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Symlink attack with Solaris Update manager and Sun Patch Cluster
Symlink attack with Solaris Update manager and Sun Patch Cluster
Symlink attack with Solaris Update manager and Sun Patch Cluster

Symlink attack with Solaris Update manager and Sun Patch Cluster

Larry W. Cashdollar

Vapid Labs http://vapid.dhs.org


With the GUI Sun Update Manager being used to install patches on a system
local users can easily run scripts and create symlinks in an attempt to
clobber files and potentially escalate privileges as this application is
typically run in multi-user mode.
Many patches use insecure file creation in /tmp to store data during
installation. The easiest one to exploit is /tmp/CLEANUP which is used in a
handful of package installation scripts:

script code is typically:

 echo "EXISTING_FILE_PRESERVED: ${dest} ${dest}.${TAG}" \
                        >> ${CLEANUP_FILE}
Similar code is found in:


If a user creates a symlink to a root owned file, /etc/shadow for example
it will be clobbered by the patch installation process if that patch
application applies to the system.

$ cd /tmp $ ln -s /etc/shadow CLEANUP

I was able to append the contents of CLEANUP to /etc/shadow.

There are other attackable files that are created as well. I have only
investigated the easiest one however. 

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