======Name: EnjoySAP, SAP GUI for Windows - Stack Overflow
Release Date: 5 July 2007
Reference: NGS00483
Discover: Mark Litchfield
Vendor: SAP
Vendor Reference: SECRES-289
Systems Affected: All Versions
Risk: High
Status: Fixed
=======Discovered: 4 January 2007
Released: 19 January 2007
Approved: 29 January 2007
Reported: 11 January 2007
Fixed: 18 May 2007
==========EnjoySAP, also know as Enjoy is the most popular SAP GUI used today. The
latest version can be obtained from ftp://ftp.sap.com/pub/sapgui/win/
When installing EnjoySAP, in appreciation of its vast size for being a
client (around 500MB), there are an astounding 1102 ActiveX controls
A relatively brief examinaton of these controls, found a large number of
instances that would terminate EnjoySAP process, there were a number that
could create files on the file system (there unfortunately exists no
ability to inject content into these created files) and a number of
================Technical Details
================Control - kweditcontrol.kwedit.1 (Marked Safe For Scripting)
Function - PrepareToPostHTML
DLL Path - C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SapGui\kwedit.dll
==============Fix Information
==============Please enrue you are running the latest version
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