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Vpopmail/QmailAdmin User's Quota Multiple Integer Overflows
Vpopmail/QmailAdmin User's Quota Multiple Integer Overflows
Vpopmail/QmailAdmin User's Quota Multiple Integer Overflows

Author: Jacobo Avariento Gimeno (Sofistic S.L.)
Contact: [jacobo [at] sofistic.net]
Release Date: May 8, 2009
CVE/bugtraq id: Not assigned yet
Severity: Low/Medium

Vendor's Description of Software:
=E2=80=9EVpopmail is a free GPL package developed by Inter7 to provide an easy
way to manage virtual email domains and non /etc/passwd email accounts
for qmail or postfix mail servers.=E2=80=9C [1]

=E2=80=9EqmailAdmin is a free software package that provides a web interface
for managing a qmail system with virtual domains.=E2=80=9C [2]

Description of Vulnerability:
Vpopmail and QmailAdmin are prone to several Integer Overflows due that
numeric types of more range are needed to store user's quota nowadays.
Using an integer is not enough because gets overflowed when the user
has more than 2 Gigabytes in his/her mailbox, furthermore a long
integer is neither the solution because a long integer has the same
range than an integer in 32-bits machines.

Vulnerable versions:

Analysis of the vulnerable code:
There are several functions/files to fix in vpopmail and qmailadmin:

    * vpopmail-5.5.0: quota.c, function quota_percent
    * vpopmail-5.5.0: vuserinfo.c, function display_user
    * qmailadmin-1.2.12: function quota_to_megabytes
    * qmailadmin-1.2.12: function maildirquota.c, wrapreaduserquota,
      readdomainquota, readuserquota
    * =E2=80=A6 

In general, any variable that holds user's quota.

Proof of Concept:
Just try to set more than 2GB quota to a user ("./vsetuserquota
user@domain $((3*1024*1024*1024))") and see with ("./vuserinfo
user@domain") that the user's quota usage is always 100%, or with
qmailadmin the quota never grows, gets stalled at 2048 MB.

Put more than 2 GB of data in a mailbox and see that the quota
overflows, i.e. -1114.49 / unlimited.

There are no official patches yet, all the sysadmins that use
vpopmail/qmailadmin should be aware of this because vendor gave me no
date to release a new version or patch.

To fix that, no "int" neither "long" neither "off_t" should be used,
using a "long long int" the problem is just fixed until the near
future :) Also, casting is neither a solution when the variable was
already overflowed as in newest version (vpopmail 5.5.0: maildirquota.c
line 294).

Disclosure Timeline:
* 20/Apr/2009: Vendor is first time notified.
* 20/Apr/2009: Vendor responses that was already fixed in 5.5 branch.
* 23/Apr/2009: Vendor is notified again that the problem was not fixed.
* 23/Apr/2009: Vendor responses that there is no qmailadmin version
compatible with 5.5 branch yet.
* 29/Apr/2009: Vendor is asked when they are planning to release patch
  or new version and no response was received.
* 8/May/2009: Public Disclosure of the vulnerability.

[1] http://www.inter7.com/index.php?page=vpopmail 
[2] http://www.inter7.com/index.php?page=qmailadmin 

This advisory was also published at

 Jacobo Avariento Gimeno
 IT Security Department @ Sofistic
 Your security, our concern!

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