TUCoPS :: Phrack Magazine Issue #47 :: p47-14.txt

The Glenayre GL3000 Paging and Voice Retrieval System

                              ==Phrack Magazine==

                 Volume Six, Issue Forty-Seven, File 14 of 22

           The Glenayre GL3000 Paging and Voice Retrieval System
                                 by armitage

    I am glad you decided to read this article.  This article will explain
the basis of what this system is, show many features, and guide you through
a few basic operations (pager reactivation, and meet-me setup).  This system
is one of many different paging systems, but I have found many scattered
through the nation, so if you are wondering what you can do with all those
carriers found while scanning, compare them to the login screen shown later
in the article.


    The Glenayre GL3000 paging and voice retrieval system is a fully featured
digital radio paging terminal which also provides integrated voice mailbox

    I'm sure this is not important, but so you know, the gl3000 family comes
in 5 different respective sizes (es, s, m, l, and xl).  All of the systems
have same features except the only thing that differs is their bandwidth, and
their capabilities.

    Analog and digital paging formats are supported, it provides for tone only,
voice, numeric, and alphanumeric paging.

Voice Mail Box Features

    The voice mail box feature of the system complements the pager router
system very nicely.  This voice mail system is just like any other, so I
won't go into detail over it.


  Mailbox access code
    Main menu : 1
    Subscriber Information Menu : 1
    Search for subscribers to edit/create

  Meetme access code
    Supervisors Main Menu : 5
    System Setup Menu : 3
    Trunk Setup Menu : 11
    Meet-me parameters

  Audio Billboard
    Supervisors Main Menu : 5
    System Setup Menu : 9
    Voice Storage and Mailbox Setup Menu : 2
    Voice Mailbox Setup parameters

  Pager Alert
    Supervisors Main Menu : 5
    System Setup Menu : 3
    Trunk Setup Menu : 10
    Caller Notification Message Setup

Voice Main Menu Hierarchy

Supervisor's Main Menu
1 < Subscriber Information Menu
    1 < Edit/Create Subscribers
    2 < Delete A Subscriber
    3 < Report Subscriber Information
    4 < Report Extended Group Members
    5 < Report Unused Customer Numbers
    6 < Report Initialized Centirecords
    7 < Stop Current Report in Progress
    8 < Send Test Page
    9 < Block Change Subscribers
    10 < Delete Several Subscribers
    11 < Clear Subscriber Call Statistics
    12 < Report Pager Type Summary
    13 < Block Create Subscribers
2 < User Number Information
3 < System Activity Monitoring and Logging Menu
    1 < Trunk Status & Activity Monitor
    2 < UOE Status & Activity Monitor
    3 < Buffer Memory Status & Activity Monitor
    4 < Transmit Queue Status Activity Monitor
    5 < Voice Storage Usage Activity Monitor
    6 < Voice Storage Report Setup
    7 < Voice Storage File Activity Monitor
    8 < Activity Logging Setup
    9 < Activity Logging Monitor
    10 < Subscriber Database Information
    11 < System CPU Activity Monitor
    12 < Memory Pool Status Monitor
    13 < RTC Status & Activity Monitor
    14 < RTC Diagnostic Console
4 < System Maintenance Menu
    1 < Save Database and System Setup Parameters to floppy
    2 < Add Customer Numbers
    3 < Remove Customer Numbers
    4 < Change Customer Numbers
5 < System Setup Menu
    1 < System Parameters
    2 < Subscriber Setup Menu
        1 < Subscriber Default Parameters
        2 < Subscriber Reports Default Parameters
    3 < Trunk Setup Menu
        1 < Individual Trunk Parameters
        2 < Trunk Group Parameters
        3 < Trunk Card Parameters
        4 < Common Trunk Parameters
        5 < Common Trunk Statistics
        6 < Common Trunk End of Call Parameters
        7 < Roaming Caller Location Code Setup
        8 < Digital Trunk Card Alarm Parameters
        9 < Digital Trunk Address Signalling Protocol
        10 < Caller Notification Message Setup
        11 < Meet-me Parameters
    4 < Buffer Memory Setup Menu
        1 < Individual Buffer Memory Parameters
        2 < Common Buffer Memory Parameters
    5 < Universal Output Encoder (UOE) Setup Menu
        1 < Individual UOE Parameters
        2 < Common UOE Parameters
        3 < UOE Test
    6 < Transmitter Controller Setup Menu
        1 < Individual Transmitter Controller Parameters
        2 < Common Transmitter Controller Parameters
    7 < Page Routing Setup Menu
        1 < Logical Area Parameters
        2 < Coverage Region Parameters
    8 < Printer and Serial Port Setup Menu
        1 < Serial Port Configuration Parameters
        2 < Printer Message Parameters
    9 < Voice Storage and Mailbox Setup Menu
        1 < Voice Storage Setup Parameters
        2 < Voice Mailbox Setup Parameters
        3 < Voice Mailbox Retrieval Mode Key Translation Map
        4 < Language Syntax Configuration
    10 < Pager Parameter Setup Menu
        1 < PUP/Repeat Page Options
        2 < PUP/Repeat Page Function Code Setup
        3 < Voice To Alpha Transcription Setup
        4 < Numeric/Voice Function Code Setup
    11 < RTC Port Configuration Parameters
6 < Remote Sign-on
7 < Network Menu
    1 < Operator Services Menu
        1 < Netmail Transmission
        2 < Netmail Configuration
    2 < Network Setup Menu
        1 < Common Network Parameters
        2 < Network Port Configuration Parameters
        3 < Network Node Configuration Parameters
        4 < Frequency Code to Coverage Region Map
    3 < Network Activity Menu
        1 < Port Status and Activity Monitor
        2 < Node Status and Output Queue Activity Monitor
8 < Traffic Statistics Menu
    1 < Statistics Parameters
    2 < Report Statistics
9 < Superhex Patch Screen


