I am sure it will in the near future as well. Canada seems to a have a communication barrier that separates east from west. There is simply close to no communications between the two. It is as if we are in separate hemispheres and lost to the technology of fibber optics and damned to smoke signals and drum beating. I have to wonder sometimes if both sides are so involved in their own local power struggles, that the rest of the world has melted away including their country men on either side. Alas it is time to dive into this the this of the article. To detail the complete underground in Canada would be impossible for me to do, to even give a non-biased view would be impossible. So if you feel that this is simply an overextended opinion, thank IBM for the PgDn key and spare yourself some opinionated text. The Almost LODs of .ca Just like the U.S., Canada is proliferated with umpteen amounts of upstart groups who after reading some trashy second rate book on LOD or Kevin Mitnick, have decided that they have found what it is to be elyte. Most often these will be the prominent voices on underground boards spitting flame and stroking immeasurably unhealthy egos, and boasting how proficient they are with toneloc and Killer Cracker. However as with most boasts put forth by fourteen year olds, nothing comes of it. However if you can manage passage through the quagmire of shit that serves as the .ca scene, then you will most likely encounter some of .ca's more serious minded types who while retaining talent and a penchant for learning, do not sport an ego of astronomical proportions, and wit that would bring condescension from an ant. The following is a short list of several of .ca's more prominent if not more talented groups. RaBID The Virus People If the Virus world is your environment, then most likely you have stumbled across the work of RaBID, hopefully not on the receiving end.. Rabid is based out of 416 or rather Toronto Canada, at it's prime Rabid was running a mail net that spanned Canada and were releasing enough material to employ the boys at McAfee. Things have changed. While Rabid had at one point been a productive group (if you can call a virus group productive) time seems to have worn their edge, in fact Rabid as a group have failed to release anything of value in a great long time. Perhaps this will change. If nothing else Rabid did bring a much needed ego boost to the Canadian scene, in doing so they opened the door for other such groups to be seen on the international level with out being laughed out of the nets. For this if nothing else they deserve recognition. There is a great deal more to be said about Rabid, however as I said all the information given here will be cursory, if you require an information at all in the future on Rabid or any of the groups mentioned below I will leave an e-mail address below where you can write me, I will help you if I can. FOG out of 403 Calgary, Alberta No scene is complete without talented juveniles given to temper tantrums virus spreading and general malicious behavior..Enter FOG. FOG stands for the Fist Of God, it is for the most part a group of individuals who go through unnatural amounts of effort to get under the skin of others. Yet beyond juvenile behavior that tends to underscore most endeavors they undertake. FOG does for the most part work very diligently for a united .ca scene. They have in the past run a nation wide net using encrypted mail procedures so that dialogue could be opened between the east and western scenes. This event was stopped when the Hubs house was raided by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police for suspected telco abuse, they were no charges laid however yet the organizers felt that the information passing through the net was much too valuable to be compromised by a bust. The net was killed. After the net disappeared several members of FoG began writing bbs software to be spread across the country to make networking easier or rather standardized. The bbs also includes encryption options for the mail, and will soon be HAM radio as well as cellular modem capable. This program is available to any who wish to take it, as I said earlier, just mail me. NuKE Making Art out of Arrogance NuKE hails from 516 Montreal, Canada. It as far as I can see primarily now a virus group. Producing and modifying strains, for the most part NuKE has been the most active underground .ca group that has seen movement on an international level, with this past year. It's membership has changed quite severely since I last had contact with them. Therefore I fear that to publish anything else on them would be inaccurate and therefore an injustice. However if you are interested in pursuing this topic........Mail me. As you can see these are cursory overviews of Canada's groups it is of course largely incomplete, I provided it only to serve as a guide for the feeling of Canada's groups. There are of course many worth mentioning that I failed to show, and moreover there is a great deal more to the groups that I did mention. To those who are in the above groups are unhappy with the opinion put forth please by all means FUCKOFF. I e-mailed all of you, and in your infallible wisdom you failed to reply. So suffer with it :> .ca and the law While Canada has been for the most part largely un-abused by the 'Computer Criminal'. It's laws are none the less fairly advanced. Our legislators to their credit have kept a close eye on our neighbors in the south, and have introduced laws accordingly. The following is the Canadian criminal code as pertaining to Computer Crime. 