p66-01.txt 12262 bytes. by TCLH
p66-02.txt 13109 bytes. by TCLH
Phrack Prophile on The PaX Team
p66-03.txt 21399 bytes. by TCLH
Phrack World News
p66-04.txt 129885 bytes. by nemo
Abusing the Objective C runtime
p66-05.txt 40457 bytes. by Graeme
Backdooring Juniper Firewalls
p66-06.txt 65310 bytes. by huku
Exploiting DLmalloc frees in 2009
p66-07.txt 57955 bytes. by aLS and Alfredo
Persistent BIOS infection
p66-08.txt 64728 bytes. by argp and karl
Exploiting UMA : FreeBSD kernel heap exploits
p66-09.txt 106385 bytes. by ithilgore
Exploiting TCP Persist Timer Infiniteness
p66-10.txt 90995 bytes. by blackngel
Malloc Des-Maleficarum
p66-11.txt 64043 bytes. by Core Collapse
A Real SMM Rootkit
p66-12.txt 90291 bytes. by YYounan and PPhilippaerts
Alphanumeric RISC ARM Shellcode
p66-13.txt 63199 bytes. by BSDaemon
Power cell buffer overflow
p66-14.txt 99256 bytes. by pancake
Binary Mangling with Radare
p66-15.txt 115198 bytes. by Larry H
Linux Kernel Heap Tampering Detection
p66-16.txt 111147 bytes. by ghalen and wowie
Developing MacOS X Kernel Rootkits
p66-17.txt 11207 bytes. by dahut
How close are they of hacking your brain