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-=[ DEV Web Manager System <= 1.5 ]=-
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-=[ Author: CorryL [corryl80@gmail.com] ]=-
-=[ www.x0n3-h4ck.org ]=-
-=[+] Application: DEV Web Manager System
-=[+] Version: 1.5
-=[+] Vendor's URL: http://dev-wms.sourceforge.net/
-=[+] Platform: Windows\Linux\Unix
-=[+] Bug type: cross-site script [XSS]
-=[+] Exploitation: Remote
-=[+] Author: CorryL ~ corryl80[at]gmail[dot]com ~
-=[+] Reference: www.x0n3-h4ck.org
..::[ Descriprion ]::..
DEV web manager system one application web based on php
..::[ Bug ]::..
this system e' affect from a bug of type XSS
a attaker to use the bug in order to steal sensitive information
to the users or admin
..::[ Proof Of Concept ]::..
http://web site/index.php?session=0&action=>">
..::[ Workaround ]::..
..::[ Disclousure Timeline ]::..
[07/10/2006] - Vendor notification
[11/10/2006] - Vendor Response
[17/10/2006] - No patch relase from vendor
[17/10/2006] - Public disclousure