TUCoPS :: Phrack Inc. Issue #7 :: p07-09.txt

Phrack World News VI Part 2

                               ==Phrack Inc.==

                    Volume One, Issue 7, Phile #9 of 10

PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                      *^=-> Phrack World News <-=^*                      PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                             Issue VI/Part 2                             PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                         Compiled and Written by                         PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN
PWN                            Knight Lightning                             PWN
PWN                                                                         PWN

U.S. Telecom Retiring Uninet                                       May 26, 1986
                            "Uninet is coming down"

Reston, Va. - U.S. Telecom Data Communications Company, Uninet Packet
Switching Network will be retired as a result of the proposed merger of the
company with GTE Telenet Communications Corporation.

The move came to light last week as a joint transition study team completed a
plan detailing how the two companies will be merged.  The merger is a result
of a joint venture spawned by the two companies parents, GTE Corporation and
United Telecommunications Inc.

The packet switches and related equipment which make up Uninet will be sold
where possible, but a good deal of the equipment is likely to be discarded, a
spokesman for the joint venture said.

Under the plan, the capacity of GTE Telenet Packet Switching Network will be
increased to handle additional traffic resulting from transference of U.S.
Telecom customers to Telenet, according to the spokesman.

The study groups considered integrating Uninet and Telenet because the
external interfaces of each network are compatible but the internal protocols
each network uses for functions such as networks management are substantially
dif ferent and any attempt toward integration would require a massive
development effort, spokesman said.

Moving Uninet's traffic to Telenet is far cheaper.  Telenet currently supports
six times as much traffic as Uninet, which means Telenet's capacity must only
be incremented by one sixth.

Uninet will be phased out over a 120 day transition period, to begin when the
joint venture is approved.  The merger plan calls for all personnel of U.S.
Telecom and GTE Telenet to be offered jobs with U.S. Sprint (now called U.S.
Sprint, not Sprint/U.S. Telecom company since recent merger).  The new company
is headquartered in Reston, Virginia where GTE Telenet is currently headquar
tered. Submitted by Scan Man to Phrack Inc. From Communications Week, May 26

                                 P-80 Newsfile
Computer Crime Bill Amended                                        May 14, 1986
After three years of Congressional hearings, the U.S. House of Representatives
is finally getting ready to act on a computer crime bill, but like everything
else in Congress many different people have input, and the focus and scope of
pending computer crime bills have changed in important ways during the past
few months.

When bills are altered significantly, they are often written as "clean bills"
and given new numbers.  Computer crime measures are changing so fast it is
difficult to keep track of them.

What started out as The Counterfeit Access Device and Computer Fraud Act (HR
1001) became late last month The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (HR 4562) which,
although it has retained the same title, is now dubbed HR 4718 following the
addition of some minor amendments.

The new bill, sponsored by Rep. William Hughes (D-N.J.), is very similar to
the old one, however, and would impose severe penalties for illegally
accessing government and financial computers and crack down on illegal
computer bulletin board systems.

For more information on HR 4718, check the menu for bills in the US House of
Representatives in the Legislation Database.

                    Information Provided by Cathryn Conroy
House Committee Approves New Computer Crime Bill                   May 14, 1986
The House Judiciary Committee has approved and sent to the full House a new
computer crime bill that would impose severe penalties for illegally accessing
government and financial computers and crack down on illegal computer bulletin
board systems.

The bill (HR 4718), sponsored by Rep. William Hughes (D-N.J.), was passed by
voice vote with no objection. It is aimed at closing loopholes in existing law
and at helping to eliminate the "national malaise" of computer crime, Hughes

The bill "will enable us to much more effectively deal with the emerging
computer criminal in our society," said Hughes, who chairs the House crime

Rep. Bill McCollum (R-Fla.), the ranking Republican on the crime subcommittee,
added his support for the bill. He said it is time the nation began cracking
down on computer criminals.

"We demand privacy, yet we glorify those that break into computers," McCollum
said, citing films and television shows that have painted a sympathetic
portrait of computer criminals.

