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Remote Crash Vulnerability in RTP stack
AST-2009-004: Remote Crash Vulnerability in RTP stack
AST-2009-004: Remote Crash Vulnerability in RTP stack

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2009-004

   |       Product        | Asterisk                                        |
   |       Summary        | Remote Crash Vulnerability in RTP stack         |
   |  Nature of Advisory  | Exploitable Crash                               |
   |    Susceptibility    | Remote unauthenticated sessions                 |
   |       Severity       | Critical                                        |
   |    Exploits Known    | No                                              |
   |     Reported On      | July 27, 2009                                   |
   |     Reported By      | Marcus Hunger         |
   |      Posted On       | August 2, 2009                                  |
   |   Last Updated On    | August 2, 2009                                  |
   |   Advisory Contact   | Mark Michelson    |
   |       CVE Name       |                                                 |

   | Description | An attacker can cause Asterisk to crash remotely by      |
   |             | sending malformed RTP text frames. While the attacker    |
   |             | can cause Asterisk to crash, he cannot execute arbitrary |
   |             | remote code with this exploit.                           |

   | Resolution | Users should upgrade to a version listed in the           |
   |            | "Corrected In" section below.                             |

   |                           Affected Versions                            |
   |            Product            | Release Series |                       |
   |     Asterisk Open Source      |     1.2.x      | Unaffected            |
   |     Asterisk Open Source      |     1.4.x      | Unaffected            |
   |     Asterisk Open Source      |     1.6.x      | All 1.6.1 versions    |
   |        Asterisk Addons        |     1.2.x      | Unaffected            |
   |        Asterisk Addons        |     1.4.x      | Unaffected            |
   |        Asterisk Addons        |     1.6.x      | Unaffected            |
   |   Asterisk Business Edition   |     A.x.x      | Unaffected            |
   |   Asterisk Business Edition   |     B.x.x      | Unaffected            |
   |   Asterisk Business Edition   |     C.x.x      | Unaffected            |
   |          AsteriskNOW          |      1.5       | Unaffected            |
   |  s800i (Asterisk Appliance)   |     1.2.x      | Unaffected            |

   |                              Corrected In                              |
   |                   Product                   |         Release          |
   |         Open Source Asterisk 1.6.1          |          |

  |                                  Patches                                   |
  |                              SVN URL                               |Version|
|http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2009-004-1.6.1.diff.txt| 1.6.1 | 

   |        Links        |                                                  |

   | Asterisk Project Security Advisories are posted at                     |
| http://www.asterisk.org/security | 
   |                                                                        |
   | This document may be superseded by later versions; if so, the latest   |
   | version will be posted at                                              |
| http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2009-004.pdf and | 
| http://downloads.digium.com/pub/security/AST-2009-004.html | 

   |                            Revision History                            |
   |      Date      |     Editor      |           Revisions Made            |
   | 27 Jul, 2009   | Mark Michelson  | Initial Draft                       |
   | 31 Jul, 2009   | Mark Michelson  | Added sentence about how remote     |
   |                |                 | code cannot be executed.            |
   | August 2, 2009 | Tilghman Lesher | Public release                      |

               Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2009-004
              Copyright (c) 2009 Digium, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
  Permission is hereby granted to distribute and publish this advisory in its
                           original, unaltered form.

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