# GulfTech Security Research September 02, 2008
# Vendor : CS-Cart.com
# URL : http://www.cs-cart.com/
# Version : CS-Cart <= 1.3.5
# Risk : SQL Injection
CS-Cart Cart is a full featured online ecommerce application written
in php that allows users to build, run and promote an online store.
There is unfortunately a fairly serious SQL Injection issue within
CS-Cart that can be used to easily take over user and administrator
accounts, as well as used to retrieve arbitrary data from the database.
The CS-Cart team have released an updated version of CS-Cart to resolve
this issue, and users should upgrade as soon as possible.
SQL Injection:
There is a fairly serious SQL Injection issue in CS-Cart that, as
mentioned before, allows attackers to easily bypass authentication, or
retrieve arbitrary data from the underlying database. The vulnerable
code can be found in /core/user.php
if (fn_get_cookie(AREA_NAME . '_user_id')) {
$udata = db_get_row("SELECT user_id, user_type, tax_exempt, last_login,
membership_id FROM $db_tables[users] WHERE
user_id='".fn_get_cookie(AREA_NAME . '_user_id')."'
AND password='".fn_get_cookie(AREA_NAME . '_password')."'");
fn_define('LOGGED_VIA_COOKIE', true);
At the time of discovering this issue the fn_get_cookie() function did
nothing more than check if the specified cookie value was present, if
it was then it returned the value. This of course allowed for an SQL
Injection issue since an attacker can easily specify cookie data.
For example an attacker could specify a cookie like the one shown above
and successfully log in as the customer with the id of 1 without ever
actually authenticating. Alternatively just about any data can be
retrieved via this method also since the injection happens right in the
middle of a select statement.
An updated version of CS-Cart has been released to address these issues
and users can upgrade by visiting the CS-Cart website.
James Bercegay of the GulfTech Security Research Team
Related Info:
The original advisory can be found at the following location