GMTT Music Distro
Author: CorryL [corryl80@gmail.com]
-=[+] Application: GMTT Music Distro
-=[+] Version: 1.2
-=[+] Vendor's URL: http://www.gmtt.co.uk/_catalog/web_stores
-=[+] Platform: Windows\Linux\Unix
-=[+] Bug type: Cross-Site Script
-=[+] Exploitation: Remote
-=[+] Author: CorryL ~ corryl80[at]gmail[dot]com ~
-=[+] Reference: http://corryl.altervista.org/
-=[+] Irc Chan: irc.darksin.net #x0n3-h4ck
..::[ Descriprion ]::..
PHP Distro is designed to be an online record store,
though you could use it to sell anything. The shop features:
Paypal intergration, Admin add's product, support for cheque / postal order payments and many more.
..::[ Proof Of Concept ]::..