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Juniper Netscreen Firewall Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) event log injection
Layered Defense Research Advisory: Juniper Netscreen Firewall Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) event log injection
Layered Defense Research Advisory: Juniper Netscreen Firewall Cross-Site-Scripting (XSS) event log injection

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Layered Defense Research Advisory 1 October 2008 =0D
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1) Affected Product =0D
Juniper Netscreen Firewall =0D
ScreenOS version 5.4.0r9.0=0D
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2) Severity Rating: =0D
Low - Moderate=0D
Impact: Potential system compromises but requires user interaction. =0D
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3) Description of Vulnerability=0D
A Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Injection vulnerability was discovered within the Juniper Netscreen firewall NetOS version 5.4.0r9.0. The vulnerability is caused by failure to validate input from the web interface login, and telnet session login. This makes it possible for an attacker to inject javascript as part of the user name during login. The javascript is then stored in the device event logs. When the event logs are viewed within the Netscreen web console the javascript is executed. A successful attack would allow an attacker to run JavaScript on the computer system connecting to the netscreen web management console which could lead to system compromise. =0D
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4) Solution =0D
Upgrade to ScreenOS versions 5.4r10, 6.0r6, 6.1r2, and later. If unsure if your product is vulnerable  it is recommended that you contact the vendor.=0D
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5) Time Table: =0D
04/07/2008 Reported Vulnerability to Vendor. =0D
04/23/2008 Vendor acknowledged the vulnerability =0D
10/01/2008 Vendor advisory published=0D
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6) Credits Discovered by Deral Heiland, www.LayeredDefense.com =0D 
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7) Reference=0D
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8) About Layered Defense Layered Defense, Is a group of security professionals that work together on ethical Research, =0D
Testing and Training within the information security arena. http://www.layereddefense.com=0D 

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