======================================= = = = HACKING THE HP 2000 = = = = By = = = = BLITZIOD ?? & GALACTUS ** = = = = of = = = = THE ELITE HACKERS GUILD = = = ======================================= RECOGNIZING AN HP 2000 ---------------------- An HP 2000 can normally be recognised by the answering prompt PLEASE LOG IN and the log-in error messages: ILLEGAL ACCESS ILLEGAL FORMAT or ALL PORTS BUSY The HP 2000 is a super-mini computer that can support up to 32 users. LOGGING ON ---------- You must log-in within a few minutes of gaining system attention or the system will hang-up on you. The built in default is 2 minutes, the SysOp can however make it from 1 to 256 seconds. You will first need to gain system attention. This is done by hitting a certain system attention key and then return (sometimes this is done twice) some system attention keys to try are ^J and ^E. The system will then print: PLEASE LOG IN you must then enter your logon ID, which is in this format: LNNN,password where L=a letter and N=a number you enter your logon ID by typing HELLO-logon ID. Here is an example: HELLO-S516,JOSHUA HELLO can be abreviated as HEL and if you are using a video terminal you will tag ,1 to your logon ID so that you can use ^H for backspace. So your login will look like this. HEL-S516,JOSHUA,1 04-11-87 09:41 PM PORT #00 HP 2000 READY ***** SPECIAL NOTE: The password can be up to 6 bytes (though they are often shorter) the password can not contain any of of these Bytes: ^X , ^@ , ^M , ^J , ^S , ^H , comma space , underscore or back arrow. HP suggests that ^E not be used but it can be done. SECURITY LEVELS --------------- There are three basic security levels on the HP 2000. They are SYSTEM MANAGER GROUP MANAGER and USER. There is also a SysOp but he is hard wired in and can not be remote. The System Manager is the highest remote account. His account is always A000. The System Master has access to these privlaged commands: PROTECT makes a file RUN ONLY UNPROTECT the opposite DIR lists all files on the system REPORT tells how much time a user has used since the last billing period (in minutes) PORT gives port configuration for the 32 ports in this format. character size-baud rate STATUS info in referance to mass storage devices. The Group Master is the second high- est security level. The Group Master accounts are always in the format Lx00 where L is a letter and x is a number. For example S500 is group leader for the S5xx group (such as S516). And may Protect and Unprotect Group files. Users are the lowest security level they have no special privliges and can only manipulate files in there own account. The HELLO account is also verry usefull. It is always Z999 and has the power to alter the Greeting program (which is in its catalog space) FILE LEVELS ----------- There are three basic file levels on an HP 2000 they are SYSTEM FILES GROUP FILES and USERFILES. System files can be used by any user they are listed by typing LIB. Only the System master can manipulate these. TO ACCESS THESE FILES TYPE GET-$FILENAME OR EXEC-$FILENAME Group files are group dependent and can be listed by typing GROUP. Only a given groups group master may manipulate these files. TO ACCESS THESE FILES TYPE: GET-*FILENAME OR EXEC-*FILENAME User files are account dependent and can be listed by typing CAT. any- one logged in on a given account can manipulate the user files of that acc- ount. TO ACCESS THESE FILES TYPE: GET-FILENAME OR EXEC-FILENAME BASIC/2000 LEVEL F ------------------ BASIC/2000 is much like BASIC/3000 which is discussed in my phile 'HACKING THE HP 3000'. On the HP 2000 BASIC is intigrated into the Operating System. Statement numbers range from 1 to 9999. If you enter an error the interpreter will give you an error message as soon as you hit return on that line. If you want to make a string variable more than one byte in length then you must dimmention the variable by the number of bytes in the string using the DIM command. The symbol for exponential is '**'. A full list of commands should accompany this phile in the philes HP2000 PART 2 thru HP 2000 PART 6. FINAL NOTES ----------- The HP 2000 records all log-ins on the SysOps console so be carefull. The 5 philes accompanying this one consist of an on-line User Manual which I down loaded from an HP 2000. If you want to learn more about BASIC/2000 LEVEL F you may want to check out: 20854A TIMESHARED BASIC/2000, LEVEL F HP PART # 02000-90073 ====================================== ======================================= = END OF PHILE = ======================================= Downloaded from P-80 Systems.....