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Printlog <= 0.4: Remote File Edition Vulnerability
Printlog <= 0.4: Remote File Edition Vulnerability
Printlog <= 0.4: Remote File Edition Vulnerability

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Printlog <= 0.4: Remote File Edition Vulnerability
$ Program: Printlog
$ File affected: index.php
$ Version: 0.4
$ Download: http://www.hardkap.net/pritlog 

Found by Pepelux 
eNYe-Sec - www.enye-sec.org 

-- Description (by the author's page) --
PRITLOG is an extremely simple, small and powerful blog system. It does not
use or need a MYSQL database and fully works based on flat files. The idea
is derived from a similar app called PPLOG.

-- Bug --
You can navigate and see the entries. Something like as:

Code doesn't check the comments directory:

709.  function viewEntry() {
710.	$fileName   isset($_POST['filename'])?$_POST['filename']:$_GET['filename'];
711.	global $postdir, $separator, $newPostFile, $newFullPostNumber,
$debugMode, $config_textAreaCols, $config_textAreaRows;
712.	global $config_allowComments, $config_commentsSecurityCode,
$config_CAPTCHALength, $config_randomString;
713.	global $commentdir,$config_dbFilesExtension, $config_onlyNumbersOnCAPTCHA;
714.	$viewFileName=$postdir.$fileName.$config_dbFilesExtension;

-- Exploit --
If magic quotes are off you can do:

config.php has the admin password

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