AOH Sounds II

Last Updated: 12/13/2021 12:52:43 AM

Artofhacking Recordings II - This is a partial mirror of The Web Page You Have Reached

Telco Recordings

57029 bytes. by PLA
916-440-0031 - "We're sorry. Due to telephone company facility troubles, your call can not be completed at this time. Will you try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
43707 bytes. by NPA
"The person you are calling does not wish to talk with callers who block their number. If you wish to reach this person, please hang up, and place your call again without blocking your number."
Phone Recordings  
29601 bytes. by Jenn M.
"We're sorry. You've dialed a number which can not be reached in your calling area."
Phone Recordings  
52327 bytes. by Jenn M.
"You have dialed a number that is not available from your calling area. 0-6-7-T."
Phone Recordings  
38221 bytes. by Jenn M.
"The number you have dialed can not be reached from your calling area. 2-E-L."
Phone Recordings  
39005 bytes. by Jenn M.
"Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again."
Phone Recordings  
53111 bytes. by Jenn M.
"We're sorry you have reached a number that has been disconnected or is no longer in service. If you feel your have reached this recording in error, please check the number and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
38482 bytes. by Jenn M.
"47-4. The number you have dialed is invalid or blocked from your area code. Please check your local listing."
Phone Recordings  
43968 bytes. by Jenn M.
"47-3 We're sorry. The number you dialed is dialed is invalid. Please check the area code dialed, or call directory assistance."
Phone Recordings  
45797 bytes. by Jenn M.
"47-10. You have dialed an invalid number. Please check the number and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
28556 bytes. by Jenn M.
"We're sorry the number you have reached is not in service. Please check the number and dial again."