The committee agreed to a single amendment to the bill -- one that would
extend the list of computer systems protected by the measure to include those
run by the brokers and dealers regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission.  McCollum, who sponsored the amendment, said the brokers and
dealers provide some of the same services as banks and should receive equal
protection against computer trespassers.

The bill was reported out unanimously from the crime subcommittee. Hughes said
an identical companion measure is moving through the Senate and that he
expects the bill will become law before the end of the 99th Congress in
December.  Hughes and McCollum agreed that the bill will help eliminate
another glaring example of the failure of existing federal law to keep pace
with technological advances.

"For the most part," he said, "our laws are rooted in the concept of property
crimes, where someone trespasses into or steals another person's property.
"With computer crimes, the trespassing or theft is done electronically, not
physically," he added. "Although the losses are often just as great or even
greater than property crime, our laws are not current enough to keep pace with
the changing technology used by the criminals."

Hughes was the author of the nation's first computer crime law in 1984. That
bill established a new federal crime for unauthorized access to classified
information in government computers and a misdemeanor for accessing any
federal computer or computer containing financial or credit information.  The
new measure would establish a:

-:- New felony for trespassing into federal interest computers, those run by or
    for the federal government, banks or states. Offenders would face
    prison terms.

-:- Second felony for "maliciously trespassing" into a federal interest
    computer and causing more than $1,000 in damage.

-:- New category of federal misdemeanors involving the use of illegal BBSes to
    post private information, such as credit card data, phone account
    information and passwords.

"We need to establish clear guidelines for protecting the information stored
in computers and for cracking down on those who knowingly put computers to
criminal of malicious use," Hughes said.

                       Information Provided by J. S. Orr
Access To Government Computers Clarified                           June 9, 1986
Sen. Charles McC. Mathias (R- Md.) has introduced a bill in the U.S. Senate
that would amend Section 1030 of Title 18 of the United States Code with the
purpose of clarifying coverage with respect to access to computers operated
for or on behalf of the federal government.

The legislation would clearly impose penalties on anyone who modified,
destroyed or prevented use of information in a government computer system or
who used or disclosed individually identifiable information in such a
computer.  The bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on The
Judiciary.  No subcommittee has yet been assigned.

                    Information Provided by Cathryn Conroy

Tap Interviews II...by Dead Lord                                  July 14, 1986
The infamous Dead Lord is back and this time with an anonymous rag file that
he entitled Tap Interviews II to start people thinking that the Infiltrator
had written it.  Lets look at this file in parts.

First Dead Lord starts out by saying that he is Infiltrator and then changes
his mind and becomes Sharp Razor (who is supposedly in prison).  His first
interview was an imaginary exchange of words between him and Lex Luthor of the
Legion Of Doom.  The interview also was used to rag on Infiltrator by the way
it was presented.

Dead Lord then decided to interview Executive Hacker of Chief Executive
Officers (CEO).  The funny part about this interview is that Executive Hacker
is another handle used by Dead Lord.  The only rag mentioned was that
Executive Hacker didn't know that Ultima IV had been released and that there
were only two members in CEO.  Dead Lord then goes on to say, "LOD is a group
of egotistical fools..."

Then started the straight rags without the interview crap.  This is where ole
Dead Lord gives his opinion on everything.  For the first few paragraphs he
rags on The Doctor, SpecElite, pirates in general, Monty Python, and The
Flying Circus BBS.

Then he starts giving descriptions of the people who attend the weekly TAP

  "Cheshire is a tired old man, Broadway Hacker, who is an obnoxious slob
   anyway, stopped going, the "950 codes kids" Ninja NYC and his pals have
   mostly moved on, though Ninja NYC still attends.  Ninja NYC is, at 17 years
   old, a complete criminal, the guy has stolen everything you can think

  "Two Sigmund Frauds also attend (they are partners) one is a skinny asshole
   who has an earing and the other I never spoke to, but he is he one who
   supposedly does all the BBS calling.  There is also some friend of Ninja's
   who works for Northern Telcom."

  "There is some young guy with a French accent who always smiles, and
   some middle aged fag who is always talking.  Then there is MARK!  Ye Mark,
   though he tries to be friendly, people try to stay away.  He works at a
   Camera..."  "He is slightly (very) unbalanced mentally, and always very
   confused.  He is teased constantly but tolerated."