342.1 (1) Every one who, fraudulently and without color of right, (a) obtains, directly or indirectly, any computer service, (b) by means of an electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device, intercepts or causes to be intercepted, directly or indirectly, any function of a computer system, or, (c) uses or causes to be used, directly or indirectly, a computer system with intent to commit an offense under paragraph (a) or (b) or an offense under section 430 in relation to data or a computer system is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding ten years, or is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction. (2) In this section, "computer program" means data representing instructions or statements that, when executed in a computer system, causes the computer to perform a function; "computer service" includes data processing and the storage or retrieval of data; "computer system" means a device that, or a group of interconnected or related devices one or more of which, (a) contains computer programs or other data, and (b) pursuant to computer programs, (i) performs logic and control, and (ii) may perform any other function; "data" means representation of information or of concepts that are being prepared or have been prepared in a form suitable for use in a computer system; "electro-magnetic, acoustic, mechanical or other device" means any device or apparatus that is used or is capable of being used to intercept any function of a computer system, but does not include a hearing aid used to correct subnormal hearing of the user to not better than normal hearing; "function" includes logic, control, arithmetic, deletion, storage and retrieval and communication of telecommunication to, from or within a computer system; "intercept" includes listen to or record a function of a computer system, or acquire the substance, meaning or purport thereof. 430. [...] (1.1) Every one commits mischief who willfully (a) destroys or alters data; (b) renders data meaningless, useless or ineffective; (c) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with the lawful use of data; or (d) obstructs, interrupts or interferes with any person in the lawful use of data or denies access to data to any person who is entitled to access thereto. [...] (8) In this section, "data" has the same meaning as in section 342.1. As you can see our criminal code carries severe penalties for both Hacking and Virus spreading however, there is little precedent to set sentences by. While this is reassuring, there seems to be a new trends to prosecute those who are caught at computer crime. Moreover it seems to be a trend to prosecute with setting precedence in mind.. So for those of you in .ca who have busted recently I would begin to fear right about now. For the most part most computer crime in Canada that results in busts is telco related, most often the charges are federal but the sentences are light, however as I said before, this is changing. And will continue to change with each new bust , welcome to the new dawn I suppose. Datapac, Canada's first net As it stands Datapac is Canada's largest and most used network, it is old archaic and slow, yet still it is immense amounts of fun to play with. The following is a technical excerpt to help you understand the operation of Datapac and how to maneuver it. Those of you who are already familiar with the workings of this type of network will find this dry and repetitive for those of you who are not familiar it may make for some learning. After the manual entry you will find a list of interesting sites to explore with, enjoy.... Datapac 3101 "Welcome to the Dark Ages" Interface (ITI) in a Packet Assembler/Disassembler (PAD), which allows the devices to access the Network over dial-up (DDD) or Dedicated Access Lines. ITI, the end-to-end protocol for Datapac 3101, conforms to the CCITT recommendations X.3, X.28 and X.29 and supports access to the Datapac Network for asynchronous, start-stop character mode terminals. X.3 specifies the operation of the PAD. It contains the specifications for the twenty-two International parameters and their operation. X.25 specifies the command language between the terminal and the PAD. It also specifies the conditions which define the command mode and the data transfer mode. X.29 specifies the procedures to be followed by an X.25 DTE to access and modify the parameters in the PAD as well as the data transfer procedure. The Datapac 3101 service provides for terminal to Host (user's computer) and terminal to terminal communication. The Host access should conform with the X.25 protocol, using the Datapac 3000 access service, and also support