116588 bytes. by Jenn M.
"The area code or telephone number as dialed is not valid. Please check the area code and telephone number and dial again. Thank you. The following tones are for the hearing impaired... (TDD tones)"
Phone Recordings  
15756 bytes. by Jenn M.
"One moment for the OCI operator."
Phone Recordings  
37699 bytes. by Jenn M.
"If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator."
Phone Recordings  
32997 bytes. by Jenn M.
"When making a call requiring operator assistance, dial 0 + the area code+ the seven digit number."
Phone Recordings  
50237 bytes. by Jenn M.
"When dialing a call outside of your area code or an 800 number, dial 1 first. On calls within your area code, just dial the 7 digit number."
Phone Recordings  
52066 bytes.
914-268-9940 - "We're sorry. But since you did not select a long distance company, this call can not be completed as dialed. To place this call in emergency, dial 0 and an operator will assist you." (?)
Phone Recordings  
48409 bytes. by PLA
916-440-0005 - "We're sorry. You must first dial a 1 when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
39005 bytes. by PLA
916-440-0015 - "We're sorry. Your call did not go through. Will you please try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
85764 bytes. by PLA
916-440-0017 - "Your service has been interrupted. For emergencies, dial 911. To discuss your residence account dial 1-800-540-0256 for business dial 1-800-464-6649."
Phone Recordings  
43968 bytes. by PLA
916-440-0029 - "We're sorry. All circuits are busy now. Will you please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
54678 bytes. by PLA
916-440-0030 - "There is no charge for this call. This number has been disconnected as a result of a recent federal court decision and Pacific Bell's business policy."
Phone Recordings  
102221 bytes. by PLA
805-664-0004 - "This phone is not currently in service. To order telephone service from Pacific Bell hang up and dial 1-800-310-BELL. En espanol marque... ...In case of fire, medical and police emergencies, dial 911. Thank you."
Phone Recordings  
25421 bytes. by PLA
805-664-0019 - "We're sorry. The service you are requesting is not available on this line."
Phone Recordings  
51543 bytes. by Interrupt
815-469-9999 - "You have not deposited the correct amount to place your call. Please check the instruction card for rate information and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
46580 bytes. by NPA
877-555-1212 - "Please note that in 1998 toll free numbers can be either 800, 888 or 877 numbers."
Phone Recordings  
39788 bytes. by XKMFDMx
888-999-9931 - "Your call did not go though. Please try your call again. 0-6-7-T."
Phone Recordings  
37176 bytes. by XKMFDMx
888-999-9977 - "The number you have dialed has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Message 102."
Phone Recordings  
39266 bytes. by XKMFDXx
888-999-9990 - "7-1-1. The 800 number you have dialed is not in service. There is no further information available at this time."
Phone Recordings  
16588 bytes.
"The number you have reached, 9-1-1, has been changed to a non published number."
Phone Recordings  
82629 bytes.
800-363-3343 - "You have reached the verification announcement. Your call can not be completed as dialed. If you believe you have reached this recording in error, please contact your long distance telephone company. 5-1-2-3-2-8."
Phone Recordings  
71658 bytes.
800-426-5639 - "54-7-1-1-3-0-7-1-0-5-5 ."
Phone Recordings  
38221 bytes. by Jenn M.
800-922-0918 - "47-10. You have dialed an invalid number. Please check the number and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
37699 bytes. by XKMFDMx
800-999-9962 - "0-1-2-2. The toll free number you are calling is not serviced from your area."
Phone Recordings  
41878 bytes. by Jenn M.
800-999-9965 - "You have reached a non working 800 number at Liz Claiborne. Thank you." "Thank you for calling."
Phone Recordings  
54678 bytes. by XKMFDMx
800-999-9976 - "12. We're sorry. Your call can not be completed dialed. Please check the number and dial again or call customer service. This is a recording."
Phone Recordings  
133829 bytes. by XKMFDMx
800-999-9994 - A jumbled recording! "We're sorry you have dialed an 800 number that is not available... We're sorry you have dialed an 800 number that is not available... We're sorry you have dialed an 800 number that is not available... We're sorry you have dialed an 800 number that is not available...
Phone Recordings  
57552 bytes. by Jenn M.
"The toll free number you have dialed has been disconnected. No further information is available about this number. 1-1-0-T."
Phone Recordings  
54156 bytes. by Jenn M.
800-368-3407 - "AT&T Easy Reach 800. To complete your call please enter or speak each number of the access code now."
Phone Recordings  
44752 bytes.
732-946-9902 "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check your instruction manual or call the business office for assistance."
Phone Recordings  
40572 bytes.
732-946-9903 "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the area code or number and dial again."
Phone Recordings  
55723 bytes.
732-946-9904 "The call you have made requires a coin deposit. Please hang up, check the instructions on the payphone for the appropriate rate, and dial your call again."
Phone Recordings  
47625 bytes.
732-946-9905 "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed from the phone you are using. Please read the instruction card or call your operator to help you."
Phone Recordings  
33258 bytes.
732-946-9906 "We're sorry. All circuits are busy now. Will you please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
37960 bytes.
732-946-9911 - "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you need help, hang up and then dial your operator."
Phone Recordings  
28556 bytes.