*** Quick Reference Key Usage***

  <DEL> - Deletes character to the left
  <CTRL-R> - Re-draws Screen
  UP - Moves pointer up
  DOWN - Moves pointer down

System Menus and Options  -  Navigating the System

***Changing Subscriber Info***

                          Screen Shot Below
                    GLENAYRE GL3000 PAGING TERMINAL       Version 3.06

  1. User Number:________
  2. Password:

                      Optional Feature Status
                         Agency:       ON
                         Networking:   ON
                         RTC:          ON
                         Meet-me:      ON

        Software Creation Date:  MMM DD/YY  HH:MM:SS


Logging in is the first step, as you can see you are prompted for a user
number and password.  The Default for every account is unpassworded, the
password does not echo on the screen.

Please Note that the menu options are configured by the access level of your
account, (for example, an administrators account will have more options than
a base operators account).  The Menus displayed in this article account that
a supervisors account is being used.

                            Screen Shot Below

                    GLENAYRE GL3000 PAGING TERMINAL       Version 3.06

  1. Subscriber Information Menu
  2. User Number Information
  3. System Activity Monitoring and Logging Menu
  4. System Maintenance Menu
  5. System Setup Menu
  6. Remote Signon
  7. Network Menu
  8. Statistics Menu
  9. SUPERHEX Patch Screen

  Currently Signed On:     User 1
                           System Supervisor


This is the Main menu of the system.  On a normal operators account, not all
of the options will be available.

*** To Add (Reactivate a pager) ***
You want to is Add or "Create" a subscriber.  Go to menu 1 (Subscriber
Information Menu).

                            Screen Shot Below


  1. Edit/Create Subscribers
  2. Delete a Subscriber
  3. Report Subscriber Information
  4. Report Extended Group Members
  5. Report Unused Customer Numbers
  6. Report Initialized Centi records
  7. Stop Current Report in Progress
  8. Send Test Page
  9. Block Change Subscribers
  10. Delete Several Subscribers
  11. Clear Subscriber Call Statistics
  12. Report Pager Type Summary
  13. Block Create Subscribers


Now you need to go into option 1 again, to Create a new subscriber.

