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ClickOnce is a Microsoft technology intended to make deployment of
desktop applications extremely simple. When deployed over HTTP, it is
vulnerable to several types of Man in the Middle attacks; despite the
ability to sign the executables. See attached.
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===================================================================================|=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF=AF|===========| ClickOnce Man-In-The-Middle |===========|________________________________________________________________|==================================================================================
===================================================================================[ Introduction ]==============================================================================================================================
"ClickOnce deployment allows you to publish Windows-based applications to a
Web server or network file share for simplified installation." [1]
As has been previously shown[2] - applications that update, depending on
implementation, can be vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks. ClickOnce,
depending on opinion, ranges from moderately vulnerable to very
vulnerable. Borrowing heavily from Moxie's presentation on Defeating SSL[3],
the feedback given to a user when you subvert ClickOnce's security is
extremely subtle and does not fully explain the situation. In some cases, it
can be argued it is far more permissive than it reasonably could be.
===================================================================================[ Implementation ]============================================================================================================================
ClickOnce is most commonly deployed onto a web server (IIS or otherwise).
Users visit the website, usually using Internet Explorer. There they click on
a link to a .application file that will prompt them to install the ClickOnce
application. (The semi-trojan Firefox plugin ".Net Framework Assistant"
Microsoft installed[4] without permission was to enable the same functionality
in Firefox.)
For the purpose of simplification we will consider the simpler case of a
single-assembly deployment. Multi-assembly deployments are also vulnerable.
The .application file is an XML file containing:
1. The strong name of the component .Net assembly, itself consisting of:
a. Simple Name
b. Public Key
c. Version
d. Culture
e. Processor Architecture
2. Update frequency settings, the url to read for updates, and possibly
information denoting a required update
3. The .Net Framework version required for the application
4. A hash of the assembly
The browser reads the .application file and (usually) presents the user with a
dialog to install the ClickOnce application. (The exception being elaborated
upon later.)
The installer will download a .manifest file and a .deploy file. The .deploy
file is the ClickOnce exe. The .manifest is an XML file consisting of the
following relevant items:
1. The same strong name of the assembly
2. A hash of the assembly
3. The required permissions of the application, or an indicator it should run
as Full-Trust
Windows installs the application. Depending on the update frequency specified
in the .application, the ClickOnce framework will check the .application file
on the web server and compare the publish version.
If a newer version is available, the user will be prompted to update. If the
update is indicated to be required, the user's options are to update or exit.
===================================================================================[ Code Signing ]==============================================================================================================================
ClickOnce supports Authenticode[5]. Authenticode is a small non-wrapper on top
of X.509 certificates. The standard CA chain applies to the certificates, with
one of the CAs on the chain being installed in your store of trusted CAs.
When the application is signed, the certificate is included in the
.application and .manifest files, and if the certificate validates (by having
one of the CAs in the chain installed in your store) the publisher name
specified in the certificate is presented in the dialog box upon install.
If a certificate expires, the signature will still be considered valid,
because a timestamp is embedded in the signature. The certificate is checked
to be valid during the timestamp[6]. The neatly avoids orphaned apps.
The signing occurs before publishing the ClickOnce application. You have the
option to sign the .manifest and .application independently of signing the
assembly(ies). Microsoft recommends signing the .application and .manifest
but not the assemblies. Signed assemblies cannot reference unsigned
assemblies, and this may complicate your deployment[7].