the higher level protocol conventions for ITI. Host access may also be provided via the Datapac 3101 service for some applications. The Datapac 3101 service also provides block mode and tape support. INTERNATIONAL PAD PARAMETERS ---------------------------- 1) Ability to Escape from Data Transfer State* The setting of this parameter allows the user to interrupt the communication of his or her application (data transfer mode) and interact with the PAD (common mode). The character to do this is "ControlJP". To return to data transfer mode, press the carriage return or enter a blank command line. If the user wants to send a "ControlJP" to the Host, with this parameter set set to one, simply hit ControlJP twice and the second ControlJP will go to the Host and the user will remain in data transfer mode. This also applies to the user data field in the call request command line. Parameter Number: 1 Possible Values: 0 = Escape not possible. 1 = Escape is possible. *Note: Escape from Data transfer mode may also be possible using the break signal if parameter seven is set to eight. 2) Echo* This parameter indicates to the PAD whether or not the terminal input data must be echoed. This may be required if the user's terminal cannot echo back what is being entered. Parameter Number: 1 Possible Values: 0 = No echo. 1 = Echo. *Note: Echo will also be affected by the setting of Parameter 20. 3) Selection of Data Forwarding Signal This parameter indicates to the PAD the set to terminal generated characters or conditions that will cause data to be forwarded to the destination. For example, (CR) can be used as a data forwarding signal on receipt of a (CR) from the local DTE Y, the PAD will forward all characters in its buffer to the remote end, including the (CR). If P13 is set to 6.7, 22 or 23, a (LF) will be included in the packet and will delimit it. Data is also forwarded when the buffer is full whether or not a forwarding character is received. Parameter Number: 3 Possible Values: 0 = No data forwarding signal. 2 = Forward on carriage return. 2 = Carriage return. 126 = All characters in columns 0 and 1 of ASCII table and the character del of International alphabet #5. 4) Selection of Idle Timer Delay This parameter is used to determine the idle timer limit value when data forwarding is based on timeouts. To optimize packetizing of data, no data forwarding signal need be specified. The PAD will then packetize data based on packet size specified (256 or 128 characters). The idle timer is used to send any packets that are not fully filled. If idle timer is activated and the Host requires the (CR) to input data, it still must be provided before the data send is accepted by the Host. The idle timer does not send any empty packets. Parameter Number: 4 Possible Values: 0 = No data forwarding on timeout is required. 1-255 = Indicates value of the delay in twenties of a second. (i.e., a value of 250 makes the time wait 10 seconds) *Note: When editing is on (P15:1), the idle timer is inactive. If this is the only data forwarding condition, turning the editing function on could cause a user terminal to hand or data not to be forwarded. 5) Auxiliary Device Control* This is used for flow control of data coming from either a PC or auxiliary device, e.g.: a paper tape machine. When set to 1 it indicates to the PAD that the data is to be read an auxiliary I/O device connected to the terminal. This parameter set to 2 indicates that the data is coming from an intelligent device, i.e., a PC, and that the PAD must exert flow control differently. Parameter Number: 5 Possible Values: 0 = No use of X-on/X-off. 1 = Use of X-on/X-off for auxiliary devices. 2 = Use of X-on/X-off for intelligent terminals. *Note: A value of 2 is recommended for PC's. 6) Suppress Network Messages This parameter indicates to the PAD whether or not Network generated messages are to be transmitted to the terminal. Parameter Number: 6 Possible Values: 0 = Suppress message. 1 = Transmit message. 5 = PAD prompt (*) follows Datapac service signals. 7) Procedure on Break This parameter is used to indicate how the PAD should process a break signal that is received from the terminal while the terminal is in data transfer state. Parameter Number: 7 Possible Values: 0 = Nothing. (remain in data transfer mode) 1 = Interrupt. (remain in data transfer mode) 2 = Reset. (remain in data transfer mode) 4 = Send an "indication of break" message to the packet mode DTE. (remain in data transfer mode) 8 = Escape from data transfer mode (i.e., enter command mode) 16 = Discard output to terminal activate Parameter 8 (P8:1) (remain in data transfer mode) 21 = A combination of 1, 4 and 16. *Note: The break signal is ignored if the virtual circuit is not established while in command state. The break signal will delete the current line. The valid values for P7 are 0, 1, 2, 8 and 21. 