                            Screen Shot Below

Record 1 of 900    SEARCH FOR SUBSCRIBER TO EDIT/CREATE         Page 1 of 2

  1.  Customer Number: _____             17. Language Choice:
  2.  Partition:                         18. Answer Type:
  3.  Agency Number:                     19. Custom Answer:
  4.  Encoding Format:                   20. PUP/Repeat Option:
  5.  Service Type:                      21. Group PUP Option:
  6.  Capcode:                           22. Repeat Voice:
                                         23. Mailbox Type:
                                         24. Purge Time (Hrs):
  7.  A-Tone Length:                     25. Maximum Messages:
  8.  B-Tone Length:                     26. Voice Time:
  9.  Account Number:                    27. Activate Caller Pwd:
  10. Account Status:                    28. Access/Caller Pwd:
  11. Account Code:                      29. Autoretrieval:
  12. Valid:                             30. Meet-me:
  13. Customer Absent:                   31. Secondary Number:
  14. Coverage Region:
  15. Priority:
                                         34. Extended Group:
  35. Sort Field #1:                     37. Sort Field #2:
  36. Sort Order #1:                     38. Sort Order #2:



It is important at this point, not to enter information into any field other
than field number 1, as after you enter the customer number, you enter the
other information later.

If you are entering a new subscriber, you want to enter a customer number
that is not being used.  There will be a record number in the top left to
show you which records are being used.  In this example we will use number 1.
So enter the new number and then <RETURN>.  The type CREATE <RETURN> into
the command line.

                            Screen Shot Below

Record 1 of 900    SEARCH FOR SUBSCRIBER TO EDIT/CREATE         Page 1 of 2

  1.  Customer Number: 1____             17. Language Choice:     ENGLISH
  2.  Partition:       A                 18. Answer Type:         SYS 216
  3.  Agency Number:   0                 19. Custom Answer:       YES
  4.  Encoding Format: TWOTONE           20. PUP/Repeat Option:   NO
  5.  Service Type:    VOICE             21. Group PUP Option:    NONE
  6.  Capcode:         000001F1          22. Repeat Voice:        3
        A=0            B=0               23. Mailbox Type:        VOICE
                                         24. Purge Time (Hrs):    NO PURGE
  7.  A-Tone Length:   8                 25. Maximum Messages:    10
  8.  B-Tone Length:   16                26. Voice Time:          8
  9.  Account Number:  4                 27. Activate Caller Pwd: YES
  10. Account Status:  3                 28. Access/Caller Pwd:   ####/####
  11. Account Code:    7                 29. Autoretrieval:       NO
  12. Valid:           YES               30. Meet-me:             NO
  13. Customer Absent: NO                31. Secondary Number:
  14. Coverage Region: 1
  15. Priority:        5
                                         34. Extended Group:      NO
  35. Sort Field #1:                     37. Sort Field #2:
  36. Sort Order #1:                     38. Sort Order #2:


The values that are filled into this screen are the defaults that were set
by the supervisor.  Provided you have all the technical information on
the inactive pager you have, you will transcribe the pager's technical
information into this record.

