======Product: eXV2.de CMS <= 2.0.5.
Severity: moderated
Remote-Exploit: yes
Vendor-URL: http://www.exv2.de/
Vendor-Status: informed
Advisory-Status: published
===========Discovered by: Vision aka n-tier
Original Advisory:
===========eXV2.de CMS is a Content Management System.
More Details
===========1. Cross Site Scripting:
Input passed directly to the "set_lang" parameter in the Browser Cookie is not properly sanitised before being returned to the user.
A user can sent a cookie to himself with ?/set_lang=deutsch and edit it.
This can be exploited to execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session in context of an affected site.
Workaround: [Cross Site Scripting]
============Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitised.
$my_Cookie_Vars = $_COOKIE;
if (isset($my_Cookie_Vars['set_lang'])){
if (($my_Cookie_Vars['set_lang'] == "deutsch")||($my_Cookie_Vars['set_lang'] == "english")||($my_Cookie_Vars['set_lang'] == "french")) {
} else {
$abuse = true;
$xoopsConfig['language'] = $xoopsConfig['default_language'];
if ($abuse){
die("The desired action could not be performed.");
===============7.08.2007 discovery of the vulnerabilities
8.08.2007 additional tests with other versions
10.08.2007 contacted the vendor