:. GOODFELLAS Security Research TEAM .:
:. http://goodfellas.shellcode.com.ar .:
BarCodeAx.dll v. 4.9 ActiveX Control Remote Stack Buffer Overflow
================================================================Internal ID: VULWAR200706223
BarCodeAx.dll is a library included in the Barcode ActiveX software
package from the Company RKD:
Such package allows to manage the printing of different barcodes.
One of the BarcodeAx.dll exported methods is vulnerable to a stack
buffer overflow which can be remotely exploited.
tested in
- Windows XP SP2 english/french with IE 6.0 / 7.0
- windows vista Professional SP1 with IE 7.0
The BeginPrint method fail to correctly check the size of the arguments
that receives, causing a stack buffer overflow.
Any application that uses the said ActiveX to control barcodes would be
exposed to remote code execution.
- Activate the Kill bit zero in
- Unregister BarCodeAx.dll using regsvr32
June 21, 2007 -- Bug discovery
June 22, 2007 -- Bug published
* Brian Mariani