WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF "V A X" You will find within the following pages some basically accurate and somewhat useful information on using the VAX-D. The extent of what is given is GUARNTEED to be enough to get you onto the VAX SYSTEM and far enough along to get into some real trouble. Once you have advanced to this plateau of expertise..............GOOD LUCK..!!!!! Let's get started: 1. The first operation you need to perform is to.. turn the terminal on. You will find a switch located on the right side just underneath the keyboard.....FLIP IT.! 2. Now if the terminal has responded with a 'BEEP' (That is it's way of saying HELLO ..) 3. First it wants to know 'WHICH SYSTEM WOULD YOU LIKE?'. Since it is trying to be friendly let's cooperate. At this point, you need to type 'VAXD'. IT will now ask you for a 'USERNAME' (this is the number that your instructor (hopefully) has given you) It will begin with a 'D' followed by six numbers beginning with '35????'. ENTER IT.! The next response you should expect is 'PASSWORD' followed by a string of X's. At this point you will enter the remaining four characters or numbers that your instructor should have given you. Since your password has been entered, VAX will print a second string of X's (this is supposed to gobble up your password so no one else can see it....but then nobody's perfect), followed by a few lines of garbage such as Good morning/afternoon! (depending on the time of day obviously) something about NEWS (this can be read when you need to look busy and have nothing else to do!), and last but not least it really out does itself and gives you a '$'. CONGRATULATIONS...!!!!!!!! you are now on the VAXD (just a note: If you read the capital letters under topic 3, you will notice they spell a word. F-I-T-S This is what the VAX will whole-heartily give you...at no monetary charge to you of course) INTERESTING THINGS TO DO All of the following commands are only used at the '$' prompt. 1. DIR - Directory - gives you a listing of the files in your account. 2. TY - Type - allows you to type an existing file found in the directory. TY filename.ext;v without using an extension number, the VAX will type the most recent Version (v) of your file. 3. HELP - - You will find that this command will be very useful when you are starting out, but will be used less as you become more proficient with the system. DO NOT..!!!! print this file out. a copy is available for use in the COMPUTER CENTER. 4. CONTROLS - These are function keys that may be used at any time. They are used by holding down the 'CTRL' key on the left side of the keyboard and pressing the associated key. CTRL is denoted with an '^' ^C / ^Y Cancels (anything) (suggest to use this key with caution as files may be lost). ^Z Performs basically the same function as ^C or ^Y , but "closes" the file before it cancels. (also used to exit from the insert mode of the EDITOR). ^L Clears the Screen. ^S Stops a listing on the Screen. ^Q Restarts a listing that has been stopped. 5. DEL - DELETE - Allows individual deletion of files from your account. Be sure to specify the Version number (V) else all files with the name used will be deleted. ex: DEL VAXPG1.BAS;2 This will delete only the Version 2 of the VAXPG1.BAS program. If Versions 1 & 3 were existent on the DIR (account) they would remain untouched. 6. PU - PURGE - Will purge ALL but the most recent Version of a program in your account. Primarily used for cleaning up your files, and frees up block space so that you may add more files. Be certain that the most recent Version showing on your DIRectory is a complete and some what accurate program. ex: $ PU Will PURGE Versions 1 & 2 of VAXPG1.BAS and leave only Version 3. (note: the $ is not typed in by the user) NOW LET'S MESS UP SOME FILES The easiest way to get frustrated is to try and edit a file. This will assist you in your frustration. 1. At the '$' prompt, you have access to two editors. Experience has taught me that the 'EDT' editor is the easiest to manipulate. The following will be exclusively 'EDT' commands, for information on the 'SOS' editor and additional information on the 'EDT' editor, use the help file (ie:$ HELP EDIT/EDT). (note: again the $ is not typed in by the user) 2. Let's create a file.... At the '$' type 'EDIT filename.ext', and then press the 'NEWLINE' key. Now I know you are thinking... what is "filename.ext", well "filename" is a name of a program that you select, and "ext" is the extension you wish to associate you filename. Now that you are totally confused, allow me to assist you. $ EDIT VAXPG1.BAS 'NEWLINE' The above statement creates a file called VAXPG1.BAS. the VAX will assign a Version number reflecting how many times the program has been edited. Obviously this will be Version 1 since there was not a file to begin with. After the above is typed, the VAX will respond with: Input file does not exist [EOB] * This is telling you that the file is new, and the [EOB] represents 'End Of Buffer', or End of Program. The '*' is the prompt given by the editor command mode. These are commonly used Editor Commands. 1. I - Insert - allows you to enter lines into your program. a "CTRL-Z" (^Z) exits you from the insert mode and saves the lines. 2. D - Delete - allows you to delete one or more lines from your program. ex: D1 - deletes line #1 D5 - deletes line #5 D1:5 - deletes lines #1 through #5. 3. S - Substitute - allows you to make changes within a line of text. ex: THIS IS A TEDT LINE In the above line of text, the command: *S/TEDT/TEXT/'NEWLINE' changes it to: THIS IS A TEXT LINE 4. T - Tab - allows you to "jump around" in your program. ex: *T1 - tabs to line 1 *T5 - tabs to line 5 *T1:5 - prints lines 1 through 5. 5. RES - Allows you RESEQUENCE lihne numbers in intervals of "1". (Inserted lines get REnumbered with integers, including any "added lines" in multiples of 0.1). 6. FIND END SHOW BUFFER - Typing these statements in succession will show you the end of your file. (useful whenever you want to 'extend' a file that you entered at an earlier time or date) Now all we need to do is get out of the EDITOR. There are two ways in which to do this: 1. EXIT - Gets you out of the EDITOR and makes ALL changes to your program. 2. QUIT - Gets you out of the EDITOR and does not make any changes to the program. (note: every time you call a program under an EDITOR the VAX will create a new Version. VAX-D will only allow you three Versions of any given program. Be careful not to inadvertently erase or delete your program when using the EDITOR. Be certain that when you run the program, you use the most recent Version number. LET'S RUN A PROGRAM: If and only if you are using the WYLBUR accounts, do you need be concerned with the following. (job card) //jobname JOB (ACCT),'your name(ND)',PASSWORD=PSWD (print card) /*ROUTE PRINT RMT05 (exec card) /* EXEC ********* (*'s indicate compiler ie:COBOL,PLIXGO,WATFOR,etc.) (program) ** YOUR PROGRAM GOES HERE ** (end of prog) /* (input card) //SYSIN DD * (data) ** YOUR DATA GOES HERE ** (end of file /* ** (note: Depending on your instructor and the language used, dictates the use of the above. If this procedure is to be used, ALL of the above cards are required. There may be minor differences in the cards ie: COBOL -vs- WATBOL etc..) TO SEND A JOB TO MORGANTOWN.... $ SEND filename.ext;v (Do not press 'NEWLINE' and wait for the 'File_:' response to enter your program name, this does not work at the present time) Will return a message that file has been queued. IT'S GONE..!!!!! You will not be able to check on your job status using the 'SEND' command... so it's hurry up and wait time. NOW WHAT TO DO..??? So here you sit apearing to be intellectual and intelligent, staring at the tube which is staring back at you and doing absloutely nothing..!! and far to proud to embarrass yourself by asking someone what to do.. The prompt awaiting you is a '$'. you may begin again and edit a new file or.. if you wish... and I imagine you do... you would like to leave. This is easily done by typing LOGOFF (or just 'LO' will work).. ah! embarrassment saved..! GOOD LUCK.!!