==Phrack Inc.== Volume One, Issue Five, Phile #8 of 12 ---------------------------- - Short-Wave Radio Hacking - ---------------------------- by The Seker Every day, tons of information is exchanged over the air waves. I have found news agencies, military computers, businesses, and even hacks. The standard method of exchange is called RTTY (Radio Teletype). It usually is used at 66/7 words per min. Instead of using ASCII, Baudot, a 5 bit character set is more widely used. There are many variations of it in use also. There are many other types of transmission standards besides RTTY that are commonly used. A few of the known: FAX (Facsimile) Helshcrieber- it's used to transmit pictogram-type alphabets (i.e. Chinese, Jap, etc.) instead of the American letters. SSTV- is similiar to Viewdata. Used for transmitting high-resolution pictures mixed with text. To start, you'll need to buy (card) a receiver (with a coverage of no less than 500 kHz-30 MHz and a resolution greater than 100 Hz) and a high quality antenna. These can usually be found at electronics stores. You will also need to get an interface and some RTTY software for your particuliar computer. Look in magazines like 'Amatuer Radio' or 'Ham Radio Today' for more information on that shit. Another good place to check is a CB store. NEWS AGENCIES- From these you can find all sorts of crap. You may even intercept a story being sent to the presses. They tend to operate at 66/7 words a minute (50 baud). A few of the more common 'fixed' bands they transmit over are: at kHz: 3155-3400 3950-4063 9040-9500 12050-12330 13800-14000 15600-16360 19800-19990 25210-25550 An easy way to tell if you have located a news agency is by some lame transmission being continuosly repeated. i.e. 'RYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRYRY' etc. This is done so they can keep their channels opened for reception. CONFERENCES- Another thing I found interesting was the channels that the amatuers congregated around. I frequently ran into people from foreign countries that couldn't even speak English. I even ran into other hackers from all over! A few of the more popular spots that amatuers hang out are: at kHz: 3590 14090 21090 28090 at MHz: 432.600 433.300 at VHF/UHF: 144.600 145.300 PACKET RADIO- A new development in radio transmission is the packet radio. From what I've seen, it's just like digital packet switching networks, i.e. Compuserve, Telenet, Tymnet, etc.; except slower. In fact, Compuserve has been researching a way to transmit its services cheaply. --tS This has been written exclusively for ---Metal Shop Private--- ==============================================================================