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Crafty Syntax Live Help <= 2.14.6 SQL Injection
Crafty Syntax Live Help <= 2.14.6 SQL Injection
Crafty Syntax Live Help <= 2.14.6 SQL Injection

# GulfTech Security Research              August 25, 2008
# Vendor : Eric Gerdes
# URL : http://www.craftysyntax.com 
# Version : Crafty Syntax Live Help <= 2.14.6
# Risk : SQL Injection

Crafty Syntax Live Help is a full featured, open source, online
support system written in php that allows the visitors of a
website to interact in real time with the site owners. There is
a couple of high risk SQL Injections in Crafty Syntax Live Help
that allows for an attacker to read arbitrary database contents
such as user credentials, or administrator credentials. An updated
version of Crafty Syntax Live Help is now available and users
should upgrade as soon as possible.

SQL Injection:
There is a high risk SQL Injection issue within Crafty Syntax Live
Help that allows for an attacker to read arbitrary database contents
such as user credentials, or administrator credentials. The vulnerable
bit of code in question can be seen below.

if(empty($UNTRUSTED['department'])){ $department=0; } else { 
$department=$UNTRUSTED['department']; }

// Get department information. First found if no specific department 
$qQry = "SELECT 
FROM livehelp_departments "
       . (($department==0)? 'LIMIT 1': "WHERE recno=$department");

The above code can be found in is_xmlhttp.php, but an almost identical
issue can be found within the file is_flush.php also. This SQL Injection
issue is present regardless of magic quotes settings, and can be triggered
using a url like the one shown below.


Since Crafty Syntax Live Help seems to store passwords in plain text by
default, it is a trivial task for an attacker to gain administrative
access to the installation after exploiting this issue.

An updated version of Crafty Syntax Live Help has been released and
can be found at the location below.


James Bercegay of the GulfTech Security Research Team

Related Info:
The original advisory can be found at the following location

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