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Invitation: nullcon Goa 2010 International Security & Hacking Conference
Invitation: nullcon Goa 2010 International Security & Hacking Conference
Invitation: nullcon Goa 2010 International Security & Hacking Conference

Hi all,

null is proud to announce the launch of it's security & hacking
conference nullcon Goa 2010 nullcon Goa 2010, India's first
'community' driven security & hacking conference will bring together
Security Researchers, security professionals, vendors, CXOs, Law
Enforcements agencies from all over the country to a common platform
to discuss latest research in field of Information Security and in
particular the major security threats faced by everyone today.

We are extremely thankful to SANS for providing us a free seat as a
prize for the hacking challenge winner at nullcon for their SEC 504:
Hacker Techniques, Exploits & Incident Handling class (worth USD 4095)
to be held in Feb at the Ramada Bangalore.
Details of the class: http://www.sans.org/india-2010/ , email: 

nullcon is one of a kind of conference showcasing the latest research
and trends in information security by renowned security
Any conference cannot  be successful without the right audience.
That's why your presence is very essential for making nullcon

Website: http://nullcon.net 

 ** - BONUS Talk
 +  - new(new version)Tool being released

First list of speakers (not in any specific order)
**0. Anonymous - Desi Special(pronounced pay-sul, as in chai) Hacking
+1. Abhisek Datta - Software Fuzzing with Wireplay
2. WhiteKnight - The art of cyber-warfare
3. Veysel Ozer - The evil Karmetasploit upgrade
+4. Anant Kochhar - Malware detection tool for Websites - A proof of Concept
5. Cassio Goldshmidt - Tracking the progress of SDL program
6. Vinoth Sivasubramanian - Defending Industrial espionage in Today's
7. Vishwas Sharma & Amandeep - Intelligent Debugging and in-memory fuzzing.
+8. Lavakumar Kuppan - Imposter ke Karnamey: The browser phishing tool
9. Harshad Patil - Botnet mitigation, monitoring and management.
10. Prince Komal Boonlia - Steganography: Data hiding and Data Carving
11. Bhaskar Jain - Incomplete implementation of SAML
12. Navin Pai - Quantum computing: Challenges in the field of security

nullcon Details
Dates: 6-7th Feb 2010
Venue: The Retreat by Zuri,
          Pedda, Uttor Doxi, Varca, Salcete
          Goa 403 721

Conference Pass - INR 2000/- (till 15th Jan 2010, avail the discounted
price now)
Details: http://nullcon.net/register 
We are also accepting offline registrations for Conference Pass (and
stay at The Retreat, if required).

About null:
null - The open security community is a non-profit community with
focus on spreading security awareness, advanced research in security
and helping govt. and private institutions with security related issues.
website: http://null.co.in 

Thanks to our sponsors
Gold Sponsor: SANS http://www.sans.org/india-2010/ 
Bronze sponsor: Timblo Group www.timblos.com 

Best Regards,
null Team

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