.oO Phrack 50 Oo. Volume Seven, Issue Fifty 1 of 16 Issue 50 Index ____________________ P H R A C K 5 0 April 09, 1997 ____________________ "The Perfect Drug" START the fireworks... ALERT the mass media... CUE up the Axel-F Beverley Hills Cop music... AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, SOMEONE NOTIFY MITCH KABAY...! Phrack 50 is here. To celebrate this landmark event, for a limited time, we are offering *all* Phrack issues (including this one) at a special "WE-MUST-BE-OUT-OF-OUR-MINDS" rate of HALF-PRICE!! That's right! Now you can enjoy Phrack for 50% off the standard price of free! Now you can enjoy your favorite electronic zine and still have enough money left over to get those breast implants! <SOAPBOX> It seems, in recent months, the mass media has finally caught onto what we have known all along, computer security _IS_ in fact important. Barely a week goes by that a new vulnerability of some sort doesn't pop up on CNN. But the one thing people still don't seem to fathom is that _WE_ are the ones that care about security the most... We aren't the ones that the corporations and governments should worry about... We are not the enemy. Phrack is often described by the mass media as an 'Underground Hacker's Zine' run by `irresponsible` youths. Compare Phrack's distribution with that of the security publications that charge just enough money to keep students and interested outsiders from reading it... Then decide who is `irresponsible`. Phrack is often criticized by professionals as giving away tools to people who aren't responsible enough to use them. The fact is, we are giving away tools to people who aren't rich enough to buy them. The parallels between Internet packet sniffing and phone wire tapping are enormous. The abuses of wire tapping by government agencies are well documented. Not so well documented, however, are similar abuses by these same agencies across key Internet access points. This is just another classic example of the Government trying to assert complete control. The Internet is, however, anarchistic by nature and dynamic by design. It resists all attempts at governing and all attempts at control. By providing a public compendium of the same knowledge, information and resources that all the money in the world can buy, we help ensure that the Internet will remain safe with the individual. Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is _empowerment_. </SOAPBOX> This issue contains a great deal of C source code. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 5000 lines of C source. To facilitate painless extraction of the code and support files into an arbitrarily designated hierarchical directory structure and still maintaining readability while in `zine` format, we developed a custom extraction utility. (Good lord that was a long sentence...) Article 16 contains the source for extract.c, instructions for compilation and use can be found therein. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enjoy the magazine. It is for and by the hacking community. Period. Editors : daemon9[route], Datastream Cowboy Asst. Editor : Alhambra (appears courtesy of the guild corp.) On ice : Voyager Mailboy : Erik Bloodaxe News : Alhambra, disorder Elite : snocrash Best Coast : Left Coast Fatstar : loadammo Thinstar : nirva SPOOOOOOOOON! : sirsyko Rocks the Fucking House : 16 Volt Bad at pool : the NSA Tip o' the black hat : omerta Birthday Boy : loki GET A LIFE : All you jennicam losers. (jennicam.simplenet.com) Shout outs / Thank yous : mudge (cos he just plain rules), the Guild and r00t, pyro, blaboo, o0, halflife, nihil (for dealing with my daily whining, working 6848 hours a week, and *still* providing the kickass article), alhambra (for coming through in a big way for Phrack when other people let us down), mycroft (fruitbat), Juliet (cookies) Phrack Magazine V. 7, #50, April 09, 1997. Contents Copyright (c) 1996/7 Phrack Magazine. All Rights Reserved. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the editors. Phrack Magazine is made available quarterly to the public, free of charge. Go nuts people. Subscription requests, articles, comments, whatever should be directed to: phrackedit@infonexus.com Submissions to the above email address may be encrypted with the following key (note this is a REALLY NEW key, we promise not to lose it this time): -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- Version: 2.6.2 mQENAzMgU6YAAAEH/1/Kc1KrcUIyL5RBEVeD82JM9skWn60HBzy25FvR6QRYF8uW ibPDuf3ecgGezQHM0/bDuQfxeOXDihqXQNZzXf02RuS/Au0yiILKqGGfqxxP88/O vgEDrxu4vKpHBMYTE/Gh6u8QtcqfPYkrfFzJADzPEnPI7zw7ACAnXM5F+8+elt2j 0njg68iA8ms7W5f0AOcRXEXfCznxVTk470JAIsx76+2aPs9mpIFOB2f8u7xPKg+W DDJ2wTS1vXzPsmsGJt1UypmitKBQYvJrrsLtTQ9FRavflvCpCWKiwCGIngIKt3yG /v/uQb3qagZ3kiYr3nUJ+ULklSwej+lrReIdqYEABRG0D1BocmFjayBNYWdhemlu ZQ== =sdwc -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- ENCRYPTED SUBSCRIPTION REQUESTS WILL BE IGNORED Phrack goes out plaintext... You certainly can subscribe in plaintext .oO Phrack 50 Oo. ------------------------------------- Table Of Contents 1. Introduction ... Phrack Staff 9K 2. Phrack Loopback ... Phrack Staff 60K 3. Line Noise ... various 72K 4. Phrack Prophile on Aleph1 ... Phrack Staff 7K 5. Linux TTY hijacking ... halflife 15K 6. Juggernaut ... route 123K 7. SNMP insecurities ... Alhambra 20K 8. Cracking NT Passwords ... Nihil 17K 9. SS7 Diverter plans ... Mastermind 27K 10. Skytel Paging and Voicemail ... pbxPhreak 36K 11. Hardwire Interfacing under Linux ... Professor 11K 12. PC Application Level Security ... Sideshow Bob 21K 13. DTMF signalling and decoding ... Mr. Blue 17K 14. DCO Operating System ... mrnobody 16K 15. Phrack World News ... Alhambra 110K 16. extract.c ... Phrack Staff 2K 523k ------------------------------------- Every article in Phrack is written free of charge, for and by the hacking community. If you are a hack, phreak, student, professor, professional, or even a loser with an idea and you have some knowledge or information you would like to empart, there are thousands of readers who would love nothing more than to learn from you. If you want to submit something anonymously, it will stay anonymous, if you want attributation, feel free to use your real name or a psuedonym. The deadline for submissions to Phrack 51 is July 25th, 1997, but the earlier the better. If you are planning on writing an article we'd like to hear from you as soon as possible. If you don't think you are going to be able to write an article, but you have some comments about Phrack, commentary about the hacking world, funny stories, exploits, news items, or just want to tell us about the government site you just hacked (PGP'd and through an anonymous remailer PLEASE), we love getting mail. PGP key and e-mail address are above. ------------------------------------- " *pyro* phrack is my faith and the e-zine is my bible, you are one of my high priests! " - Some IRC zealot " ...r00t and the guild.... Like peanut-butter and jelly -- you could have one without the other, but *why* would you want to...? " - route EOF