List of fields

 Field 1 - Customer Number
         Customer number, you may not use wild cards.
 Field 2 - Partition
         Any Partition Letter may be used. ['A'..'Z'] or a NOT sign followed
         by a partition letter.
 Field 3 - Agency Number
         You may use any search conditions except wild cards.
 Field 4 - Encoding Format
         Any encoding format name, or a not sign followed by an encoding
 Field 5 - Service Type
         You may use any service name, or a not sign w/service type name.
          Service Names
            MAILBOX ONLY
            0 TONE ONLY
 Field 6 - Capcode
         You may use wild card characters to replace digits.
 Field 7,8 - A,B-Tone Length
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 9 - Account Number
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 10 - Account Status
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 11 - Account Code
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 12 - Valid
         YES or NO (valid/invalid account number)
 Field 13 - Customer Absent
         YES or NO (absent customer or not)
 Field 14 - Coverage Region
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 15 - Priority
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 16 - Trace Calls
         YES or NO
 Field 17 - Language Choice
         Simply enter a language of choice.
 Field 18 - Answer Type
         Use any search.
 Field 19 - Customer Answer
         YES, NO, INSERT, or APPEND
 Field 20 - PUP/Repeat Option
 Field 21 - Group PUP Option
 Field 22 - Repeat Mailbox
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 23 - Mailbox Type
         You can enter:
           NO MAILBOX
 Field 24 - Purge Time (Hrs)
         You can use any search.
 Field 25 - Maximum Messages
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 26 - Voice Time
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 27 - Activate Caller Password
         YES or NO
 Field 28 - Access/Caller Password
 Field 29 - Autoretrieval
         YES or NO
 Field 30 - Meet-me
         YES or NO to have this subscriber given access to meet-me features.
 Field 31 - Secondary Number
         You can use any search but the wild card search.
 Field 34 - Extended Group
         YES or NO

Now we will move on to the second page of the Section

                            Screen Shot Below

Record 1 of 900    SEARCH FOR SUBSCRIBER TO EDIT/CREATE         Page 2 of 2

  Extended Group Members

  81. Customer Number:                   41. System Recording:
  82. Customer Number:                   42. Empty Data Pages:
  83. Customer Number:                   43. Primary Numbers:
  84. Customer Number:
  85. Customer Number:
  86. Customer Number:
  87. Customer Number:
  88. Customer Number:
  89. Customer Number:
  90. Customer Number:                   Statistical Fields:
  91. Customer Number:                   51. Number of Calls
  92. Customer Number:                   52. Mailbox Storage
  93. Customer Number:                   53. Character Count:
  94. Customer Number:                   54. Meet-me Time (mins):
  95. Customer Number:                   55. Date Created:
  96. Customer Number:                   56. Date Altered:


This page has little significance besides if you are using extended group
members.  The one thing that is important is field 56.  Look out.

***Setting up a Meet-me and its settings***

                            Screen Shot Below

                    GLENAYRE GL3000 PAGING TERMINAL       Version 3.06

  1. Subscriber Information Menu
  2. User Number Information
  3. System Activity Monitoring and Logging Menu
  4. System Maintenance Menu
  5. System Setup Menu
  6. Remote Signon
  7. Network Menu
  8. Statistics Menu
  9. SUPERHEX Patch Screen

  Currently Signed On:     User 1
                           System Supervisor


First you want to go into choice "5", The System Setup Menu.

                            Screen Shot Below


  1.  System Parameters
  2.  Subscriber Setup Menu
  3.  Trunk Setup Menu
  4.  Buffer Memory Setup Menu
  5.  Universal Output Encoder (UOE) Setup Menu
  6.  Transmitter Controller Setup Menu
  7.  Page Routing Setup Menu
  8.  Printer and Port Setup Menu
  9.  Voice Storage and Mailbox Setup Menu
  10. Page Parameter Setup Menu
  11. RTC Port Configuration Parameters



>From this menu you want to go to the trunk setup menu which is choice "3".

                            Screen Shot Below


  1.  Individual Trunk Parameters
  2.  Trunk Group Parameters
  3.  Trunk Card Parameters
  4.  Common Trunk Parameters
  5.  Common Trunk Statistics
  6.  Common Trunk End Of Call Parameters
  7.  Roaming Caller Location Code Setup
  8.  Digital Trunk Card Alarm Parameters
  9.  Digital Trunk Address Signalling Protocol
  10. Caller Notification Message Setup
  11. Meet-me Parameters


>From this menu you want to select "11. Meet-me Parameters".