8) Discard Output This parameter is used in conjunction with Parameter 7. Depending upon the break procedure selected, this parameter may be set by the PAD when the terminal user requests that terminal data be discarded. This parameter must then be reset by the destination computer to allow normal delivery. The PAD will discard all packets destined for the terminal from the time the PAD sets this parameter (i.e., it receives a break signal when Parameter 7 is set to 21) to the time the parameter is reset by the destination. It can only be reset by the destination. Parameter Number: 8 Possible Values: 0 = Normal delivery of output to terminal. 1 = Discard output to terminal. 9) Padding after Carriage Return This parameter is used to specify the number of padding characters to be inserted by the PAD following a CR transmitted to the terminal. Padding allows time for the carriage to return on mechanical printing devices. Parameter Number: 9 Possible Values: 0 = 2 padding characters will be inserted at 110 bps and 4 padding characters will be inserted at higher speeds, in command mode only. (no padding is done in data transfer mode) 1-255 = The number of padding characters to be inserted in both data transfer and command mode. 10) Line Folding This parameter indicates the maximum number of printable characters that can be displayed on the terminal before the PAD must send a format effector (i.e.., <CR><LF>). This permits more data to be transmitted in one packet while still letting the user print out more than one line, i.e., printing out forms. 11) Transmission Speed (Read only) This parameter is set by the PAD as a result of transmission speed detection if the terminal accesses an autobaud port. When a private port with fixed speed is used, this parameter is set based on the pre-stored information selected at subscription time. Parameter Number: 11 Possible Values: 0 = 110 bps 2 = 300 bps 3 = 1200 bps 4 = 2400 bps This is all very dry stuff (what buffer isn't?) however if you need more info on it simply mail me. NUA list 20500011 Bell Northern Research 39400100 Envoy (English/Francais) 30400101 Envoy (Anglais/French) 39500032 Globe and Mail 41100015,I Infoglobe 59600072 University of Athabasca 60100010 Universtiy of Alberta 67100752 ? 67100673 ? 20400177 QL 29400138 Tymnet CIS02 7770,101 'free demo' 20401338 Tymnet 41100043 CSG Infoglobe 73500023 KN Computer MCT 59100092 Keyano College (Alberta) 72400014 System Max-Daisey (VAX/VMS) 69100018 Cybershare 55500010 ? 29400263 ? 29400263 ? 67100086 Sears 67100132 Primenet 67100489 Terminal ID=VAX 67100629 (VAX/VMS) 67100632 McKim Advertising (Vancouver) 93200233 University of Manitoba 79400100 Envoy Info/Mailbox 92100086 Datapac General Info 20500011 Canole II I have kept a number of sites I have, off this list simply to ensure I keep them, however there are thousands of Virgin sites available off of Dpac. Something to keep your eyes open for are Canadian government machines which are fairly abundant on the Dpac. Beyond Dpac, there are some actual BBS's worth calling, most however would rather not have there numbers published in Phrack. None the less here are some stable, and relatively active BBS's: The Underground Subway 606-590-1147 Gridpoint 403-283-5519 The G-spot (Rabid HQ) 416-256-9017 Front 242 (VX)(Rabid) 416-790-6632 I am sorry for what this article did not cover, in the umpteen or so pages I have punched up, I still have covered not even a tenth of what I would like to cover. For those who wish a reliable UG bbs for list .ca or more info on the Dpac or wish to elicit any other response to this article please e-mail me at besaville@sait.ab.ca ********************************************************************* The German Scene (by SevenUp) ---------------- CCC --- Talking about the German Hacker Scene, the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) comes to most people's mind. They are most famous for their 'NASA-Hack' and their publications like Hackerbibel and Datenschleuder, a monthly magazine talking about 'softer' stuff than 2600, such as MUD's, the Internet and BBS'es. They organize the annual Chaos Communication Congress, held annually from December, 27th till 29th in Hamburg. Usually around 1000 people show up there, discussing many different topics, such as Phreaking, Internet, Women and Computer, Cellular Phones, Phone Cards and others. Many well-known people, like Pengo and Professor Brunnstein the meeting. There are usually also shows of Horror Movies (but no porns like at HohoCon), but it's not a real 'party' like SummerCon or the upcoming Hacktic Party. Another annually meeting from CCC members and many other hackers is at the huge computer fare 'CeBit' in Hannover in March. The Get Together is at the Telekom booth on Tuesday at 4pm. Usually Telekom (the German phone company) representatives are very kind, give away phone cards (value: $4), but usually don't have any interesting new informations. There haven't been any hacks affiliated with the CCC for the last couple of years. The CCC tries to get away from their former criminal image, talking mostly about risks of computers in society, and producing lots of press releases. The KGB Hack ------------ Most of you might know "The Cuckoo's Egg" by Cliff Stoll. His exciting novel talks about German Hackers hacking for the KGB. These guys were using the German x.25 network Datex-P to get to a US University, and from