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AV Arcade 2.1b (view_page.php) Remote SQL Injection
AV Arcade 2.1b (view_page.php) Remote SQL Injection
AV Arcade 2.1b (view_page.php) Remote SQL Injection

AV Arcade 2.1b (view_page.php) Remote SQL Injection

Web: AV Arcade 2.1b
Site : www.avscripts.net 
Dork : "Powered By AV Arcade"

Author: Kw3rLn [ teh_lost_byte[at]YaHoO[d0t]Com ]
Romanian Security Team [Ethical Hacking] - hTTp://RSTZONE.nET 

Description: SQL injection in $id of includes/view_page.php


GREETZ: all memberz of RST and milw0rm
//kw3rln [ http://rstzone.net ] 

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