------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Pdp-11 by Digital Systems is a quite old machine, apoximatley 10 years, but some of them are still running, mostly in schools. One of the more popular operating systems, Rsts/e features BASIC plus programing language, though the following information on it was taken mainly from and RT-11 and CS-360 operating systems manuals, it is applicable to Rsts/e. I have, based on my knowledge of it, compliled a summary of all the commands, with a brief comment about each one: CALL "function name" [(argument list)] -used to call assembly language user functions from a BASIC program. Chain "file descriptor"[Line nubmer] -Terminates execution of user program, loads and executes the specified program starting at the line number, if included." Close [file #n/Virtual mem. file #n)] -Closes the logical file specified. If no file is specified, closes all files which are open. DATA data list -Used in conjunction with READ to input data into an executing program. DEF Fnletter (argument)=expression -Defines a user function ot be used in the program (letter is any alphabetic letter). DIM variable(n), variable(n,m),variable$(n),variable$(n,m) -Reserves space for lists and tables according to subscripts specified after variable name. END -Placed at the physical end of the program to terminate program execution. FOR variable = expression1 To expression2 Step expression3 -Sets up a loop to be executed the specified number of times. GOSUB line number -Used to transfer control to a specified line of a subroutine. GO TO line number -Used to unconditionally transfer control to other the next sequential line in the program. If expression rel.op. expression THEN GO TO} line number -Used to conditionally transfer control to the specified line in the program. IF END #n THEN GO TO) line number -Used to test for end file on sequential input file #n. INPUT list -Used to input data from the terminal keyboard or papertape device. [LET] variable=expression -Used to assign a value to the specified variable. [LET] VFn(i)=expression -Used to set the value of a virtual memory file element. NEXT variable -Placed at the end of a FOR loop to return control to the FOR statement. OPEN file [FOR INPUT/OUTPUT}] [(b)] AS FILE #N [DOUBLE BUF] -Opens a sequential file for input or output as specified. File may be of the form "dev:filnam.ext" or a scalar string variable. The nubmer of blocks may be specified by b. OPEN file [FOR INPUT/OUTPUT}] [(b)] AS FILE #n [DOUBLE BUF] -Opens a sequential file for input or output as specified. File may be of form "dev:filnam.ext" or a scalar string variable. The number of blocks may be specified by b. OVERLAY "file descriptor" -Used to overlay or merge the program currently in memory with a specified file, and continue execution. PRINT list -Used to output data to the terminal. The list can contain expressions or text strings. PRINT "text" -Used to print a message or a string of characters. PRINT #expression: expression list -Outputs to a particular output device, as specified in an OPEN statement. PRINT TAB(x); -Used to space to the specified column. RANDOMIZE -Causes the random number generator to calculate different random numbers every time the program is run. READ variable list -Used to assing the values listed in a DATA statement to the specified variables. REM comment -Used to insert explanatory comments into a Basic Program. RESTORE -Used to reset data block pointer so the same data can be used again. RESTORE #n -Rewinds the input sequential file #n to the beginning. RETURN -Used to return program control to the statement following the last GOSUB statement. STOP -Used at the logical end of the program to terminate execution. KEY COMMANDS --- -------- Control U: Deletes the entire current line. Echoes DELETED message. On some terminals the ESC key must be used. Control C: Interrupts execution of a command or program and returns control to the RT-11 monitor. BASIC may be restarted without loss of the current program by using the monitor REENTER command. Control O: Stops output to the terminal and returns BASIC to the READY message when program or command execution is completed. EDITING AND SYSTEM COMMANDS ------- --- ------ -------- CLEAR -Sets the array and string buffers to nulls and zeroes. LIST -Prints the user program currently in memory on the terminal. LIST line number LIST -line number LIST Line number-[END] LIST line number-line number -Types out the specified program lines on the terminal to list without a header, use the LISTNH command NEW "filnam" -Does a SCRatch and sets the current program name to the one specified. OLD "file" -Does a SCRatch and inputs the program from the specified file. RENAME "filnam" -Changes the current program name to the one specified REPLACE "dev:filnam.ext" -Replaces the specified file with the current program RUN -Executes the program in memory. RUNNH -RUNs without printing a header SAVE "dev:filnam.ext" -Outputs the program in memory as the specified file SCRatch -Erases the entire storage area. MATHEMATICAL FUNCTIONS ------------ --------- ABS(x) -Returns the absolute value of x. ATN(x) -Returns the archtangent or x as an angle in radians in the range + or - pi/2. BIN(x$) -Computes the integer value of a string of blanks(ignored), 1's and 0's. COS(x) -Returns the cosine of x radians. EXP(x) Returns the Value of e^x where e=2.71828. INT(x) -Returns the greatest integer less than or equal to x. LOG(x) -Returns the natural logarithm of x. OCT(x$) -Computes an integer value from a string of blanks(ignored) and the digits 0 to 7. RND(x) -Returns a random number between 0 and 1. SGN(x) -Returns a value indicating the sign of x. SIN(x) -Returns to sine of x radians SQR(x) -Returns the Square root of x. TAB(x) -Causes the terminal type head to tab to column number x. STRING FUNCTIONS ------ --------- ASC(x$) -Returns as a decimal number the seven-bit internal code for the one-character string (x$). CHR$(x) -Generates a one-character string having the ASCII value x. DAT$ -Returns the current date in the format 13-Apil-71 LEN(x$) -Returns the number of characters in the string (x$) POS(x$,y$,z) -Searches for and returns the position of the first occurrence of y$ in x$ starting with the zth postition. SEG$(x$,y,z) -Returns the string of characters in positions y through z in X$. STR$(x) -Returns the string which represents the numeric value of x. TRM$(x$) -Returns x$ withut trailing blanks. VAL(x$) -Returns the number represented by the string (x$) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Another Great Directory from Hacker Supreme. 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