# Uber Uploader <= 5.3.6 Remote File Upload Vulnerability
# Download:
# http://sourceforge.net/projects/uber-uploader
# Bug found by JosS / Jose Luis G=F3ngora Fern=E1ndez
# Contact: sys-project[at]hotmail.com
# Spanish Hackers Team
# www.spanish-hackers.com
# /server irc.freenode.net /join #fullsecure
There isn't any kind of file extentions check in: "uu_file_upload.js" and "uber_uploader_file.js".
you can submit files with extensions like: .html, .txt, .asp, etc...
you can upload all extensions, except: sh, php, php3,php4, php5, py, shtml, phtml, cgi, pl, plx, htaccess, htpasswd.
Once the file is uploaded you can see it in /uploads/
To fix it, you have to modify "Check for illegal file extentions" and "Check for legal file extentions" in the file "uu_file_upload.js" or "uber_uploader_file.js".
It doesn't go on if its diferent to the allowed extensions.
// Check for illegal file extentions
function checkAllowFileExtensions(){
if(!check_allow_extensions){ return true; }
alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the extension "' + file_extension + '" is not allowed.');
return true;
// Check for legal file extentions
function checkAllowFileExtensions(){
if(!check_allow_extensions){ return false; }
alert('Sorry, uploading a file with the extension "' + file_extension + '" is not allowed.');
return true;
"Powered By Uber Uploader"
allinurl: uu_file_upload.php
allinurl: uber_uploader_file.php
Greetz To: All Hackers
JosS! / Jose Luis G=F3ngora Fern=E1ndez