TUCoPS :: Antique Systems :: diracchk.txt

Hacking Direct Access 5.0

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Alot of small businesses and home users of the ugly peecee type computers use
a proggy called Direct Access! (WoW)  This is basically a menu system that
also provides password protection for your computer by a logon GUI, when the 
right login names/passwords have been entered it logs you on and will display
a menu of the available options.  The reason why this particular program is 
used alot is, because it is very easy to install, to maintain and keep the 
average computer user out of there system. 

I will tell you how to majorly fuck these people off with simple instructions
on how to hack and get around the password protection.  

The reason why i started fucking around with it was i wanted to gain access
to (hmm lets call the person BITCH) Bitch's computer, although i already had
access to the system, i didn't have the particular password to windows so i 
couldn't play the games!

----=(hOW i hACKED dIRECT aCCESS)=------------------------------------------

After installing direct access onto a peecee i start to fuck around 
with it... first of all i did a 'dir' of the direct access directory and made
a note of all the filez and sizes.  Then i put some passwords on the options 
and made a few login accounts and passwords for them.  after saving the 
configuration i did another 'dir' and checked to see if any file sizes had 
changed.  Fuck none had.  So then i studied all the filez and guessed which 
one/s would most likey be data filez.  after about 2 minutes i guessed that
'menu.cnf' was the password data file (althought the name suggests something
else.  so then i made a directory and moved that file to the new directory.
then i rebooted the computer and sure enough no logon gui or passwords came 
up (kewl!).  but thats all very well having access to dos through the main 
menu, but on the bitchs menu configuration the option to go to dos is 
passworded (shit).  but i thought of a way around that so i could get into 
dos.. terminate batch job and then i will get a dos prompt so i then can do
my stuff! hehehe... The fucken lame arse's at delta technology who wrote
direct access should feel so fucken stink as i hacked this mutha in 10 mins!
fuck and that was my first attempt at it to!

----=(hOW tO hACK tHE bITCH!)=----------------------------------------------

1)  While the computer is booting hold down the key 'CTRL' and hit the key 
    'PAUSE' (underneath PAUSE on the verical side of the key are the words
    'BREAK') several times until the computer says 

    Terminate batch job (Y/N)? 

    hit 'Y' for yes and then you will get a dos prompt, you will most likey 
    get a 'C:\>' prompt as nearly all hard drives these dayz are called 'C' 

2)  Once in dos type 'cd DA5' and you should be in the direct access 5 
    directory. if not the person who installed it must think they are smart
    and they probably installed it in another directory or under a different
    name!  if that is so type this 'dir c:menu.cnf /s /b'.  Now the computer
    will search the whole of c: for a file in the direct access directory.
    After you have typed that line (you may need to change the name of the 
    drive if they have formatted the hard drive under a differnt name eg d:)
    a path/filename will be displayed eg: 'C:\UTILS\DA5\MENU.CNF', make a 
    note of it and 'cd' into that directory. (make sure you only type 
    'C:\UTILS\DA5' in this partcular case, as you will fuck up if you include
    the filename 'menu.cnf'

3)  Now you are in the Direct access 5 directory type the following 'MD SHIT'
    the computer will now make a directroy called shit.  now type 
    'MOVE MENU.CNF SHIT' now the computer will move the file 'menu.cnf'
    into are new directory.
    now you can reboot the computer and no password bullshit will come up
    and you can now access the whole system.

----=(oNCE yOU aRE iNSIDE tHE sYSTEM)=--------------------------------------

Now do not stay to long in here becuase you don't want to be caught red handed
unless you know for sure the person whos computer you are hacking won't be 
back for an hour or 2.

do the following things for future access to there system without having to
go through this whole process again.

=> How to obtain your own login account:

1)  go into maintance by hitting the key 'F1' and now a new menu with four 
    options will appear.
2)  Hit 'C' and then 'F2'

3)  Now you will get a list of users, the title is 'VALID USER NAMES'.  use 
    the cursor (arrow keys) to select a name from the list and then once 
    selected hit 'F8' and now the password will be displayed!

4)  Make a note of the user name you selected and the password to that 
    particular login, so you can use this login account for future access.

5)  once you have finished hit ESC to go back to the main menu.  If the proggy
    asks you to 'save' configuration hit 'N' for no as you must have changed
    the data while finding out passwords and you don't want it changed as the
    owner of the system will know someone has been sn00ping around!

=> How to find out the passwords to password protected menu options:

1)  Go back into the maintance menu, by hitting 'F1' from the main menu.

2)  Hit 'A' and now a new configuration screen will be displayed.

3)  This new screen will have a list of all the menu options (you will prob-
    ably reckonise them).  with the cursor select one of the program names 
    (eg. select the menu option such as WINDOWS), i mean the ones that have 
    passwords, Hit 'F8' once selected and then the password will be displayed.
    make a note of this.

4)  when you have got all the passwords you won't hit ECS a few times until
    you are back to the main menu.

