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Pre News Manager <= 1.0 (index.php id) Sql Injection Vulnerability
Pre News Manager <= 1.0 (index.php id) Sql Injection Vulnerability
Pre News Manager <= 1.0 (index.php id) Sql Injection Vulnerability


[ECHO_ADV_97$2008] Pre News Manager <= 1.0 (index.php id) Sql Injection Vulnerability

Author : M.Hasran Addahroni
Date : June, 13 th 2008
Location : Jakarta, Indonesia
Web : http://e-rdc.org/v1/news.php?readmore=97
Critical Lvl : Medium
Impact : System access
Where : From Remote

Affected software description:

Application : Pre News Manager
version : <= 1.0
Vendor : http://www.preproject.com/news.asp
Description :

Pre News Manager is online news publishing system. Very easy to manage and integration.
Powerful online news management system with user friendly control panel. Include news
box to any where in your website and integrate news manager in only one step.
Upload latest news with images and advertisements. Include HEADLINES page to any
where in your website and news will automatically updated to that page.
Subscribe for latest and breaking news. Submit articles, news latest stories and many more.
Add your own news categories. Also can be use for private news website.


Input passed to the "id" parameter in index.php page is not properly verified before
being used to sql query. This can be exploited thru the browser and get password
from admin in plain text.

Successful exploitation requires that "magic_quotes" is off.



Google : "To enjoy our newletter please register with us !"


- Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly verified.
- Turn on magic_quotes in php.ini


- 10 - 06 - 2008 bug found
- 13 - 06 - 2008 vendor contacted
- 13 - 06 - 2008 advisory released

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K-159 || echo|staff || eufrato[at]gmail[dot]com
Homepage: http://www.e-rdc.org/

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