                            Screen Shot Below


  1. Length of Time to Play Initial Ring(s):
  2. Wait Time Before Sending Meet-Me Page(s):
  3. Meet-Me Help Message Interval(s):
  4. Maximum Number of Meet-Me Help Message(s):
  5. Tone Played While Waiting for Meet-Me:
  6. Disable Disconnect Digital During Connection:
  7. Meet-Me Maximum Hold Time (min):
  8. Maximum Simultaneous Meet-Me connections:
  9. Prompt for Access Code Before Meet-Me:


There is online help to guide you to conduct this meet-me.  So go with the
system on this one.

Glossary of Terms

    I have listed some terms you might have trouble with while you are
playing around with this system, this is nowhere near as many as there are,
but the most vital are listed below.

Address - 1. The telephone number dialed by a calling party which identifies
         the party called.  2. A location or destination in a computer
Bell 103 - The North American standard for 300 bps modems.
Bell 212A - The North American standard for 1200 bps modems.
Blocking - The process of grouping data into transmission blocks. The
         inability of a pabx to service connection requests, usually because
         its switching matrix can only handle a limited number of connections
         simultaneously.  Blocking occurs if a call request from a user
         cannot be handled due to an insufficient number of paths through the
         switching matrix; blocking thus prevents free stations from
Borscht - Acronym for the functions that must be performed in the Central
         office at the subscriber's analog interface of a digital system.
         (battery, overvoltage, ringing, supervision, coding, hybrid, and
Broadband - A communication system with a large bandwidth.
Channel - Electronic communications path, usually of 4,000 Hz (voice)
Crossbar - A type of telephone switch.
Crossbar Switch - (In PABX technology) a switch that has multiple vertical
         paths, multiple horizontal paths, and electromagnetically operated
         mechanical means for connecting any vertical path with any
         horizontal path.  Modern PABXs often use an electronic version of
         the crossbar switch.
Data - In phone systems: any information other than speech or tones.
Data Set - The telephone companies term for a modem.
Decoder - A device that converts information into another form of signals.
         (A DTMF decoder converts dtmf tones to numerical dtmf values)
Dial Long Line - Special Service device which extends loop signalling
Digital - Variable as opposed to constant.  Data characters are coded in
         discrete, separate pulses or signal levels.  Contrast with Analog.
Duplex - Simultaneous two-way independent transmissions in both directions.
Echo - A faint return of transmitted data.
ESS - (Electronic Switching System): A telephone switching machine using
         electronics, often combined with electro-mechanical crosspoints,
         and usually with a stored program computer as the control element.
FCC - (Federal Communications Commission): A government agency that monitors
         and regulates all use of the electromagnetic spectrum for
Handshake, Handshaking - A preliminary process that is part of a
         communications protocol that establishes a data connection.
Interface - The connection between two separate and distinct mechanical or
         computerized systems.
Interoffice Trunks - Shared facilities connecting CO switches.
Link - A communications circuit.
Local CO - Central office (end office) capable of switching calls between
         local subscriber circuits.
Local Loop - The voice-band channel connecting the subscriber to the central
Logging - Recording data associated with a system.
Multiplexing - The division of a transmission facility into two or more
Network - An interconnection of computer systems, terminals, or data
         communications facilities.
Parameters - Variables designed for system uses.
Port - A computer interface capable of attaching a communication protocol.
PBX or PABX - (Private <Automatic> Branch Exchange) A system providing
         switching in an office or building.
Voice PABX - Voice only PABX for voice circuits.


      I hope you could use this information.  If anyone has any questions
or comments, or is wondering if they can get manuals to this system somehow,
please feel free to email me, I will assist you as much as my schedule will
allow.  I would like to thank erikb for telling me to write this, abstract
thought for pointing out all my spelling errors among other things, panzer
for everything he has done, and all the dc hackers.

Knowledge is the nemesis of all evil, Digital Anarchy!!!
Later, and remember to always cover your tracks in anything you do.



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