----=(oNCE yOU hAVE fINISHED fUCKING aROUND)=-------------------------------
1)  Go back into dos (hit 'F10' from the main menu to get into dos) and cd 
    into the direct access directory (remember i told you how to find the
    directory and told you to make a note of it earlier on!!!!)

    here is an example below:

    What this does is 'moves' the password data file back into the direct 
    access directory so when you reboot all the password prompts come up and
    everthing looks like normal. 

2)  Then type 'RD SHIT'.  this will delete the directory we made earlier on 
    that we used to store the password data file 'MENU.CNF'

    ELSE!!!  if you want to re-logon read the shit below as a tracking option
    built into the software could be watching and recording your every move 
    once you have copied the password data file back into the directory!

----=(iF yOU wANT tO lOG bACK iN)=------------------------------------------

if you want to go back into the system the best way is to login with someones
account (remember i told you to find out what the login names were and to take
down the passwords?), use one of the USER NAMES and PASSWORDS to gain access
to the computer.

once you have successfully logged in do whatever the fuck you want!  

if you decide to logon again a few weeks later and you can't because all the 
passwords have been changed you will have to hack them again!

after you have finished screwing around you need to check to see if the owner
of the computer has set the 'Usage Tracking' option ON!  if it is on all your
moves have been recorded to a file and if the owner looks in that Log they
can tell that you have logged on and what you have accessed. So this means
you have to delete these records, i will tell you how in the next section. 

----=(hOW tO eDIT tHE uSAGE tRACKING lOG)=----------------------------------

Some people use the option of tracking all users moves and actions, they do 
this either becuase they are nosey or to keep a sense of (lame) security of  
what MR USER has been doing and to see if anybody has been trying to logon
as other users and try to guess their passwords.

now we must see if the usage tracking flag/option has been set by the follow-
ing method.

1)  Go back into maintance (You should know by now that you do that by hitting
    'F1' from the main menu) and once in there hit 'C' for PROGRAM 

2)  once in the PROGRAM CONFIGUARTION configuartion screen look near the bottom
    of the screen for the following line/option

    Usage Tracking........................................................[  ]  
    in the little box at the end of the line will either be the     ->--->--'
    word 'off' or 'on'.  If it is set to OFF you are lucky as they 
    don't have the tracking option on so you can just leave the system 
    un-detected (KeWL), otherwise if the option is 'on' we have a bit of work
    to do!  

----=(eDITING tHE uSAGE lOG)=-----------------------------------------------

once we have found out that the flag has been set we need to edit the
apropiate file and remove our actions/moves

1)  go into dos and type 'EDIT' this will load up the edit program that comes 
    with MS-DOS.

2)  now once in the editor program select OPEN program and then open the file 
    'USAGE.LOG' in the Direct Access directory!

3)  after it has been loaded you will probably get a list of shit like this
    Note: this is only a cut of a log, the real thing will probably be a few
          pages long.

          BOB       V5.0 Creation Date     14/05/95NONE             9
NONE      BOB       Qbasic                 14-05-9514-05-9517:1017:10
NONE      BOB       Maintenance            14-05-9514-05-9517:1117:11
NONE      BOB       Maintenance            14-05-9514-05-9517:1417:18    
NONE      LAMER     Microsoft Windows      27-05-9527-05-9519:5419:55
NONE      LAMER     Maintenance            27-05-9527-05-9519:5519:56
NONE      LAMER     Test Drive 2           27-05-9527-05-9519:5619:56
NONE      HACKER    Qbasic                 04-06-9504-06-9519:5719:57
NONE      HACKER    DOS Activities         04-06-9504-06-9519:5720:05

4)  the basic format of this log is this:

5)  say that we logged on as the user hacker (as we can see in our above log) 
    and we went into qbasic and dos, we can see that our actions have been 
    recorded. just move the cursor keys around and delete our records

6)  an example of the above list after we have deleted all recorded actions.

          BOB       V5.0 Creation Date     14/05/95NONE             9
NONE      BOB       Qbasic                 14-05-9514-05-9517:1017:10
NONE      BOB       Maintenance            14-05-9514-05-9517:1117:11
NONE      BOB       Maintenance            14-05-9514-05-9517:1417:18    
NONE      LAMER     Microsoft Windows      27-05-9527-05-9519:5419:55
NONE      LAMER     Maintenance            27-05-9527-05-9519:5519:56
NONE      LAMER     Test Drive 2           27-05-9527-05-9519:5619:56

7)  Now save your changes and once that is done DON'T EXIT THE PROGRAM JUST
    TURN THE COMPUTER OFF!  otherwise your actions after will recored!

----=(tHiNGS tO bEWARE oF)=-------------------------------------------------

be very careful when logging in when the 'usage tracking' option is set as
they can tell that someone has been using others User Names.

don't spend to long in the system as you don't wanna get snapped!

----=(hINTZ aND tIPS)=------------------------------------------------------

since direct access is quite a widely used program with the average computer
user you could quite easily obtain a copy of it and i would reckomend that
you do so you can practice hacking it.  it takes me under a minute from turn-
ing the computer on until i am in the main menu.


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