Checkmarx Research Lab presents a new attack vector on Web applications. By
exploiting the Regular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS) vulnerability an
attacker can make a Web application unavailable to its intended users. ReDoS
is commonly known as a =93bug=94 in systems, but Alex Roichman and Adar Weidman
from Checkmarx show how serious it is and how using this technique, various
applications can be =93ReDoSed=94. These include, among others, Server-side of
Web applications and Client-side Browsers. The art of attacking the Web by
ReDoS is by finding inputs which cannot be matched by Regexes and on these
Regexes a Regex-based Web systems get stuck.
For further reading:
Alex Roichman
Chief Architect, Checkmarx Ltd.
Mobile: +972 54 774 5198 Fax: +972-3-6870794 Website: www.Checkmarx.com