732-946-9912 - "We're sorry. Your call did not go through. Will you please try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
55462 bytes.
732-946-9913 - "Excuse me. Please deposit 10 cents for the next 4 minutes. If 10 cents is not deposited within 25 seconds, your call will be automatically terminated."
Phone Recordings  
37437 bytes.
732-946-9915 - "We're sorry. We can not process your custom calling request at this time. Will you try again later please."
Phone Recordings  
42923 bytes.
732-946-9916 - "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again or call your attendant to help you."
Phone Recordings  
45797 bytes.
732-946-9918 - "We're sorry. It is not neccesary to dial a carrier access code for the number you have dialed. Please hang up and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
43707 bytes.
732-946-9919 - "We're sorry. You must first dial a 1 when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
51021 bytes.
732-946-9922 - "We're sorry. It is not neccesary to dial the digits 950 before dialing your carrier access code. Please hang up and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
50760 bytes.
732-946-9923 "We're Sorry. The Carrier Access Code you dialed must be preceded by the digits 9-5-0. Please hang up and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
41095 bytes.
732-946-9924 - "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the area code or number and dial again."
Phone Recordings  
42401 bytes.
732-946-9928 - "We're sorry. It is not neccesary to dial a 1 when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again"
Phone Recordings  
42139 bytes.
732-946-9929 - "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the area code or number and dial again."
Phone Recordings  
90205 bytes.
732-946-9931 - "Your call can not be completed as dialed. If you dialed a 5 digit code, it has changed. Please redial adding a 1 and a 0 before the 5 digit code. Or for assitance, contact the carrier you are trying to use."
Phone Recordings  
37176 bytes.
732-946-9933 - "We're sorry. All carrier circuits are busy now. Will you please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
46841 bytes.
732-946-9935 - "We're sorry. Due to network difficulties, your call can not be completed at this time. Please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
49715 bytes.
732-946-9938 - "We're sorry. A long distance company access code is requied for the number you have dialed. Please dial your call with the access code."
Phone Recordings  
42662 bytes.
732-946-9940 - "We're sorry. The carrier you have selected is unable to complete your call at this time. Please try your call aga
Phone Recordings  
93601 bytes.
"The area code for the number you have dialed is currently 708. Please dial your call again using area code 708. Thanks you. The following tones are for the hearing impaired... (TDD Tones)."
Phone Recordings  
60686 bytes. by PLA
201-376-9907 - "The number you have dialed 376-9907 is not in service. Please check the number and dial again."
Phone Recordings  
66956 bytes. by PLA
305-994-9963 - "The number you have reached 994-9963 is being checked for trouble. Please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
58597 bytes. by UbiOne
201-666-0000 - Satanic 0-0-0-0-Orgasmic 0-0-0-0-operator! "The number you have dialed, 666-0000 is not in service. Please check the number and dial again."
Phone Recordings  
54417 bytes. by PLA
301-292-9908 - "A 25 cent deposit is required to make this call. Please hang up, deposit 25 cents, and make your call again."
Phone Recordings  
62515 bytes. by Jenn M.
312-591-8301 - "The number you have reached 212-8301 is being checked for trouble. Please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
77405 bytes. by Jenn M.
312-591-9999 - "The number you have dialed has been changed. The new number is 555-1212 or 0 + the area code + 555- 1212. and try your call again or refer to the instruction card for additional information. 1-2-T."
Phone Recordings  
18629 bytes. by PLA
415-333-0000 - Reorders and goes dead.
Phone Recordings  
44229 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0042 - "You have called a party on your own line. Please hang up, give the called party time to answer and then pick up your receiver."
Phone Recordings  
37437 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0043 - "You have been called by a party on your line. Please give the calling party time to answer."
Phone Recordings  
61992 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0047 - "Your line has been temporarily disconnected. For service, please call our business office at 1-800-483-3100. This is a recording."
Phone Recordings  
40572 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0048 - "We're sorry. We cannot process your custom calling request at this time. Will you try again later pleas
Phone Recordings  
49976 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0049 - "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check your instruction manual or call repair service for assistance."
Phone Recordings  
64343 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0050 - "We're sorry. Due to heavy calling we can not complete your call at this time. Will you please hang up and try your call later. If your call is urgent, please try again now.
Phone Recordings  
42401 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0055 - "If you'd like to make a call, please hang up and try again. If you need help, please call repair service for assistance."
Phone Recordings  
52066 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0056 - "The call you have made requires a coin deposit. Please hang up momentarily, listen for dial tone, deposit coins, and dial your call again."
Phone Recordings  
53895 bytes. by Baby Demon