===================================================================================[ Man-in-the-Middle ]=========================================================================================================================
------[ Simple Case ]---------------------------------------------------
The simplest case of MITM-ing ClickOnce is a rewriting an unsigned dll. Using
techniques inspired by and borrowed from Erez Metula's Re-Frameworker tool[8],
the following steps are necessary for a dll rewrite on the fly:
1. Intercept the .application request from the client
2. Remove the element identifying the assembly
3. Remove the size attribute specifying its size
4. Pass it on to the client
5. Intercept the .manifest request from the client
6. Remove the element and size attribute again
7. Pass it on to the client
8. Intercept the .deploy file
9. Disassemble the dll using ildasm
10. Manipulate the dll as desired
11. Reassemble the dll using ilasm
12. Pass it on to the client
Despite the attribute missing, the ClickOnce installer will install the
application seamlessly. During testing, seeing the logs of failed installs, I
observed that the omission of the element caused a warning. But it
does not display to the user or otherwise indicate any problems were
------[ Update Elevation ]----------------------------------------------
ClickOnce provides a very simple update mechanism with all the plumbing taken
care of and minimal effort required by the user or the administrator. It may
be advantageous to use this update mechanism to deploy more sophisticated
(malicious) code to the client. If the benign ClickOnce application does not
specify an update frequency to your liking, you can rewrite the .application
file before sending it to the client and specify it should check for updates
upon every startup.
------[ Dialogs Displayed ]---------------------------------------------
I am taking a slight detour to discuss the three dialogs displayed to the user
under different circumstances, as they are referenced in the next several
The "Update Available" dialog is shown here:
This dialog indicates that there is an optional update available.
The Install dialog is shown here, in Figures 1 and 3:
One of two icons are shown at the bottom of the dialog: a yellow exclamation
point icon or a red X icon.
The factors that determine this icon are:
- Publisher
a. A Red X is used for an untrusted publisher, or unsigned application.
- Machine Access
a. A Red X is used for Full Trust
b. A small set of permissions in Partial Trust received the Green check
- Installation
a. Installed (on Computer) received a Yellow Warning
- Location
a. "Installed From Internet" received a Yellow Warning
b. According to the link above, "Local Network" receives a green check
The two combinations we are most concerned with are:
- Untrusted Publisher + Partial Trust + Installed + From Internet = Yellow
- Untrusted Publisher + Full Trust + Installed + From Internet = Red
I will define a term "Increasing Risk" to mean that one of these elements
increased in risk. Examples are going from Partial to Full Trust, or changing
the signing key used. (Changing the signing key includes removing it.)
------[ Trust Escalation ]----------------------------------------------
The .manifest file specifies the permissions required by the ClickOnce
application. If the permissions are not to your liking, you can modify them.
But rather than mess with individual permissions, it's easier to short-circuit
the argument and require Full Trust.
Full Trust implies that the application is able to do anything the User
Account can do. Fully Trusted code is able to bypass many of the mechanisms
built into .Net that intend to limit code, including ignoring the type system,
bypassing class protection levels, disabling code access security, and jumping
App Domains [9]. Full Trust is still limited by the User Account - Operating
System limits on file access, service control, and administrative options
still apply.
In the Untrusted Publisher case, elevating trust Increases Risk, and will show
the install dialog to the user, almost certainly the red-icon variant based
on the type of activity you're likely to do.
------[ Forced Updates ]------------------------------------------------
If a ClickOnce application checks for updates before startup, you can require
the user update the application or it will not run. Besides requiring the user
to install your new code, you can also Denial-of-Service the user in several
ways - requiring an update but withholding or corrupting the .deploy,
corrupting or otherwise messing with the configuration files, or others.
The Forced Update is implemented by specifying that an update is available,
and that the minimum required version for the update is greater than what they
currently have. For Example:
Installed on Client:
Version of Update:
Minimum Required Version:
A Forced Update that does not Increase Risk (meaning the trust level stays the
same and the signing key does not change) will install with no prompts.
A Forced Update that Increases Risk (by elevating trust or changing the
signing key) will show the user the install prompt.
------[ Update Redirection ]--------------------------------------------
You can rewrite the url the ClickOnce Framework will use to see if an update
is available. This can be accomplished by a MITM attack on the .application
in transit, or by using another vulnerability to edit the xml file on the
deployment server.