there to several hosts on the Arpa/Milnet (Internet). They were using mostly basic knowledge to get into several UNIX and VMS Systems, reading personal Mail and looking for documents the 'Russians' might have been interested in. It all ends up with the suicide (murder?) of Karl Koch, one of the hackers. Although these hackers weren't CCC members, there is a pretty good book from the CCC about it, containing more facts than Cliff's book: "Hacker fuer Moskau", published by Wunderlich. This is probably the best known German hack of all times. Networks -------- I. x.25 The German x.25 System is called 'Datex-P' and has the DNIC (2624). Dialups are in almost every area code, or can be reached locally from everywhere. There are also Tymnet and Sprintnet Dialups available in the major cities, with some limitations though. Tymnet won't connect you to dpac (Datapac Canada). Sprintnet has just a true dialup in Frankfurt, the other dialups are handled by their partner Info AG, which allow calling most RNUAs, but most Sprintnet NUIs won't work. There is a 'Subnet' in the Datex-P Network, the so called 'WiN' (which means scientific network). Almost all universities have connections to the WiN, which means they pay a flat rate each month, which allows them to make as many calls and transfer as much data to other WiN hosts, as they like. Usually x.25 rates are charged by the volume of packages/data. You can identify WiN addresses easily, because they start with (0262)45050... There are many gateways from WiN to Internet, and also a few from Internet to WiN. WiN NUAs can be reached without problem from any x.25 network in the world, like Sprintnet or Tymnet; though most WiN PADs will refuse to connect to non-WiN NUAs. There are also a couple of German systems, international hackers used to like. The most-famous is probably Lutzifer in Hamburg, Germany. It can still be reached from x.25 Networks like Sprintnet or Tymnet. Around two years ago, British, American and other hackers used to trade all kinds of codez on "Lutz". But now, Pat Sisson ("frenchkiss") from Sprintnet Security and Dale Drew ("Bartman") from Tymnet Security, try to track down everyone abusing their NUIs or PADs. Before Lutzifer went up 2.5 years ago, tchh and Altos Munich were most attractive. They were running the same simple Korn-Chat on an Altos. There are still a couple of other x.25 Systems, which attract hackers from all over the world, like qsd, Pegasus (in France and Switzerland) and Secret Tectonics / sectec, a rather new semi-private Board in Germany with x.25 and Direct Phone Dialups, uucp/Internet Mail, File and Message Bases and all Phrack Issues as well. II. Internet But now, most hackers quit the x.25 scene and tried to get onto Internet. Unlike the fast Internet connections in the USA between .edu sites, German Internet connections are mostly routed through slow (9.6kbps or 64k) x.25 Links. This is mostly the fault of the German phone company 'Telekom'. They have a monopoly on phone lines in Germany and charge 2-10 times higher fees than American phone co's. Even local calls are US$1.50/hour. There aren't many German Internet Sites that attract foreign hackers, compared to US Sites that German Hackers are interested in. There are almost no public Internet BBSes with free access in Germany. Also, German Universities have often a pretty tight security and get mad easily. III. Amiga Kiddos BBS'es are still the major hang-out besides IRC. The Amiga Scene with its K-rad Kiddos (most of them under 18 years) used to be dominant a couple of years ago, trading Calling Cards and new Blue Box frequencies to call the best boards in the US to leech the latest games. But recently, the IBM scene caught up and many guys switched from Amiga to IBM; so over 50% of pirate boards are IBM boards now. But recently, BBS sysops have to face hard times. A couple of months ago, lots of BBS'es in Berlin, but also in Bavaria and North Germany got 'busted' - raided by the police because of their illegal warez. (see my article in Phrack 42 about it) The man behind these actions is the lawyer 'Guenther Freiherr von Gravenreuth', who works for Acti- vision, the SPA and BSA. He is tracking down kids with piracy as recklessly as BBS Sysops, who sell subscriptions for a 'Disabled Upload/Download Ratio' for around $100 a month. There have been a couple of these trials lately, without much notice by the press. Mr Gravenreuth is also responsible for many people's fear to put up a new BBS - especially in Bavaria where he lives. Also, calling the favorite Board in the US is getting harder and harder, as covered in the next Chapter. IV. The Phone System Blueboxing used to be the favorite sport of many German traders for the last couple of years. But some phreakers wanted to make more money, selling the Bluebox Story to Magazines like Capital or Spiegel, or to TV Shows. Even AT&T and the German Telecom, who seemed to be blind about this phreaking, couldn't avoid facing the truth now - they had to do something, not only to recover from the huge losses, but also to save their reputation. There are a lot of rumors and text files about the actions