503-620-0059 - "This is a recording. All of the 911 emergency lines are busy now. if your call is an emergency, please hang up and dial the operator."
Phone Recordings  
34303 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0014 - "The number called is busy. A special ringing will tell you when the line is free. Please hang up now."
Phone Recordings  
20197 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0015 - "You have canceled your request. Please hang up now."
Phone Recordings  
45797 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0016 - "The number was free but it has just become busy again. Please hang up. You may reactivate, if you wish...
Phone Recordings  
29078 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0019 - "We're sorry. You have dialed a number that can not be reached from your calling area."
Phone Recordings  
81323 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0034 - "The last call to your telephone has been traced and a 1 dollar and 50 cent charge will be added to your bill. If the call was life threatening, call your local police. After 3 traces you may call 1-800-582-0655 to initiate deterrent action."
Phone Recordings  
22548 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0035 - "The number called can not be reached. Please hang up now."
Phone Recordings  
35348 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0036 - "Your call has been completed, however the party you are calling is not receiving calls at this time."
Phone Recordings  
28295 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0037 - "Your selective call forwarding and call forwarding features can not be used at the same time."
Phone Recordings  
26727 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0038 - "The number can not be reached now. Please hang up and try again later."
Phone Recordings  
31690 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0048 - "The number you are calling was blocked and can not be called back using your last call return service."
Phone Recordings  
83674 bytes. by PLA
509-248-0091 - "The party you are calling does not accept blocked calls. If you are calling from a locked number, please hang up, pick up the receiver, press *82, and redial the phone number. When you do this your name and number will appear for this call only."
Phone Recordings  
45797 bytes. by PLA
509-457-0001 - "Your call can not be completed as dialed. check the number and dial again. 0-6-7-T."
Phone Recordings  
42401 bytes.
509-457-0002 - "We're sorry. You must first dial a 1 when calling this number. Will you please hang up and try your call again."
Phone Recordings  
67739 bytes. by PLA
509-457-0003 - "This call will be forwarded over private facilities. If you normally receive a charge for this call, a charge will still apply from the beginning of this announcement although you may reach a busy or no answer condition."
Phone Recordings  
74792 bytes. by PLA
509-457-0036 - "The last call to your telephone can not be traced and no charge will be added to your bill. Please hang up and call the US West Call Identification Center at 1-800-582 0655 if you need further assistance."
Phone Recordings  
53111 bytes. by PLA
509-457-0048 - "We're sorry your call can not be completed as dialed from the phone you are using. Please read the instruction card and dial again."
Phone Recordings  
49976 bytes. by PLA
509-457-0049 - "We're sorry. Your call can not be completed as dialed. Please check the number and dial again or call your attendant to help you."
Phone Recordings  
39266 bytes. by PLA
509-457-0050 - "911 is not a working number for your area. For emergencies, hang up a moment and dial your operator."
Phone Recordings  
38482 bytes. by PLA
509-457-0051 - "All circuits are busy now. Please try your call later."
Phone Recordings  
50499 bytes. by PLA
541-967-0001 - "Your long distance call can not be completed your service has been restricted. Please contact your US West business office."
Phone Recordings  
49715 bytes. by PLA
541-967-0003 - Jumbled recording! "It is not necessary to dial a... we're sorry... for the number you have dialed... long distance company access carrier... call again.... please hang up and tr..."
Phone Recordings  
60686 bytes. by PLA
541-967-0004 - Jumbled recording! "Your call can not be completed... we're sorry... led. Please check the code with the access code dialed... call your long distance company and try again or... for assistance."
Phone Recordings  
49976 bytes. by PLA
541-967-0006 - "We're sorry. Due to network difficulties your long distance call can not be completed at this time. Please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
63037 bytes. by PLA
541-967-0010 - "The business telephone number you have dialed is It has been reported to US West Communications who is checkin cause of the trouble. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please try your call again later."
Phone Recordings  
101176 bytes. by PLA
541-967-0027 - "The number of the last call you made or received is unavailable and you will not be charged. If you were attempting to trace a call and need assistance, please call the US West Call Identification Center at 1-800-582-0655. Again, that number is 1-800-582-0655."
Phone Recordings  
56768 bytes. by PLA
610-797-0014 - "Excuse me. Please deposit 5 cents for the next 5 minutes. If 5 cents is not deposited within 25 seconds your call will be automatically terminated."
Phone Recordings  
54939 bytes. by PLA
618-254-0000 - 0-0-0-0-Orgasmic 0-0-0-0-operator! "The number you have reached 254-0000 is not in service for incoming calls."
Phone Recordings  
55462 bytes. by Jenn M.
630-893-9883 - "The number you have reached, 893-9883 is not in service, for incoming calls."
Phone Recordings  
75576 bytes.
800-245-7508 - "You are not authorized to dial this number. 2-3-K. You are not auth... " (Jenn M?)
Phone Recordings  