Changing the signing key will cause Update Redirection to fail, as the
publisher identity has lost both pieces it needs (key-matching and
url-matching). The program will be prevented from starting, displaying an
error. The scenarios are spelled out explicitly:
1. Redirection on a Forced or Optional Update using the same key: success
2. Redirection on a Forced or Optional Update using a different key: fail
3. Redirection on the initial install: success
If you are MITM-ing a session, and want to achieve the second scenario (for
example, you want to point them to your server so you do not have to keep the
MITM session open), a two-step process is recommended:
1. Force an update on the same domain using a new key (or lack of a key)
a. This will give the user the Install dialog
b. Rewrite the binary to restart/crash causing the user to open it again
2. Force an update using the new key, changing the update url
a. This will install without prompts
b. Rewrite the binary again to remove the crash/restart
It would be simple to write a set of services that watch public ClickOnce
deployments, mirror them with malicious code, and having subverted
.application files point to these repositories. Your server can watch for
updates from the legitimate server, download & infect them, and make them
available to clients. Depending on the latency of your processes, it could be
seamless to the end-user and ClickOnce administrator, them never knowing
you've bypassed their infrastructure.
------[ But What About Code Signing? ]----------------------------------
When a ClickOnce application is signed using a valid code-signing certificate
AND the certificate has been installed in the user's Trusted Publisher Store
the ClickOnce Application will install with no prompts. Adding a certificate
to the Trusted Publisher Store is detailed in [10]. This is almost-never done
outside of corporate environments. (And may not be done inside of them.)
Otherwise, the Install Dialog is presented to the user.
It's my opinion that since users are used to seeing some warning message when
installing applications the Install Dialog is not a huge obsticle to overcome,
even if it is the red-icon variant. The user is likely to click the Install
Removing the signed-ness of a ClickOnce Application consists of the following
1. Intercept the .application request from the client
2. Replace the publicKeyToken specified with 0's
3. Remove the and elements
4. Pass it on to the client
5. Intercept the .manifest request from the client
6. Remove the publicKeyToken attribute from the elements
7. Replace the remaining publicKeyToken's specified with 0's
8. Remove the and elements
9. Pass it on to the client
10. Intercept the .deploy file
11. Disassemble the dll using ildasm
12. Remove the .publicKey information from the IL
13. Manipulate the dll as desired
14. Reassemble the dll using ilasm
15. Pass it on to the client
It is understandable that for a first-install of a ClickOnce application,
removing the signed-ness would work, because the client is unaware that the
application should be signed.
But removing the signed-ness of a ClickOnce application in an update-scenario
also works. In detail:
1. Install a signed, good, ClickOnce application <---
2. Release an update (or fake an update being available) <---
3. MITM the update, removing signing, add malicious code, elevate trust <---
levels, and increase the update frequency <---
4. The user is prompted with the normal Update Dialog (if it is optional)<---
and the Install Dialog (because your actions 'Increased Risk') <---
5. The update installs with no further dialogs or warnings. <---
This technique is inspired by Moxie Marlinspike's sslstrip tool[11] - the idea
being if the security is getting in the way of the exploit - remove it, and no
one will notice.
===================================================================================[ Conclusion ]================================================================================================================================
Upon the initial install, or an update, of a ClickOnce Application we are able
1. Remove the code-signing
2. Change the update settings to be more frequent
3. Elevate the application to Full-Trust
4. Alter the application to do anything the User Account is capable of doing
Using a two-step process we can also:
5. Change the update location to point to a server of our choosing
6. Require further updates be installed
The user's experience while doing this is a non-threatening dialog asking them
if they 'are sure [they] want to install this application'.
===================================================================================[ Mitigation ]================================================================================================================================
The only mitigation for these problems is only deploying ClickOnce
applications from a well-managed server over HTTPS. No amount of signing is
useful unless the application is deployed over SSL/TLS.
Microsoft should investigate the several lapses of the ClickOnce Framework
(accepting dll's without hashes, accepting a mis/un-signed update to a signed
application) and evaluate what scenarios they would break by increasing
===================================================================================[ Recent Developments ]=======================================================================================================================
On July 12, 2010 Codeplex, Microsoft's Open Source Project Community,
announced they would support hosting ClickOnce Releases[12]. They do not host
on HTTPS (example: ).
===================================================================================[ Thanks, Greets ]============================================================================================================================
Prior Art: [2,8,11]
===================================================================================[ Footnotes ]=================================================================================================================================
[2] CVE-2006-4567