these phone companies took; most of them are fakes by 'eleet' people, who don't want the 'lamers' to keep the trunks and the eleet boards busy. But some actions seem to be certified; e. g. Telekom bought some intelligent filter boxes from British Telecom. These boxes should detect any C5 tones (especially 2600 Hz), being sent by phreakers; and log the number of the phreaker, if possible. If possible, because the Telekom doesn't have ANI in most cases. Until recently, all phone lines used to be analog, pulse dialing lines with huge relay switches. Then the Telekom started switching to 'modern' digitally switched lines, which allow Touch-Tone-Dialing, and also a few other nice features, which I want to cover now. One of these nice features 'died' just about 3 weeks ago, because someone informed the new magazine 'Focus'. The trick was very simple. All you need was a digital line which allowed you to dial touch tone, and a 'Silver Box' - a device, that allows you to dial the digits 0...9, #, * and also A, B, C and D - many modems have this capability too. All you had to do was to dial 'B' + 'xxx' + 'yyyy', where 'B' is the Silver Tone B, 'xxx' is an internal Telekom code, and 'yyyy' are the last four digits of a phone number. The internal codes 'xxx' usually look like 010, 223, 011, and so on - they switch you to an exchange, mostly in your own area code, but often in a different one! Notice that exchange number and internal code are different. When you are connected to a certain exchange, dialing the four 'yyyy' digits connects you to a certain phone number in that exchange. This enables you to make free calls - also to different area codes, but you have to try around to find which code matches with which exchange. But that's not all; now the fun just begins! Imagine the number you dial is busy... you won't hear a busy signal then, you would just be connected into the call! You could listen to the conversation of two parties! Imagine how much fun this could be... and imagine someone would be listening to your private conversations! When Telekom read the article, most area codes lost this capability; but there are still some reported to work. Blueboxing is getting harder and harder, MCI and AT&T keep on changing their 'Break' frequencies more rapidly (though they still use in-band CCITT C5 signalling); so more and more people offer Calling Card subscriptions, and even more traders, who refuse paying Telekom's high fees, buy them. They are offered mostly by Americans, Belgium people and Germans, for about $100 a month. Also, I haven't heard of any case where a German got busted for abusing AT&T's Calling Cards; probably because Telekom can't really trace phones lines, either technically nor legally (they may not just 'tap' phone lines because of people's privacy). Also, German Toll Free Numbers (they start with 0130) are getting more and more. I would take a guess and say they grow 20%-80% a year. There isn't any official directory nor a directory assistance for these numbers, and many companies want these numbers to remain 'unknown' to the evil hackers, since Telekom is asking high fees for them. So many Germans compile and scan these numbers; there is also a semi-public list on them by SLINK - available on many BBS'es and on local German Newsgroups. This list also contains numbers of business companies like Microsoft, Hewlett Packard or Dell in Austin (hi erik :) ), so it is quite useful for 'normal people' too. There have also been reported the first PBX-like Systems in Germany; this is quite a sensation, because German Telekom laws don't allow PBX'es, or even the linking of two phone lines (like 3-way calling). So in fact, these Systems weren't real PBX'es, but Merial Mail VMB Systems with the Outdial feature. PaRtY 0n! --------- There are a couple of interesting get-togethers and parties. I mentioned the annual Chaos Communication Congress after Christmas; the CCC also has weekly meetings on Tuesday. There are the annual CeBIT hacker parties, on the Tuesday at CeBIT in March. After the CeBIT meeting and weekly, there are get-togethers at the 'Bo22', a cafe in Hannover. These meetings have tradition since the KGB Hacks of Pengo and 'Hagbard Celine' Karl Koch, as I mentioned above. You will still find friends of them there, if you drop by on a Tuesday. Since a couple of months and with Emmanuel Goldstein's great support, we are having 2600 meetings in Munich, Germany too! These are the first 2600 meetings outside of the US; the first meeting was quite successful with over 30 people, and the next one in July will be successful too, hopefully. Some international visitors from the US are expected, too. These meetings are held at around 6pm in front of Burger King at Central Station, Munich. I also like to thank Munich's Number One Hit Radio Station 89 HIT FM at this point, for letting us into the air for 3 minutes, talking about the 2600 meeting and a bit about 'hacking'. There are also semi-annual IRC parties in Germany, but they are 'just' parties with usually 100-150 people. Hacking and phreaking isn't a topic there; probably less than 10% of them know what H/P means.