Telco Message Tones

100654 bytes. by Jenn M.
20 seconds of dial tone.

100654 bytes. by Jenn M.
Annoying reorder one would hear when the phone was kept off the hook for too long.

87854 bytes. by Jenn M.
PBX Dial tone (Whirlwind Note - Sounds like a Santel).

100392 bytes. by Jenn M.

143233 bytes. by Jenn M.
Rings (5).

101176 bytes. by XKMFDMx
Double-rings (5).

45535 bytes. by UbiOne
914-735-9904 - A regular synthesized ring then, what sounds like a ring from an actual telephone.

Telco Test Numbers

105095 bytes. by Sadena Meti
305-625-3333 - Cycle tone sweeper.

71397 bytes. by Jenn M.
800-432-3960 - Beeps over and over and over...

100654 bytes. by Jenn M.
A high end of a loop.

100654 bytes. by Jenn M.
A low end of a loop.

39266 bytes. by PLA
941-232-9901 - "Yes. You have reached the Daytona DMS100 Central Office Exchange 232. Thank you very much."
Phone Recordings  
171968 bytes. by UbiOne
973-759-3816 - "You have reached the test number for New Jersey area code 973. This new area code is effective June 1, 1997. Mandatory use of 973 begins December 6, 1997. The northeastern part of the state including and Bergen and Hudson Counties will retain the 201 area code. With the remainder of the 201 area code including Morris, Sussex, Passaic and Essex counties changing to the new 973 area code. Test number 973-759-3816. ."
Phone Recordings  
42923 bytes. by PLA
914-268-9901 - "You have reached Congers DMS 100 Central Office. NNX 268, 267, 261, 979, and 711."
Phone Recordings  
40833 bytes. by PLA
914-268-9901 - "914, 268, 267, 261. Congers DMS 100 Verification."
Phone Recordings  
46841 bytes. by PLA
914-359-9901 - "You have reached the 5ESS Orange Brook New York Verification Center. Servicing codes 359, 398 and 365."
Phone Recordings  
19674 bytes. by UbiOne
914-735-9929 - "Testing 1, 2, 3."
Phone Recordings  
25943 bytes. by PLA
914-868-9901 - "You have reached a 55 ESS machine."
Phone Recordings  
185813 bytes. by PLA
"Hello. This is telephone number 847-823-9995. The time is 9:15 AM. Alert condition okay. The temperature is 73 degrees. okay. The electricity is on. Battery condition okay. Sound level okay. Listen to the sound level for 60 seconds..."
Phone Recordings  
98825 bytes. by Jenn M.
630-307-9974 - "This is pump station number 5. This is pump station number 5. " "Acknowledged. Accepted. The intrical delay is 02 hours."
Phone Recordings  

Touch Tone Tunes

22286 bytes.
"Do Wah Diddy" played in touch tones.


15233 bytes. by Michael Edwards
Sound of caller ID sending data. (real Caller ID, including the nasty audio representation of the ring signal!)

63560 bytes. by Jenn M.
TDD machine.

100654 bytes. by Jenn M.
Modem carrier.

74270 bytes. by Jenn M
847-427-1844 - COCOT modem.

185552 bytes. by Jenn M
Fax machine.


17062 bytes. by Jenn M

9748 bytes.
A pager beeping.

81584 bytes. (2000)
800-555-4646 "The number for the chatline is 1-473-473-7373. International long distance rates apply. That number again is 1-473-473-7373. Thank you."

36654 bytes. by Phone Losers England (2000)
011-44-800-969388 "Two Hundred Thirty Three Seven One One Zero" followed by touch tones.

58858 bytes. by Phone Losers England (2000)
011-44-800-969204 Several seconds of repetetive beeping which I deduced to be a dial tone. The first digit broke tone and after a few random digits (the last was *) a female voice gives a recording in Japanese and the dial tone comes back.

158123 bytes. (1996)
A very annoying sound to blast telemarketers with!

29078 bytes. (2000)
631-751-2600 (Bong!) "Thank you for calling 2600. The Hacker Quarterly."

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