Security Advisory: Wing FTP Server - Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability
Discovered Date: May 31, 2010
System affected: Wing FTP Server for Windows, Version 3.5.0 and prior version
Vulnerability Description:
=================Wing FTP server is a multi-protocol file server, which support such as
HTTP and FTP. It comes with a Web-based "Administrator" Console. The
XSS vulnerability is found in the "Administrator" Web interface.
In the "Administrator" web interface, script can be injected from the
POST command. This can be exploited by injecting arbitrary HTML and
malicious script code, which will execute in a user's browser session.
The Vulnerable URL: http://x.x.x.x:5466/admin_loginok.html (Default
port is 5466).
Researcher Info:
===========Discovered by: w01f
Website: http://labs-werew01f.blogspot.com
E-mail: hack [dot] werew01f [at] gmail [dot] com