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Obedit v3.03 XSS
XSS on Obedit v3.03
XSS on Obedit v3.03

==============================================Obedit v3.03 - XSS Vuln.
Author: Ishkur 
Impact: XSS and Cookie Alert
Patches: in development

Affected Software Description:

Application: Obedit
Version: 3.03
Vendor: http://www.oblius.com/?projects.obedit 

obedit is a Flash-based rich text editor. It will allow a user to edit text much like you would in an office-like application, with simple editing features like bold, italic, justification, block indents, text color, font and size selection, links, bullets, background color, and spell checking.


open to XSS and Cookie alerts via the 'save' function.

PoC Exploit:

save a document with the code:


none as of yet

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