  "There are also a few less important people, such as "Sid" some greasy kid
   who is proud to have had a $1700+ fone bill because he thought he was using
   a diverter.  Right now, they are generally a motley bunch.  Also they get
   kicked out of restaurants frequently now, and are down to meeting at Burger
   King.  <SIGH>  How pitiful..."

After all of the above bullshit, he talks about Lord Digital, his "cult," and
his adventures with Paul Muad'Dib.  Dead Lord still had more to say though, he
decided to bring up Monty Python again as well as Phrack, TWCB, Stronghold
East, Private Sector, and 2600 Magazine.  All of what he had to say was
completely bogus and Dead Lord claimed to be a member of Metal Shop Private,
although he called it Metal Shop Elite, which is untrue.  Fact is he was never
a member, not even on the old MSP.  He also claims that he has submitted
articles for Phrack, but was turned down because they were original files.
Best bet is that whatever he was writing, he didn't know what he was talking

Some notes to Dead Lord, as far as why Taran King was in the hospital; First
off it was a psychiatric ward not a "hospital".  Second, why don't you go and
read PWN 5-1 for the real story of what happened.  Third, the cosysop of
Stronghold East is not the Slayer, it is Slave Driver.

The truth is that both MSP and SE refused to let Dead Lord on and he holds a
grudge.  He then went on to say that both 2600 Magazine and Private Sector
sucked and that they always have.  Of course I am sure that Dead Lord could
easily put out a better magazine then either/or 2600 and Phrack Inc., and he
of course has shown that he can run a better BBS than Private Sector or Metal
Shop Private.  He ragged on several other bulletin boards such as Inner View
and Speed Demon Elite.

After all of that he comes back to the subject of Legion of Doom, starts on
Tribunal of Knowledge, and the says why Chief Executive Officers is better.

  "LOD's main claim to fame is that Lex Luthor types up shitloads of manuals
   and plasters LOD all over them.  Getting published in 2600 every other
   probably helps also."

  "Another emerging group CEO, isn't as ridiculous as LOD, I mean the members
   [all two of them] know a lot, and write intelligent stuff..."

  "Executive Hacker and Corporate Criminal, not much of a group even if these
   do stack up better than the entire LOD."

His last rags were on Adventurer's Tavern and Disk Rigger.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Most of you by now are probably wondering how we tracked him down.  Well for
starters Dead Lord made it a lot easier on us by deciding to mention that he
lived in NYC.  He also talked a lot about others in the NYC area.  Dead Lord
is a member of Draco Tavern.  Dead Lord was refused access to Metal Shop
Private and Stronghold East.  Dead Lord's file was refused for Phrack Inc.
The clincher however was in finding that Dead Lord was actually Executive
Hacker, and I'm sure that many of you noticed that CEO, the group the
Executive Hacker belongs to, was highlighted and not ragged on.

Some other interesting things about Dead Lord include that fact that he
started a rumor in New York City, that Taran King had appeared on a talk show
dealing with hackers and the he is responsible for giving out Sigmund Fraud's
and Ninja NYC's numbers to Daniel Zigmond and he probably has given him other
numbers as well.

It has been said that Dead Lord's phone number has been disconnected by
outside sources several times in the past and that the entire TAP Meeting
attendees group is out to cause him major physical damage.

MOB RULES was indited on five counts of wire fraud by the secret service, the
charges dated back to 1984.  This is supposedly part of the reason that the
Marauder took down Twilight Zone, but this is pure rumor.
More talk about Broadway Hacker being a REAL fed or fed informant has sprung
up.  We at PWN are looking for factual evidence that this is true.
Night Stalker, sysop of the Underground, was busted for something dealing with
Transference of Funds.  It is unknown as to if Dan Pasquale had anything to do
with this bust.  Credit Card numbers were frequently found here as well.  His
phone line is being tapped and he cannot really discuss his bust to much.  He
is also under constant surveillance wherever he goes.  Look for a full story
in Phrack World News VII.
The rumor that Carrier Culprit was busted is untrue, but he did receive a call
from AT&T Security, regarding Alliance Teleconferencing Services.

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