------------------------------------------------------------------- FRee BBS ACCouNTS THe TaBS WaY MaKe MoNeY, WiN FRieNDS, MaKe MoNeY BY GaRBaGe PiLe ------------------------------------------------------------------- This file will get you free accounts for the new 1-900 system being offered by over 700 BBS's (according to BoardWatch Mag) throughout the USA. The TABS system is a 1-900 billing service that BBS's subscribe to that allows you to call a 900 number and get access to the bbs or files or whatever the bbs happens to be giving out for the call. Each call costs $10.00 but shortly there will be $25.00 options too. When you call the 900 number, you type in the BBS's phone number as the "PIN" and a 7 digit number is parcelled out to you for your 10 bucks. This 7 digit number is somehow computed from the board's PIN. From my experimentation, you can derive the next number valid number from any existing valid number. For example, if you know that the number 1234567 was valid at some point in time, then you can apply this formula to it to derive the next valid number for that board. If that number is already used, then you would derive the next number from that number and continue until you get a number that get's your account. The only problem with my technique is that you require one valid number to act as the seed. This is because each board starts out at some point which I have not been able to discern, but I think it is based upon the board's phone number. Hopefully by January or February I will have that nailed. The steps 1. Known Valid Number: 1234567 2. First, raise by 1/12 1234567 ^ (1/12) = 3.218297753 3. The next number is the first 7 fractional digits : 2182977 To Get Next Valid Number, Repeat Steps 1-3 1. Known Valid Number: 2182977 2. First, raise by 1/12 2182977 ^ (1/12) = 3.374847062 3. The next number is the first 7 fractional digits : 3748470 To Get Next Valid Number, Repeat Steps 1-3 1. Known Valid Number: 3748470 2. First, raise by 1/12 3748470 ^ (1/12) = 3.53037769 3. The next number is the first 7 fractional digits : 5303776 You get the point. The only problem with my technique is that you require one valid I have used this technique to get 23 accounts (worth $230.00) in the 3 weeks I have since I have figured out the iterative formula. I figure by Jan. 94 I should probably have enough to give to my friend! The trouble now is finding the boards that subscribe to tabs.