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bitweaver 1.3.1 XSS Exploit
bitweaver 1.3.1 XSS Exploit
bitweaver 1.3.1 XSS Exploit

                        bitweaver 1.3.1     
Author: CorryL [corryl80@gmail.com] 

-=[+] Application:    bitweaver
-=[+] Version:        1.3.1
-=[+] Vendor's URL: http://www.bitweaver.org/articles/ 
-=[+] Platform:       Windows\Linux\Unix
-=[+] Bug type:       Cross-Site Script
-=[+] Exploitation:   Remote
-=[+] Author:           CorryL  ~ corryl80[at]gmail[dot]com ~
-=[+] Reference: www.x0n3-h4ck.org 
-=[+] Virtual Office: http://www.kasamba.com/CorryL 
-=[+] Irc Chan:         irc.darksin.net #x0n3-h4ck        

..::[ Descriprion ]::..

Bitweaver is an advanced, Open Source, Object Oriented, 
Content Management System (CMS) and Web Application Framework written in PHP. 
It uses Smarty Templates for a simple HTML based templating system and ADOdb 
to support a multitude of databases including MySQL, 
PostgreSQL and Firebird. It's strength lies in it's highly modular and easily extensible design. 
This high degree of flexibility is considered "large grained modularity" and gives 
developers freedom to interleave open-source and proprietary code seamlessly. 
bitweaver has been designed from the very beginning, for speed from end-to-end: 
schema design, query utilization, and software design - a highly tuned, performance engine. 
The use of standard compliant XHTML Strict 1.0 and sophisticated tableless 
CSS has made bitweaver stand above the rest in the web application world. The well organized, 
nested style class system gives you substantial freedom with CSS based styling, 
with the least amount of work. With bitweaver, you are in control. 
bitweaver goes out of its way to let you make the decisions and design 
choices that best suit your problem.

..::[ Proof Of Concept ]::..


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